Is Steem The House Of Tomorrow?

in #palnet5 years ago

From an earlier time, taking me on in Chess
I read this quote from Kalil Gibran the other day:

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life’s longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you,
And though they are with you yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts,
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls,
For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.

My daughter turned 14 on Tuesday. It’s a pretty interesting milestone, and she’s had a bit of a rough year. She has been diagnosed as being on the Autism Spectrum, but highly functional. And somewhat brilliant if I may say so.

She’s an incredible sketch artist, for one thing. I keep saying she could come and share her work on Steem, although I also want to encourage her to stay as tethered as possible to the 3D world.

She’s also gifted with music. Her piano teacher reckons she’s truly gifted, and can transcribe music.

But unfortunately we have had a bad run with schools who just don’t have the capacity, infrastructure, or will to nurture her unique talents. It’s a state-run public school, so I guess you get what you pay for. So we’re now looking at a private Catholic girls’ school, because they do have a proven track-record with this sort of thing.

I always said she was a gift from the Universe (or God, or the Dào, or whatever you wanna call it). She was ‘unexpected’, and yet at the same time I just knew she was coming in the weeks leading up to her conception.

We were genuinely convinced we were having a boy, and for weeks were looking at boys’ names; but none of them stuck. At the 20 week ultrasound we discovered she was a girl (shockingly). As we walked out of the room, I instantly ‘received’ her name. Both her mum and I instantly knew it was her name: Sophia.

Even weirder — she was born on the day known in Orthodox Christian tradition Hagia Sophia, the day honouring “Holy Wisdom”, being a hangover from Greece’s pagan past. Not being Christians we had no idea about this, neither did any of my family until one of my dad’s friends told him on hearing the news.

The Great Spirit gave me her Medicine name a few weeks prior to her birth as I sat on a hill one full moon eve. She carried that name until she started her menses, leaving her childhood behind. I was told that she would receive her adult name directly at some time when it was appropriate.

For 14 years I’ve watched as this amazing human being has grown and blossomed into a young woman. Despite her troubles with schools and learning to navigate teenage social world, she has carried herself with grace and maturity (and yes, even wisdom).

She really is a gift from the Divine!

Like most kids, she’s being challenged by the issues of identity, emerging sense of independence, and the hurly-burly of pubescent hormones. I don’t seem to remember that life was so chaotic in my childhood. It must be crazy to be a kid nowadays, but also rather exciting to see a whole new different world slowly emerging.

I reckon she’ll grow up to see a world where traditional monetary systems no longer exist, replaced by something just and equitable. It’s also why I’m keen to see her on Steem, sharing her artwork, and earning some reward. I’m thinking I could start her off with an account and get her posting on a platform like CreativeCoin.

Still, maybe she’d not enjoying hanging out on a social media with her dad... it’s how I feel when I post something (rarely) on Fakebook and my mum likes it.... 😳

But I wonder how ‘family friendly’ Steem really is...? If we want Steem to thrive and grow, we do kinda need to be able to appeal to as many different parts of society, do we not? I’m not talking about sanitising or homogenising everything, and I certainly don’t want her exposed to banal and mediocre pap — she gets enough of that from mainstream media.

It would be great to see a SCOT-Tribe or an SMT-Community that was focussed on kids content and what they create. Such a space needs to be appropriately moderated. And hopefully the trolls and nay-sayers wouldn’t sabotage the space.

Her generation have not known a time before the internet. For these kids, YouTube and Instagram have been the norm.

Imagine if they knew blockchains — and Steem especially — as the norm....

How would we make that happen? Is that even possible? I hope so.

What do you think?

How can we create something that is going to serve the kids growing up now?

Here’s to the future....

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