
Haven't seen this one yet, thanks. Decaprio doesn't even have a high school diploma. Bill Nye has an engineering degree- Dolph Lundgren has a more scientific degree. It's true that CO2 is greening the earth, but that's great!

That's why we need to stop reducing the Co2 Levels... total Brainwash/Lie created
by the "Club of Rome"
Greetings Truth Warrior ;)

Thank you... the Club of Rome has been a favorite target of mine for some years now.

Nice target... did you hear about the "The Sovereign Military Order of Malta SMOM"?
Mentioned here, posted my another Truth Brother
I think they are higher in the ladder to satan , but not that known and
exposed... maybe you target them, too ;)

After reading that, I see a lot of misinformation. The Black Nobility came from Venice.

In 1776 Jacob Frank, Amschel Mayer Rothschild and Adam Weishaupt formed the Illuminati. Frank was the heir to Sabbateanism an offshoot of Judaism.

The Sabbatean/Frankists infiltrated Freemasonry, the Catholic Church (through Weishaupt & Jesuits) These are the basis of the Cabal. They're an offshoot of Judaism, not the Jesuits or Knights of Malta. What your friend has done is round up "all the usual suspects" and lumped them together under one banner... which to some extent is true. He did a good job, but got sidetracked. The Rothschilds are not Jesuits- they're crypto-Jews. Catholicism is a victim, not a perpetrator (we're seeing the culmination of the attack today with anti-pope Frankie). The Venetian Black Nobility moved to England which is now the "capital" of satanism on earth.

The "braintrust" is Tavistock Institute, funded largely by the Rothschilds (who founded MI-5 & MI-6 based on their own intel service). The City of London is the financial capital. The Vatican is the spiritual capital (until the 3rd temple is built) and Washington is the military capital. I could go on for another hour but I think you get the picture. I don't in any way mean to discredit your friend's work- he did an excellent job, he just got a couple of things wrong. That's my opinion based on decades of research... who knows, maybe he's right.

Wow... Rich, truly amazing, i heard the whole Webster Interview.
You know more, that's for sure. Even though i knew some
history of the Illuminati, the "Oligarchy" of the Venetian is a whole new puzzle piece to me.
Now check this, God really works in mysterious ways:
I am half Venetian, half German, born close to Frankfurt, where Amschel Meyer created
his "Red Shield", raised in Bavaria, where the Illuminati was formed... and my name and
surname means more or less Light Warrior ;)
Maybe i reincarnated to "clean up" my mess... God knows...
Thank you for this Info.

Glad to be of help. If we all work together maybe we can make a difference.

True! Unite to fight "divide and conquer"

They were originally the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, then Hospitalers. After vacating the Holy Lands they went to Malta. When the Templars were disbanded they took them in and that was their biggest mistake.

So the Templars "dragged" them into "darkness"?

I don't know that dragged is the right word- perhaps coerced. I've read the history of the Hospitalers and have a lot of respect for them... up until the Templar influence.

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