Joining the latest craze of creating tribe / token related accounts

in #palnet5 years ago

You might have noticed that in recent time there is a flood of almost new Steem accounts ending in .pal, .sports. zzan, .spt and I don't know what else.

You guessed right. This craze has to do with the rise of the tribes on Steem. In other words, for every tribe and connected token related frontend there has to be a dedicated user.

Why? Supposedly to spare the main account's voting power and to vote specifically on each frontend with its user. Preferably with a different (higher) voting effect.

I can't explain it well. I don't pretend that I understand it completely. Yet, I had some spare account tickets available and I claimed them to create these new users:


Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the Steem:

@ervin-lemark.ccc for @creativecoin's platform
@ervin-lemark.neo for @neoxian's
@ervin-lemark.pal for @minnowsupport's
@ervin-lemark.spt for @splinterlands'
@ervin-lemark.spo for @sportstalksocial's

Five accounts are enough to start with, don't you think.

I will give each newly created account a delegation of 20 SP so they will be able to actually do something.

What are the next steps then?

  • To vote with these accounts on each specific frontend
  • To follow the development of their voting power, rewards, whatever, ...
  • To adjust the delegated Sp when necessary
  • To create new accounts for other frontends / tribes, Leo, Marilains, SteemAce, ...

Hey, I could add a user for @steem-ace's right now. Let's do it... Done!

Please, welcome @ervin-lemark.ace too.


Ps: I would like to thank @amico and @onealfa. I took a look at your accounts before starting this exercise :)

What is your opinion about this flood of not really new users?

And about the inflation of tokens, tribes, interfaces, ...

It's confusing and hard to follow, at least. Not to mention that the condenser is not the best interface there is ...

Better and better


I feel like this is way too complicated for most people. One of the things that I liked about how Steem worked was that you only needed a single account to access d.Tube, d.Sound, Steemit/Steempeak/Busy, Steepshot/Appics, Utopian, SteemMonsters/Splinterlands.

This is rapidly turning into people managing 3+ accounts on various front-ends in order to balance something that has been accidentally unbalanced.

Now I see people creating all these additional accounts to juggle their varying VP% on each tribe, and it strikes me as being broken and complicated (if you're a savvy user that's trying to 'optimize' your account).

The way things currently operate is a bit of a mess, and it should be fixed before it gets worse. There should be some kind of SCOT-VP manager or something. I don't see any reason why SCOT-votes need to be set to the same VP% as the STEEM-vote that you're casting.

You should be able to cast a 5% STEEM vote, and a 75% PAL vote at the same time -- i.e; If you're voting through PALNET, maybe your STEEM/LEO/SPORTS votes are all set to a default of 10%, and then you only dynamically adjust the PAL VP%. Maybe some auto-suggested vote-weight values to bring your PAL VP% into close alignment w/ your STEEM VP% would be useful.

You're right, man! Try to give your suggestions to S-E devs! 😜

Posted using Partiko Android

Posted the original message from the wrong account -- which, I feel speaks to my message about the confusion of juggling accounts.

I'd be surprised if the S-E team isn't aware of this as an issue. @holger80 seems to be a very competent developer, so I wouldn't be surprised if he has considered this already -- and either eliminated it as a bad idea, or working on implementing it w/ the Scotbot service already.

Exactly. On both accounts :)

It is complicated and you are completely right. I am not pretending that this half manual half automated system with multiple accounts will work. Or that it will be easy to control and maintain. I guess that in the end a service like you are suggesting will be created. I also think that some of these tribes, present and future, if not most of them, will simply vanish.

As for all these accounts. I already have five or six of them for various reasons. Most of them are dormant. Will it be the same with these six newly created?

My first idea is to manually vote with each account on its frontend ten times daily with full power and for a week. Then I'll compare the results...

Eh, we'll see what will happen. If this will be too much of a burden I'll just forget about these accounts and transfer the funds, if any will be there, to the main account.

Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...

MMh, I don't know to be honest. I was thinking about doing the same but I haven't done it yet.
@abh12345 wrote a post about how he deal with upvoting in the specific tribes. It has something to do with the new accounts following the main account but you can set a different upvote percentage. Worth a read!

Well; I've had a bit of spare time :)

Yes, automation is an option.

On the other hand, personal curating and voting on specific portals has its merits ...

I guess I'll end up with a combination of both.

I use a combination of manual and auto, it has sure brought curation on topics I like back to life.

The alts fire when my 'trusted' creators are voted from the main account - some of the vote wieghts are amplified, and some reduced.

You hit a 5 out of 5 here as I voted with my main account, and the rest followed up :)

There are a lot of these type of posts around at the moment. I must find an interface that allows 10's of tags when I do my 'I created an account for 30 tribes' post ;)

Seems that @actifit allows as many tags as you want, @abh12345!
But if you find others better frontends, please let us know!
Thanks! 🙏

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm not sure I want to share - tag spamming is arggghhhh! :P

😁 LOL! 😂

Posted using Partiko Android

I am not saying I will do it :) I have enough work to do on non-Steem related areas.

As for the tags abuse. It happens when something is new. Like these tokens and tribes and stuff. Then it fades out till something new comes along ...

Or to put in in the words of a poet ...

Thanks :)

Yes, exactly. I published this post with SteemPeak which has a 5 tag limit. I like to (ab)use actifit posts for tag overload :)

I was thinking of upgrading my old pure javascript poster script to present a list of tribe tags for me to select from it ... With some grouping maybe ...

That sounds very interesting, LOL! 😁

Posted using Partiko Android


As far as I understand it's gaming-related community.

I would say that reporting about your Steemmonsters heroics is appropriate for the site :)

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