Painting at the Library: Splatterpainting and watercolor! ♥

in #painting7 years ago

Saturday was painting at the library day! Naturally my daughter, @SnekLady, and I attended!

I am only going to post pictures of my painting, as I am sure she will want to post her own.

I apologize for the photo quality. I was excited to share and now looking at my pictures, I could have done a much better job...

So the theme this month was "Valentines/Love/Spring" according to the library's facebook page.
As you can see, it is a heart-shaped tree, with 'leaves' blowing away. We got to play around with splatter painting, which is where we put the stencils we made down, and used our brushes to flick paint onto the paper. It was super fun! And messy!

We were using acrylics, and our instructor told us we can actually use them for watercolor painting by diluting them with water! I had no idea this could be done. It was great! The 'blowing leaves' were done by making little puddles of watercolor and blowing them with straws. Also super fun!

I did a little more free-hand splattering after I was done blowing.

And, of course, the roots were done in watercolor over carefully applied splatters.

@SnekLady and I had a wonderful time painting together, and are really looking forward to the next lesson!

We enjoyed the new techniques we learned, and we both want to use them to make more paintings.

I LOVE that we have this opportunity, and if you have the chance to take a painting lesson, I highly recommend it! It makes great mommy/daughter time, (or husband/wife, mommy/son, father/daughter, father/son.... well, you get it), or even painting alone! The teachers help you through the process step-by-step, so even people who 'can't paint', can totally paint.

I also love the fact that even though all the students are painting the 'same' pictures, not a single one is like another! It is so cool to walk around and check out all the different variations of the same picture, and you can get a glimpse into the imagination of another person. ♥

Thanks for looking! Have a wonderful week!



Well, I popped over to see her painting, but it's not up yet. I'll be watching for it though.

I've done a couple of painting classes that were led by someone showing a step-by-step. And then I get home, and try to do it again, or apply the techniques to a different idea I have, and it looks like I painted it with my left foot.

Haha! it looks like I painted it with my left foot has got me laughing! :D

Ill let her know! She had planned on posting already, but is having a very distractable day, and is having a hard time getting her work done so she can use Steemit! It might not get done till tomorrow... Its just one of those Mondays.... sigh

Well, I’ll be watching. :) I’ve gotta tell you, I’m easily distracted on Mondays too. And sometimes Tuesday and the occasional Wednesday. I’m usually pretty focused on Thursdays, but Fridays and Saturdays freebies, right?

For sure! LOL
Pretty distracted today too... but what else is new?... ;)
She asked me to show you her post.


I saw it, it's excellent!

Thanks! She is really encouraged by the positive responses on it. ♥

I’m glad. That insures that she’ll keep creating. :)

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