😜Wacky Wednesday! ❓Questions + Your Face🤪

in #palnet5 years ago

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Greetings, Steemland!


and I'm feeling a little wacky 😜

...as usual.

💥The contests are OPEN TO ALL (ya don't need to be a Helpie to play).💥

Wanna know more about joining Helpie? Info down below. 🤩

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Last Week - 😎Hidden Talents😎

And... turns out... nunofya have any of those. It's cool, I have enough for all of us.


And by no random drawing... 😏


No one wins.

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Now... what to do today...?


Let's talk.

❓Questions + Your Face🤪

i've been known to ask questions for us to better get to know each other. But these? These are weird questions. It IS Wacky Wednesday, afterall. And... your face. I wanna see it, in some form or another. I'll even share mine. Look for it, in the comment section. 😎


  • 👉Answer EACH question below in a comment.

    • What conspiracy theories do you believe?
    • What's the last thing you did for the first time?
    • What's your favorite smell?
    • How many second graders do you think you could fight off before you become overwhelmed?
  • 👉 Take a Selfie (any kind, any filter). Include it in your comment. 😘

  • DEADLINE to enter: When post pays out (or thereabouts). I'll announce the winners and a new contest next Wednesday!

😍That's it!😍

All qualifying participants will receive HLPE tokens!
For info on how to get more and spend them click the HelpieFish Token.

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How to Win HLPE coins!

I'm switching it up this week. EVERYONE who enters and all tasks will receive HLPE coins... but a lot of them. Also, I will be choosing the BEST entry (my opinion entirely) to be the Wackiest Winner... Prize To Be Determined. 😎

💛Like our initiative? Wanna donate to the reward pool?
Send @carrieallen a message on Discord or comment below. We'd love to sweeten the pot a little each week.

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Wanna know more about the Helpie token? Click the pic.

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For more information about our community and inititiatives check out the AUGUST Update or contact one of us on Discord or below. 😍

Helpie is an invite-only community. If you'd like to be considered to be a member of @helpie as a minnow in training, please consider joining Palnet / MSP and participating actively there, we have scouts constantly looking for the right minnows to support, and they will reach out with a private invitation.

Wanna reach out to us? @paintingangels is a scout.😍 You can find her in discord - paintingangels(serena)#3668. She'll be happy to answer any questions you may have about Helpie, and can give you the information you need in order to possibly join our community. And while we're at it.... find me in Discord! carrieallen#9415 😍


@carrieallen @eonwarped @isaria @swelker101 @paintingangels @bflanagin


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Click the wiggle to vote today!

  • What conspiracy theories do you believe?
    ALL OF THEM! For real though... I love conspiracies.... of all kinds, big, small. My favorites generally deal with aliens. Cause duh... it was aliens. 👽
  • What's the last thing you did for the first time?
    I learned how (and helped) convert a natural gas stove/oven and hot water heater to LP gas. It was quite the task.
  • What's your favorite smell?
    This one is HARD. Generally, I don't like 'smells'. I like to just smell ... nothing. LOL! But I kinda love the smell just as it starts to rain on the desert ground. It's like the dirt and sand are getting wet for the first time and just going, "Ahhhhh" in a sigh of relief. And food. I like the smell of most foods. 🤣
  • How many second graders do you think you could fight off before you become overwhelmed?
    Ya know? I've NEVER thought about this before. I suppose if something like "Children of the Corn" happened there'd be an issue... or like the end of days... or just a group of little shits. 😂 Anyway... Imma say... realistically... maybe 4-6. Depending on size (many are small still), and how well organized they are... 2nd graders can be scrappy. I only have two eyes and the other normal parts....😬
  • What conspiracy theories do you believe?
    I fully believe Epstein was killed or broken out by our government. I believe our government commits crimes against its own people in an attempt to justify war (false flags).

  • What's the last thing you did for the first time?
    I had to read that sentence 4 times to understand it lol. I hear new songs for the first time and new podcasts all the time. But I think most recently, I went to a drive in movie for the first time.

  • What's your favorite smell?
    Baked good and anything with vanilla or coconut in it.

  • How many second graders do you think you could fight off before you become overwhelmed?
    Depends on the size of the second grader, really. But.. having broke up fights between elementary students before, I'd say 4-5. Unless they were really motivated, and then I would be pretty screwed.

  • 👉 Take a Selfie (any kind, any filter). Include it in your comment. 😘

Posted using Partiko Android

What conspiracy theories do you believe?

I do believe that someday when my life has passed by I did it all my way. LOL!

What's the last thing you did for the first time?

I learn how to love and thanks to my x finances she teach me how to dogy hahaha

What's your favorite smell?

I love the smell of my beloved wife LOL! especially after taking her bath hahaha peace...

How many second graders do you think you could fight off before you become overwhelmed?

When my son asking me to play his world LOL!
Sorry blurred I use my laptop with low light haha actually near to hit my bed.

My answers!

What conspiracy theories do you believe?
I used to think the Sandy Hook shooting was a farce, because I watched some convincing YouTube videos about it, not realizing it was Conspiracy Theory believers showing things out of context.. I believed that for a long time though, and only now realised I'm probably wrong because I was looking up different theories to answer this and came across Sandy Hook.
I know it's a bad one to have thought didn't happen, but it's about the only Conspiracy I believed, not knowing it was at the time, and trust me the videos I watched were so convincing that the shooting didn't happen and it was staged..

What's the last thing you did for the first time?
Sold a Splinterlands card on the Market! I had it on the market for awhile I was selling it at a higher price than the highest bid at the time, last night it sold through PeakMonsters finally! It was a gold card that I didn't really care for.

What's your favorite smell?
Vanilla! Candles, cake, incense, perfume - anything vanilla or mixed with vanilla makes me put the scent everywhere!

How many second graders do you think you could fight off before you become overwhelmed?
Four. They wouldn't even have to be fighting me, just asking me questions over and over and I would get overwhelmed.. Heck, sometimes just 2 kids and I'm exhausted after an hour!

Me, Myself and I

This was me back when I wore extensions! They made my hair so nice and long :o

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