Trepidation and curation MY FINAL BLOG OF THE YEAR ;)

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)

It's no secret we all do not wish to work for little to no kind of compensation. Alright it's nice when you get a comment here or there. Sometimes we work for charity; but this is not the case I am speaking about. I'm just taking a chill before major prep for food for humanities new year day of judgement ! (slight sarcastic, nervous, serious tone)

Yah, that kind of stuff..

I'm getting ready, showering, mikveh, praying, cooking, eating etc..

To some, the day is about work, finishing up your Sunday. Time to me and to you will end the same either way yet our subjective experience will guide us. Tonight I have to stand in trepidation for myself and the world. I don't want to, and I have the choice not to believe. I choose to believe because my soul was put into this body to endure a finite existence.

I don't know if I asked or I didn't ask for this life or subjective experience. In any case I'm alive and standing and believe that for everyone and everything there is a time and place we meet our maker. I don't care if it's makers or maker. You have the belief and that reality. I can say for me , my reality is the singularity of it all and the notion of perfection. Perfection doesn't mean it doesn't exist; it just means it is outside my perceived reality of a finite existence. I know there are greater things among us. The stars in the sky, the spherical nature of the moon.

The hot reality of the nuclear sun is outside my creation making abilities. This as well goes with the spherical nature of the moon. I had nothing to do with those realities and yet they exist in my perceived existence. Not only that, they were created before I was born. I will wither and die and my dust will be re-absorbed into that which was already there. Perhaps I am even stardust; but I was still dust none the less. I will stand before the singularity of it all, that perfect nuclear fusion; that intelligence of spherical natures. If it was all wrapped into one such a number one where all other numbers come forth; would you not want to meet that perfect singularity? Perhaps you would go one step further and ask what Zero is / was / will be

This is trepidation, especially of the unknown.

As conversations go as well as distractions rfrom what's going on tonight I was reminded of some retro tunes from video games.. this one kicked it up a little

From this:

To this years later:

Down to business before I hibernate into trepidation for 2 days w/o electronics. That means I have no idea how this blog will go 2 days from now.

  • Truth

The business of this day is that tribe NEOXIAN on it's Discord announced a new channel:


This channel is for your finest posts. The high quality and best posts. At the very least there should be a unique picture and three well written and original paragraphs. Also I would ask that you set beneficiaries on your post:

  1. 5% to neoxianburn
  2. 5% to null
  3. 5% to steem.dao

Posts here have the potential to be curated by a very high powered account.

See you next year,

BearBear613 aka doublebear


It's the 10th day I'm concerned about.

Posted using Partiko Android

? The fast day is the best day of the year.

I see it as a reset button, where anything not set right is covered over and permanently put on record. 40 days to set things right, final trumpet blast before the last 10 days, then boom. Everything is covered while we afflict our souls in complete rest. Then a few days later, par-tay for 8 days! These are the best days, in my opinion.

~ Manually curated by @bdvoter team.
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