Departures for?_____watercolor /// Partenze per?_____acquarello (Eng-Ita)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #painting6 years ago (edited)

Good morning dear friends, steemians. Yesterday with my watercolor work I was much more cheerful and lively, compared to the work I show you today.
Among other things, the value of Steem does not leave a good mood, and I invested by buying Steem, I'm not very happy, but I look forward to new growth prospects ;-)
So I decide to post a very sad job and with a free interpretation.
the title "Departures for?" it is representative of a human condition, life, or new adventure. This work is part of a series that I dedicated to the departures of man, the humanity that leaves for work, to look for a new job, because maybe someone has lost forever, to reach and join a loved one, for a mourning of love, for adventure or to seek fortune in another country.
I leave the interpretation to you and you are free to give a meaning or an interpretation to the subject I have painted.
I await your comments and I wish you to leave for a wonderful journey, full of happiness, emotions and many satisfactions.
Waiting for what Steem will give us!
a hug, see you next time!

Buongiorno cari amici steemians. Ieri con il mio lavoro ad acquarello sono stato molto più allegro e vivace, rispetto al lavoro che vi mostro oggi.
Tra l'altro il valore dello Steem non lascia di buon umore, ed io che ho investito acquistando Steem, non sono molto contento, ma aspetto con fiducia nuove prospettive di crescita;-)
Allora decido di postare un lavoro molto triste e con una libera interpretazione.
il titolo "Partenze per?" è rappresentativo di una condizione umana, vita, o di una nuova avventura. Questo lavoro fa parte di una serie che ho dedicato alle partenze dell'uomo, l'umanità che parte per lavoro, per cercare un nuovo lavoro, perchè forse qualcuno ha perso per sempre, per raggiungere e unirsi ad una persona amata, per un lutto d'amore, per avventura o per cercare fortuna in un altro Paese.
Lascio a voi l'interpretazione e siete liberi di dare un significato o una vostra interpretazione al soggetto che ho dipinto.
Attendo i vostri commenti e vi auguro di partire per un bellissimo viaggio, ricco di felicità, emozioni e tante soddisfazioni.
Aspettando quelle che ci darà Steem!
un abbraccio, alla prossima!

20180722_182342 1.jpg

title: departures for?
technique: watercolor on paper Fabriano rouge 600g.

20180722_182342 det.jpg

detail of the waves and the cliff


detail of the opening of the sky


detail of the diaphanous figure and the background landscape


Dropping by and supporting your post @armandosodano, due to the entry of it, by @trincowski, into our Pay It Forward Community's weekly curation contest. As part of the @pifc community, we would encourage you to check into it.

”Among other things, the value of Steem does not leave a good mood, and I invested by buying Steem, I'm not very happy, but I look forward to new growth prospects ;-) “

Yes, we're all "in the same boat," but believing their is long-term value in the Steem blockchain and continue, like here, to do our part, while waiting for a better tomorrow.

”So I decide to post a very sad job and with a free interpretation.
the title "Departures for?" it is representative of a human condition, life, or new adventure.“

Interesting idea and nice work! I admire talent I don't have any of ...

Thank you for your effort here to add value to our Steem blockchain. Keep up the great work!

ty for your insideful comment and support @roleerob

This a quite a fabulous work. I am following you now. I think curie will come and upvote later hopefully.

thank you for your comment and support @mmunited

hello @armandosodano, the opening of the sky really captured my eyes and my heart.. something like what would you do if the sky is falling and you have to go somewhere you don't really know where it is and what will you bring to face the new situation and new world. I like the its colour and the ocean too... something mysterious in it. to be honest, your explanation and the tittle of this pic really help me to understand the meaning and enjoy the picture, thank you for sharing this with us.
I found your post through @trincowski entry post to the pay it forward contest this week.

hello @cicisaja thank you for your insideful comment:-)

A truly gorgeous work, @armandosodano! Troppo Bello!

I'd like to let you know I've featured your work in My Entry for the Pay It Forward Contest.
I hope you gain a few more followers!

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

thank you for your support and great job @c-squared

Beautiful work! And stay postitive, I still believe steem is going to give us a lot of joy in the coming future! Found you thanks to @trincowsky and the @pifc contest.

Fabulous work! I like how the work can be interpreted in different ways, thinking about who the people are and where they are... So many ways to look at it.

I found your post from @trincowski's Pay it Forward curation contest entry. Keep up the great work!

Simply stunning @armandosodano, but kind of ominous as well. If it weren't for the stormy seas and blustery winds, I could feel optimistic about their destinations, but the way the dock ends abruptly, combined with "work" attire, makes me think they are continuously on the move, going nowhere!

I found your post because @trincowski featured you in his Pay it Forward Curation Contest. As one of the judges, I'd like to invite you to participate next week with an entry of your own :)

thank you for your insideful comment @lynncoyle1

You're most welcome @armandosodano :)

yes how can I participate? @lynncoyle1

If you click on the "contest" link on my comment above, it will take you to the contest and all the rules are there. Let me know if you have any questions :)

thanks for your answer I understood everything @lynncoyle1

ooooh! ma che bello trovare un Italiano tra le persone selezionate da @trincowski. Un piacere, @armandosodano.!
Ottima padronanza tecnica, non sono solita ad usare tonalitá marroni nel cielo, ma mi piace poiché hai creato bilancio trá la parte superiore ed inferiore della linea di terra. Well Done!

ma grazieeeeeeee @lady-idra ty for stopping by!

Hola @armandosodno, te felicito por tan bella acuarela, llega a tu post por @trincowski , esta participando en el concurso de curaduría Pay it Forward, un abrazo.

Molte grazie per il tuo commento un abrazo anca a te @celinavisaez

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