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RE: My favourite game?

in #palnet5 years ago

do they have a father?
unfortunately I cant operate, as I have a full time job 5 days a week and most of our single-baby directing is run by my wife... and I cant say I agree with some of her decisions. there are some I strongly disagree, but in the short time left in the evenings not too much I can do. I am too 'harsh' father, and she is too 'soft' mom -- isnt it a common case? heh

let me share an old jewish... joke? punch? anecdote? idk what it is
so: an old jewish mom used to lock herself in a room, alone for a hour or a few, and when her babies rush into the door asking to open it, she used to say -- shaaa! shut up and go away! -- maaa, what are you doing there? -- I am preparing A Good Mom For You, my dear babies, was the answer.

well... I consider its a very wise example..


@qwerrie That is a problem if you disagree with parts of how they are raised. I raised my 5 children alone next to a more as full-time job (60-80 hours/week) and my own business.
I prepared and raised my children from day 1 to do things themselves, clean up, help out, keep themselves busy and that "who does not work will not eat".
We have a huge garden they mow the lawn (it takes 3 days to do it all) since they are 7, pull weeds, feed the dogs, do the laundry, cook, and bake, etc. I have no time for arguing and do not care if it is a stubborn 3-year-old or teenager. We all work and help each other out. Same we do with homework from school, administration, making the shopping list and cleaning the car. They can clean their own rooms and bed.

I understand that Jewish mom very well. Especially that shouting behind the closed door. Kids but men do that too even if you shower or sit on the toilet. Mine learned not to do it.

I think the only minus here is my bedroom seems to be a public place. It started from the time I became ill and spent the most time on the bed. It is not such a big deal and if I want privacy I tell them to leave or knock first.

Saw a fil yesterday " Horns" A boy is accused of killing his girlfriend, and horns grew out of his head. He has an interesting influence on people they speak the truth... A mother of a terrible kid, (the screaming kid) and his own mother do and I understand them very well.

I hope your children turn out well. I never had big problems with mine and had 11 foster children too. At my house, they all behaved. I set rules. Children try how far they can go, search the limit or border, many adults try the same. If you cannot say no or stop you are in trouble. Once grown up it is better for your kid if it learned to accept some rules, respects personal borders and know how to deal with disappointments. You can not always win, get what you want but that does not mean you cannot have a great life.

I always told my children I am not their maid, slave, housekeeper, cook, etc and more as just a mother plus I do many things in my life I do not like too.

My children do way more as most children. It will only make them better people and make their life easier. Once living alone doing their laundry is an automatically task just like cleaning up and cooking. No one likes a lazy room mate or partner. Because my children have responsibilities they have rights too. They have a voice if it comes to spending money, inviting people etc.

Happy weekend. ❤️

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