When Life Hands your Ass a Lemon...

in #originalworks6 years ago

Ah, the "struggle" of the artist is like trying to puke up a shoe sole that had been in your stomach for a week along with some dog hair and crazy glue. You know that shit has to come out but the pain is unbearable.

I became remarried to this concept just two nights ago when a lady I did a Tarot reading for on the street did not return as she said. She intended to give me a gift for the reading so I stayed on the street until well after sundown. Normally, this would not be an issue, but this is the land known as Colorado and a certain assailant dwells in this land that motorists dread more than the Grizzly Bear.

Normally I would leave town before sunset, as to avoid these threats. Due to this delay, however, I found myself driving on an unfamiliar open range in pitch blackness. Up ahead the road climbed up then curved left and I could see two light colored Cows mosey onto the county road from the right shoulder. Seeing this well in advance, I veered to the left and crossed the line to avoid them...

Suddenly there was a loud crash sound as my windshield shattered and caved in around me.

I rolled to a stop at the next pull-out to investigate. It turned out I hit a large, black steer in the front legs and neck. My windshield was annihilated and the hood smashed up in a way that made it look more like part of an accordion. The next morning, I was able to drive it into town, but the Cops discovered my predicament and warned me against driving it any further. My epic vehicular adventure drew to a close.


It will be more fun on foot, anyway. Then when patrons offer me $20 for a drawing like this one, I know that money can go towards good food instead of gas or insurance. Eating almost nothing but canned food for a month has made this artist's taste buds pine for change.

The good does come with the bad.

Much Love,

Larry Sage Dreamtree

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Thank you! It was a pleasure to draw it and have such a sudden response from the people passing by. There are more like that one on the way. Thanks for the compliment! Much love!

You are living on the edge brother... Does tarot reading work well in the city?
Try wildcrafting as a compliment to canned-food...
By the way I wrote this article, you might be interested in:



I haven't tried doing Tarot in a large city. These have been mostly smaller, Colorado "tourist" towns that have small, yet concentrated historic down-towns that draw in lots of tourism. It varies from day to day. In Crested Butte (with a larger Upper Class population) sometimes I would get $20 or more for 1 Tarot reading. I made $90 in 3 hours doing Tarot there one day. Then in Aspen I had to pay for gas and parking and only did $24 in Tarot readings.

I will look up wildcrafting soon and I am going to check out your article! Thanks for the convo! It helps tether me to this actuality. Much love!

Cool, its good to know you can make some cash doing that, in case STEEM doesn't moon anytime soon... ;)

Plus it fits my new "homeless" lifestyle.

Sounds rough @shaman-ra.
But I guess you can try to travel somewhere warm in the winter, like Hawaii and eat wild fruits, fish and camp on the beach, and read tarot.

Right? I was thinking maybe Arizona as well. But, man, that Hawaii beach does sound tempting. I have never been there and have this endless fascination with having my preconceptions of places blown away by actuality. That might be actually doable since I am traveling so light now.
Thanks! That is a really good idea. I could die anytime, right?

I heard you can legally camp on the beach in Hawaii, if you have a couple of fishing rods pitched into the ground/line in water.... Go Beach Bummin' It!

Better then being a "street person" in some rainy city and die from Ammonia/Lung Infection from the cold...

I believe you can camp on the Beach. I had a friend who stayed in Maui for the winter and he camped on the beach making bouquets to sell and being a "bum". I don't sleep on the streets, though. Since I am in Colorado there is always some stream or tree to sleep next to. I am so glad I wasn't robbed by those Racoons. :D

that looks like you put in a good deal of time . nice work

Yeah, it took the better part of 8 hours. Wish I could of made minimum wage off of the sale, but, what are you going to do when most people get their concept of artistic "value" based off of what Walmart or Target charges for mass-produced canvas art? It was a blessing, still. I do need a sleeping bag for this venture. The fuzzy blanket that magnetizes all debris to it does no good for my situation, lol. Thanks for the compliment, friend! Much love!

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