Studio UPDATE 25! painting, the getty, hemp chocolate sale

in #painting7 years ago

studio practice

I have been in a lull on the art making since thanksgiving. I did get to work on sunday though. There has just been so much going on all over the world!

the cosmic language is bleeding through on this form
you can see the process in this gif:
zack goulet art.gif

the getty is under fire

I have been involved with Truth Cat Radio for the better part of this year. Steven D Kelly has been talking about the child sex slaves underneath the Getty Center in LA for the last 5 years. the week of Thanksgiving, he and 3 other psychics raided the getty and assassinated the nazi psychics guarding the satanic base.
Since then, strange things have started happening.
no such thing as a coincedence. it is a metephor for the dark cabal being dismantled!
occupy the getty.jpg
let it rain!
i made a video for @fyrstikken 's chroma challenge involving this.
consciousness will reign on earth when the evil is purged! and we will be rewarded by way of the great crypto currency wealth transfer.

hemp paste

I sell this stuff called Hemp Paste. its Whole plant CBD. revolutionary stuff. it works wonders above conventional cbd oil extracts because it has all the terpenes and cannabinoids in it. we are having a buy one get one sale which is totally awesome because its like $0.06 per milligram of CBD!
Screen Shot 2017-12-07 at 6.31.31 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-12-07 at 6.32.02 PM.png

hit up the store!


Glad your paying attention @web-gnar - life's not just a box of chocolates. thanx 4 the art,thanx 4 the music. and thanx 4 the info.

Have you tried the chocolate yet? I haven't gotten the chance. Resteemed

yeah! thats how i first introduced myself to Hemp Paste. I then later decided to become a seller of Hemp Paste :)

And we all know how that went!! Yay =)
You're the best

I like that you take the time to explain your emotional process.
About the CBD oil, would it help an old lady with neurological leg pain?

Yes Definitely! there are tons of studies on how it helps with nerve pain. And just to clarify, the hemp paste that I sell and promote is NOT an oil extract like the common ones sold at head shops. Its the whole plant ground into a power and mixed with Coconut oil. I HIGHLY recommend it. Ask @chelsea88 how it got her off pharmaceuticals for anxiety and depression. Its great for old people too because it helps restore bone density which most elderly people don't have. The Hemp Paste product is the more effective and affordable than ANY CBD oil extract on the market. :)

Thank you for your educational reply.
When nothing else helps it's time to start exploring other possibilites.
I shall consider it :)

I agree that you should consider it @zeroooc. I have PTSD and was able to get off an SSRI using nutraceuticals hemp paste product. Check it out. I think you can try a sample for only $17.99 currently:

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