SteemMonsters ItharaGaian : Report 53 - Updates in game.

in #palnet5 years ago

--- Game Report @itharagaian SteemMonster --- Day 53


Updates in game

The game changed its rules without prior discution with the player base.

  • Less rewards for people up to gold league (gold included)
  • starterpacks with only phantom cards but still at 10usd/starter

Those decisions taken without consensus makes me lose the trust, so from now on I will stop investing
Of course I will continue to play cause I like the game, but I fear more investment would only bring losses to me as I am far from beeing a whale, and it sounds impossible for me to reach diamond+ leagues.

I understand why they did that, but i am not sure the impact will reach their target, i fear it will just make onboarding more difficult, but I might be wrong.


So I started to sell the cards I never use ( because too low level to be efficient)
I sold a lord Arainthus and a pegasus, the first one was paid in DEC, the other one in Steem.
I converted the dec to steem and they are on their way to Kraken under LTC form.

I am not quitting the game as told above, but I had to decide what would be my next move. I will try to recover my investment, bit by bit.

It seems that loads of players are unhappy with the decision, as the market had a dip ... Better not selling cards that are not in big damands, reason why |I only sold the two you see in the picture above.


Helping the project :
Helping the author :
We of course accept cryptos:

All the ones on Steem-engine
Steem / SBD
LTC : LdiCR25BQSQYSzTUcpD3sJQayscvjXvDyy
BTC : 37fJek6HN9zeJQTvhfZmpEcmsTM8Lx4spr
All donations are appreciated and welcomed, thank you.

Status :




  • Best League : Silver I
  • Best Rank : 662
  • ROI : 0,663 (investment = 600$ , 1= reached base investment)
  • Total Sold : $20
  • Deck Value :
    ** ItharaGaian $215.84
    ** Anosys $106.48
    ** Lebastion $55.60
    ** Cumulated decks value : $377.92
    ** Cash value ( cards + all time sales) : $397.92

See you tomorrow for more news about my progress

Still not in the Game? :

Blessed be friends,
Albus Draco,
The knowledge addicted mystical creature

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 63138.55
ETH 2579.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.80