Am I going to continue posting NEOX Power-Ups?

in #palnet5 years ago


short answer yes!


Shake in a little LEO

and a little PAL dust


VOILA.. token sandwhich


Keep staking those tokens! Proof of stake means free tokens for holdn'.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah and im gonna Upvote BOTH of you like 17 NEOXAG just for posting ur powerups! I recommend powering up smaller amounts, and posting even higher frequency to really Mil-EARN those neoxian upvotes!

But anyway in all seriousness while i was promoting my I was thinking of buying a billboard for my a local cryptocurrency website after if course i create an on boarding system that i test using the 1000 INV i have saved up... i need to make sure peopel can easily get to ME when they signup in fact im gonn ask @eonwarped to add a link to which goes to my SAND discord and ill just be theer ready to give them an INV link, maybe ill even leave some in a room for new users lol, i could actuially get a bot to issue the links if i find teh right bot

Now that's a sandwich I can take a bite out of....

Steemit tribes are awesome. Truly Steemit 2.0. I love Neoxian Silver and Weedcash. I'm upvoting you so you can get some if you have those tags.

To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

It is certain

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