
Cheers Jeff, thanks for the love! And mate its gets pretty trippy staring at these things for hours...

Love it man. This is no shit Mikey boy, listen up..
If you stare up at a blue sky and concentrate on one pinpoint location for long enough, you should get a few visual blurs around the image you see.

At that point of bluryness you should be staring through space.
sustain it by keeping focused and in your mind, imagine youself leave your body and fly up to your location you are staring at whilst thinking.. "I will send you a signal to my location... Please come..." Do that 10 - 15 times with 20 second intervals..still keeping the stare!

If chosen you will get a visit from an extra terrestrial being of some sort... No shit!!

It worked for me a few times. They come in strange shaped craft that shine immensly and look like balloons..

Here is a link man. If you have time to check it out.
You can do it man. I can feel it .

Yo Jeff,
This is Huge!! Thank for the offer!
I got well into this kind of stuff a few years ago after hearing Dr Greer talk about it.
Over the past few years I've got into lucid dreaming and practicing all sorts of fun stuff.
You have me super curious to give it a go. Wont try right now, but its on the list!!
Cheers Brother, will be in touch :)

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