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RE: Paleo friendly chocolate treats

in #paleo7 years ago

I've been thinking about your challenge with ingesting them too close to when you want to sleep due to the energy that they provide.
Have you tried other versions of fat bombs that don't contain caffeine from the cocoa powder? I'm trying to discern if it's the fat or the chocolate that is throwing your liver into over-drive....I think it would be an interesting experiment. Blog post worthy...if you are game to try.


Yes, I get the same thing from just eating coconut butter with a spoon. Besides, the dose of caffeine would be really small and I am used to 5 large strong cups of coffee a day.

Caffeine depletes glycogen quickly. Glycogen is used by the liver to filtre the body's blood. We only produce a certain amount of it in a 24 hour cycle, so if you have used it up filtering high amounts of caffeine, the liver will keep you awake until it has enough glycogen to continue its filtering role. This is most commonly experienced between 3 am and 4 am. So, for anyone else who make read this thread and regularly can't sleep during that time...look to helping the liver out by reducing components that it must process. In my experience, caffeine, alcohol, and "over the counter pain relievers" are especially notorious for this.

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