My favorite freewrites for the Over 20 Club

in #over20club6 years ago (edited)

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I'm so excited to be part of the Over 20 Freewrite club! In celebration I've picked three of my favorites. Well, one is a weekend freewrite so maybe that counts as three on its own?

However you count, these are my favorite individual writes. My actual favorite is the series I wrote for the Selfie Freewrite Contest. I only made it to day 25 posting, but I have the others I wrote with the remaining prompts. Someday I'll post all 50 in the series.

But for now, enjoy these!

Movie Star Party

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A cool breeze hit my face as I stepped outside. It was the kind of breeze that lifts your hair from your face and makes you feel like you're a cool movie star in a slo-mo scene. I looked around to see if my ride had arrived. I couldn't help but smile when I saw him - he was smiling too. He saw my movie star breeze and I worked it as I walked toward him.

When I got there we both laughed so hard I nearly fell over. The moment had passed leaving us both feeling foolish, but more in love than before. He swept me up in his arms and filled me with a warm embrace and long kiss that made me silently plead for the moment to never end.

But then his phone buzzed. He released me, just slightly, as he reached in his pocket.

"It's Sue. She say's were late to the party," he said.

"Tell her we're already having one, and we'll be there later," I said.

He smiled again and dropped the phone back into his pocket.

The Visitor

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These visits always unnerved me. The clean white walls curved slightly ahead so I could never see more than a few feet in front of me. Once they'd told me that the blue light that ran in lines along the wall was intended to be calming for us. I thought it felt icy and disconnected.

But this time the hue was different. I walked alongside Aerna taking long quick strides so I could keep up. She was going faster than usual, and I couldn't tell if the darker shade of light made the difference or if she was just excited to show me something new.

That's all they'd told me this time: I would see something no one had seen before. I was to be the first visitor welcomed into the sanctuary. None of us understood what that meant, but my boss was thrilled one of his team had been chosen for such an honor.

Was it an honor? Despite all our interactions, I don't know that we really know anything about these beings. But I was about to find out more, and that was all anyone at the Centre cared about.

The blue hue continued to change the farther we walked until it became a dark royal blue. I could still see, but I felt like I was in twilight.

Aerna stopped and smiled at me withher thin lips and bulbous head. I felt her warm press on my mind, helping me calm my thoughts.

Now we meet mother, she conveyed to me. The large circular door opened before I could process what she'd said. A blast of warm, wet air hit me and then saw it. Mother.

Dad and Daisy

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The blanket was always left in a big heap after she was done. My father liked that about her.

It drove my mom crazy though, having to clean up after their fort-making adventures. My sister Daisy would rip the blanket “roof” out from under the pillows and books that held it in place, throw it to the ground and jump on it. Then she’d have giggle fits as my father pretended he was going to tickle her. When he got close she’d run and he’d chase after her.

Mom would come in, look at the mess and scream.

”Joe! Not again. Get back here and make her clean up.”

But he never did. He never made my sister do anything. Unlike me. I guess being 10 years older was reason enough for his criticism and cruel words. I was a stranger to him, and he punished me for it. It didn’t matter that the reason he didn’t know me was his fault.

He was never home in my formative years. Mom said he spent so much time away because he was working hard to take care of us. But if he cared so much, why did he act this way? Why did Mom still have to work to feed us?

He was planning a pet movie contest. one of their tickle fights. I can't even explain the feeling of dread that came over me then. It was another one of his money making schemes and I knew Mom knew nothing about it.

And I knew she'd be pissed when she found out. I think that was the tenth or twelfth idea he'd tried since he'd been "let go". Supposedly he was a stay at home Dad now. Since he started watching Daisy Mom had finished her nursing degree and was making decent money. But I don't think he could stand it, the idea of his wife being the provider.

So he came up with these ideas and they always failed. They were all shams to make enough money so Mom didn't have to work - but I think they were just attempts to sooth his ego. Because I dont' think he cared how hard Mom worked. I know he didn't care how hard I worked doing all the housework he never got around to.

He spent all of his time with Daisy or with his friends at the bar. Sometimes both which really made Mom mad. I think it was Daisy who gave him the pet movie idea. She made him sit and watch funny animal videos for hours it seemed. At times I wished I could hate her. But she's my sister, and it wasn't her fault.

He continued in this way until he discovered that he could not doubt one thing. At least that's what I think changed. He realized we all loved Daisy. How much he loved her had always been obvious. But I don't think he ever stopped to realize how much Mom and I cared for her too. Not until I was leaving for college.

My bags were packed, I had my bus ticket and we were getting in the car to go to the bus station. Daisy, now almost ten, hadn't left my side all morning. She peppered me with questions about school, what I'd packed, what sort of bed I'd sleep in, and finally how often we would see each other.

Mom it seems had many of the same questions but couldn't get a word in. Dad was driving, keeping his thoughts to himself. I was grateful for that.

Then suddenly we were at the bus station. With my bags on the sidewalk next to me I hugged Mom goodbye, pleading with her not to cry.

Then I turned to Daisy who launched herself into my arms. I held her tightly, fighting back my own tears. And that's when I saw Dad's face. I'd never seen that look before. It was soft, and almost kind.

When I finally got Daisy to let go, I reached for my bag and looked at him to say goodbye. He was looking at Daisy, and his eyes were welling up. As I started to say the words, his eyes met mine. Before I knew it, he was hugging me and whispering "I'm sorry."

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Chic article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))

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Thanks for sharing these stories again. I remember reading the 3-part weekend freewrite story before, but not the other two. I enjoyed all of them! Keep up the good work!

Thank you!

You finished all of the prompts? Your next book? :)
I love to read your writing - always a pleasure!

Beautiful post @ntowl congratulations on joining our Over 20 Club. 💜

Thank you!

Welcome to the club!

@ntowl you are really good at this freewriting thing! I truly enjoyed your writing. More power!

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