Running a Little Experiment

in #palnet5 years ago


I haven't been having great mining luck lately. I struck big on NeoXAgM and have really just been puttering around ever since. I try to buy at least a small stake in every new miner that comes out but most of them end up having a huge number of miners and a small number of rewards. The best part about NeoXAgM is the very limited supply. That low supply give me an opportunity to earn a fairly substantial amount of NeoXAg every day (easily mine over 2,000 each day from my 9 miners). I did drop a buttload of steem down to buy those miners but with partial miners now selling for around 5x what I paid, I think I'll be fine even if I end up deciding to eventually power down.

So I've bounced around through a few of the newer miners. I have a nice stack of UFMM, which I'm quite happy with. The project as a whole is still trying to get off the ground but right now I'm happy with my daily returns on those miners. I've also recently bought CTPM which seem ok, I only bought 20 steem worth of the miners about a week ago and have just under 1.5 Steem worth of CTP over the first week, close to 1% per day which is better than I thought. After those I bought 5 SPACOM, who airdropped me 25,000 SPACO (I think close to 100 Steem in value) and 0.75 NGAMM who airdropped me 0.25 NGAMM (100 Steem value). The mining hasn't started as far as I know for either token but getting that upfront bonus was very nice. I haven't done poorly on any of these miners but I'm still waiting for the next NeoXAgM

Already I've gone way off track from where I originally wanted to get to on this post. I'm running a little "mining" experiment. I've created a few curation accounts and delegated specific tribe tokens on those accounts. I set each account to upvote accounts that primarily vote in each tribe. The goal of this experiment is to see if I can artificially create a "miner" for myself just through automated voting. It will be a few weeks before I can get a good idea if this works or not but I'm optimistic at this point and am hopefully I can continue making curation "miners" in the future. Right now I'm dipping into SPORTS, CCC, SPACO, LEO and GG. I wanted to get a decent variety of coins to see how I fared in several different settings. If you exclusively post in anyone of the five tribes I listed, I might even be willing to add you to my upvote list to help give you a little boost on your posts.

I will be tracking my results and trying to learn how best to optimize my homemade miners. I'll probably need to tweak which accounts I vote on, optimize when to vote on different accounts and filter out accounts that stop posting in my desired tribes. I'd also like to attempt a test on a super fresh tribe and may add in another account sometime this week and see what I can do when spending 100~ Steem on a new tribes tokens. Kind of excited to see what happens.


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So many tribes, so little time. Tribe specific accounts are smart, I find my VP depleted, trying to curate for multiple tribes.

Posted using Partiko Android

I think someone made a tool for changing tribe specific voting weights but it feels like too much damn work

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