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RE: Riced Cauliflower, A Versatile Base and a Paleo Staple.

in #paleo8 years ago

Great intro, and too true! It's funny that many people are reluctant to accept this truth, and continue to eat rubbish and feel like rubbish, even if you explain it to them. I don't know if you followed my blog way back when I wrote my posts on how I cured myself of fibromayalgia and IBS, but it was down to fake food and toxic overload. Now I eat only real whole foods I am healthy and feel great. If only we were educated properly when we were young!

I have been wondering Rebecca - how long have you been practicing this diet, and what lead you to paleo, if you don't mind my asking?


In 2004, after almost 20 years of eating a low fat diet, that included aspartame and almost 100% processed foods, I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. I had mobility issues and lost my eyesight. (One eye at a time, thankfully.)
I had to totally re-educate myself and adopted a paleo eating lifestyle which is low carb, high fat. I also eat cannabis everyday. I went from being blind with mobility problems to 100% fully restored function. I have never taken any pharmaceuticals to treat this autoimmune challenge. If I didn't wise-up to the truth about sugar and gut bacteria, I have 0 doubt in my mind that I would be completely blind and in a wheelchair, now...13 years later. That's where my doctors thought I would be at this point. Now they are very reluctant to say cured, so I compromise and happily say that I'm in remission.
Fibro has digestive issues at it's root cause too, and it's fantastic that you've been able to control it. I also can add that it's a sleeping issue, too.
Are you able to sleep through the night now?

Yes, all my symptoms were gone after about a year from when I started to change my diet. It took a while as I didn't realise at first the little things like stock cubes and sauces contain toxic ingredients too. Looking back now it seems strange I couldn't tell the difference between real and fake food!

Wow, what a story you have. And what a triumph... So many people are putting up with health effects unnecessarily, and usually doctors don't even suggest a link to diet. I'm so happy to hear you were able to restore your health without pharmaceuticals, and I sooo wish cannabis was recognised for the medicine it is. Good news - Ireland recently passed a bill for medical marijuana use. I do hope other countries will do the same in due course.

Very good @woamn-onthe-wing! I love to hear about successful turn-around stories, like yours! Well done.
I do think that we will see global legalization of cannabis in our lifetime. It helps so many ailments. :)

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