A Few Random Thoughts on Institutions, Collectivism, etc.

in #palnet4 years ago


 Every once in a while I'll read something that will spark some ideas- not really enough to put together for a complete post, but important enough to keep in mind and mention later... so today I thought I'd throw a few of them together and consolidate them in a post.


 Anyone familiar with my writings may remember posts such as The Asshole Quotient, or, The Failure of Institutional Remedies: The Philosophy Of Jesus Christ in which I point out the flaws inherent in institutions. Today I was reading an article that mentioned labor unions and if there was ever a blatant example of institutional flaws, unions most definitely fits the bill. I guess for anyone not familiar, I should point out the flaws first: 

 1) All institutions, organizations, movements, etc., out of a need for self preservation automatically become self-serving. 

 2) The same institutions, organizations, etc., will eventually be taken over by its worst element. 

 Let me explain: If for example, we started an institution that helped blind people and everything was going along smoothly, we would eventually come to the realization that if the institution failed to exist we could no longer help blind people. Therefore, the need to keep the institution going eclipses the original purpose and helping the blind is relegated to a secondary position. 

 The second flaw can almost be explained in two words; power corrupts, or, human nature if you prefer. For whatever reason good people simply don't seek positions of power. People who seek power- leadership positions- are the ones that least deserve them... these are the corrupt or easily corruptible- people who seek power to promote themselves rather than the wellbeing of the institution. It is true that good people are often promoted into positions of power but they are most often replaced by people that are self-serving (often by devious means). 

 When labor unions started out they couldn't have been more necessary. Labor conditions in America were abysmal and we have labor unions to thank for the rise of a middle class in America. However, they have fallen prey to the inherent flaws of all institutions, they have become self-serving with many of them led by people totally unfamiliar with the clientele they serve. They have almost all become corrupt and their leadership has sold out to the Democrat party. Like other leftist organizations, they vote as a block and have allowed the Democrats to infiltrate their unions from top to bottom. 

  For more than a generation, the progressive Left were content to lie low, to quietly infiltrate our systems of government, education, media, entertainment, science, unions, churches, and other social/cultural organizations.  They now seemingly appear to believe that they've amassed enough foot soldiers to charge the barricades.  

 If you think about it virtually every other institution mentioned has succumbed to the same flaws. 


 Collectivism, a part of the Socialist/Communist mindset is best described by the term hive-mind. The left moves almost as one organism. This makes it extremely difficult for individuals who obviously do not. There are a couple of terms in the social sciences that come in handy here, particularly in describing individualism: Imperfect Mobilization and Multiplicity of Interest. Because the left (collectivists) acts as one organism they are not held back by imperfect mobilization. Here's a brief explanation: 

  As a command-and-control ideology, when leftist elites determine a path forward, they communicate marching orders to their militant activists (including the media), who communicate said orders to their mass of uninformed drones.  Like the Star Trek Borg, leftist foot soldiers unthinkingly march to the tune set for them by their overlords. You see, unlike the left, individuals have other lives, jobs, families, hobbies, etc., all the left has is their hatred and their "cause."  Individualism, our greatest virtue, is our biggest (tactical) weakness.  

  We, individually, outnumber the radical Left and are equally passionate about our values, but are hamstrung by our inability to rally sustained opposition.  Sure, we'll go to battle for a particular cause, and we have won our share of battles over the past handful of years, but when we think a particular battle secure, we return to our homes, our families, our livelihoods, and other personal interests.  In other words — life.  The Left regroups. For the Left, particularly the radical Left, the battle is life.  

 Until we individualists, at least for a while, adopt the same fervor as the collectivists, we will lose the cultural war... you can't take a part-time approach to winning a war- any war. And we aren't just up against a group of loonies as we often think... the left is very clever and they've spent decades infiltrating key positions in vital places. Answer for yourselves these questions: 

  Are the mainstream press concerned with ratings (or truth) or advancing leftist ideology? 

 Are our K–12 and academy professionals concerned with the furthering of knowledge or the indoctrination of young minds of mush? 

 Any question that Google, Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and the like are working against conservatives generally and for the advancement of Leftist interests? 

 Are climate scientists seeking proof of a climate change hypotheses or trumpeting the doom-and-gloom narratives passed down to them from on high? 

 Are social gospel churches preaching salvation through repentance or allegiance to leftist dogma?  

 While the rest of us have been busy living our lives the hive-mind has been busy putting themselves into positions that will allow them to tear down everything America has worked for for over 200 years.  Like the Borg, they are singularly focused — attack our imperfect union as inequitable, racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, unjust, etc., etc., etc., in order to impose their perfect (in their minds) utopia.  Like the Borg (or zombies), the Left are coming, and they're coming hard.  They will keep coming.   Whether 2020, or shortly thereafter, our barricades will fall.  Man was not always free.  America, like all other preceding democracies (republics), will fall. Individualism, as a virtue, is righteous.  As a rallying cry to common cause, it will be tested by the coordinated attacks of the more singularly focused Left.  

 Mass Shootings/Democrats: 

 Regardless of the actual facts- that mass shootings (over 4 fatalities) have actually been on the wane- the left/Democrats always use them as an excuse to take away more and more of our rights and liberties... and now the feckless Republicans are joining them. This issue shows exactly how feckless (I love that word) the Republicans really are... instead of seizing a perfect opportunity to show how corrupt and morally bankrupt the Democrats are, they roll over like trained seals. The "gun violence" in America is essentially simply a macrocosm of the cities that have been under Democratic control for the last four or five decades... and all of the gun laws in the world won't do a thing to stop them. The problem isn't that there aren't enough laws; the problem is that the laws we have are seldom enforced. Chicago has the strictest gun laws in the country and some of the worst gun violence. 

  Of course, we have virtual silence on the violence in urban America because the poverty, crime, violence, trash, rats, bad schools, etc. that infest urban America are the result of the rotten fruit of liberalism. After decades of almost complete Democratic control, thousands of government “programs,” and trillions of taxpayer dollars, liberal politics and policies have solved none of the problems that plague America’s cities.  

 I can't think of one government program that's done anything but made whatever issue it was devised to fix worse. The problem in America isn't guns- it's Democrats... and now the Republicans are joining them. "Yet we’re supposed to believe that Democrats have the solution to mass shootings in America? Along with having no real solutions to mass shootings, more often than not, mass shooters in America are a direct product of liberalism." Naturally, the Dems and their lapdogs in the MSM will try to deflect the problem, blaming racism, the NRA (not one mass shooter has ever been an NRA member), Donald Trump, white people, or some other boogeyman du jour. 

 How anyone with more than two brain cells would vote for a Democrat is totally beyond me.  Again, how ironic and backward is it that those who tell us that children in the womb aren’t really human, that humans with a penis and the Y-chromosome aren’t really men, that men who are criminals are the good guys and the police the bad guys, that marriage is not the union of one man and one woman, that student loans don’t have to be repaid, that blizzards are evidence of global warming, that blasphemous art should be taxpayer funded, that school prayer should not be allowed, and so on, now tell us it’s the right’s fault when young men bent on evil go on a killing spree?  Help... the lunatics are taking over the asylum. 

  Additionally, liberals in the United States have been directly complicit in the breakdown of the family. Whether divorce, fornication, marriage, prostitution, pornography, homosexuality, and so on, for decades now, in the name of “sexual freedom,” liberals have called what is evil good and what is good evil. They have preached, promoted, and even passed legislation in defense of these perverse “values.” Thus, it is little wonder that where Democratic rule is absolute, America is ugliest and most dangerous.  

 In other words anything un-American that's happened in America in the past 50 or so years the Democrats/liberals have been responsible for. The Bible warns us about much of this happening in the "end times." Are these the end times? If the left isn't stopped there's a good chance that it is. Folks, it's going to take some real dedication to straighten things out... pass the word- it's time for America to get off their collective asses and become active... or we can all start waving white flags! 

 Here's a little something else to think about: 


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Collectivism is the enemy of freedom. As sad as it may be to folks insisting we must group together under a leader to defend freedom, doing so is exactly compromising freedom. I don't disagree that liberalism is the enemy of freedom, but the USG is a neoliberal institution, and therefore functionally destroys freedom.

Fortunately, physics is what it is, and cannot be amended, banned, or restricted to approved personnel. People will always learn physical processes, and the result of that investigation is technology. Since the pointy stick, technological advance has always increased decentralization, increasing the power of individuals versus institutions. There is a lag time during which tech disseminates, and this is why centralization has grown.

Centralization has peaked. As tech continues to advance, individuals increasingly become able to produce their own goods and services, including advanced weaponry. The more tech advances, the faster it advances, disperses, and increases the power of individuals. Firearms are 1000 year old tech. Why is it the goto weaponry for armed thugs projecting institutional force? Because it's the optimal level of technology for the purpose. Vastly better security tech has long existed, but institutions don't tell you about it, and don't sell it to you.

Today individual means of production have enabled individuals to manufacture such security tech themselves. They don't have to buy it at Walmart. Political power, collectivism, depends on armed thugs projecting institutional force. There is no force of armed thugs that can project force through a microwave moat. Meatsacks are too fragile. There is no limit to the improved security tech presently able to be manufactured by individuals, and as this technological ability to produce personal goods and services burgeons, every possible security mechanism will be deployed across the geographical regions collectives/institutions seek to control.

Since the lag between invention and dispersal becomes shorter the more advanced tech becomes, we have already passed peak centralization, and now decentralization and freedom are on the rise. This is why government indoctrination (public school) and propaganda (the media) have suddenly become almost completely deranged in the effort to keep people so foolish they do not act rationally and increase their power. It is the last gasp of desperate overlords to maintain institutional power. The eventual elimination of political power is inevitable. The only thing that can prevent it is the extinction of the human species. Even bombing us literally back into the stone age will only reset the clock, and the development will begin again. Doing so will destroy the quality of life of the overlords, and reduce them to lives brutish and savage, because the technological marvels that deliver them their amazing luxury depend on the technology they will have destroyed.

The important takeaway from these facts is that we don't need to collectivize to destroy collectivism. Doing so only subjects us to it. What we need to do is adopt the most advanced individualized means of production suitable to our condition and capability, and use it as we see fit. It will take time and effort. Nothing is free or easy that is worth doing.

Eventually, we will be free, not because we adopt the means of our oppressors, but because we don't. The means justify the ends.


Edit: the video you posted is not available. You have been censored by Youtube.

Well said as always. @richq11

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