The Dawn of Cryptofinance

in #originalworks6 years ago


Fusion The Beginning Of A New Day For Cryptocurrencies

Definition Of Terms

Its only proper to make some terms which may not be familiar or may not read same meaning to everyone clear so as everyone can understand what is said.
• Value: The amount (of money or goods or services) that is considered to be a fair equivalent for something else.
• ‎ Data: Information, especially in a scientific or computational context.
A representation of facts or ideas in a formalized manner capable of being communicated or manipulated by some process.
• Contract: An agreement between two or more parties, to perform a specific job or work order, often temporary or of fixed duration and usually governed by a written agreement.
• ‎Cross: The act of going across; the act of passing from one side to the other
• ‎Organization: A group of people or other legal entities with an explicit purpose and written rules.
• ‎Interoparability: The capability of a product or system, to interact and function with others reciprocally.
• ‎Usability: The degree to which an object, device, software application, etc. is easy to use with no specific training.


Over the years we have gotten use to Internet of information (IOI) even if we never knew what we where doing, we did use it anyway; like me I never knew sending and receiving information online had a technical name or even had a name at all, I only knew I can get and send information to someone anytime, anywhere and anyday, and I enjoy the flexibility of it, being able to send and receive information, using various platform, and I never had a problem with it till now...

Now I just found out I can't really send information to someone who don't really have an account with the same information transmitter I was in till that person register with the same information transmitters or I register in the one he has access to and send to him.


If I had a Facebook account and I want to send a picture to someone else who has a WhatsApp account, but don't have Facebook I won't be able, we will have to have account with same social media to be able to send information to each other.

Normal Traditional Way Of Sending Value

Years ago befor I can send value, to someone, I have several choice to choose from.
Some Of The Choices Are:

Using sending money to my friend as a case study

• If I want to send value (money) to my friend in another state, I will have to go to my friend's bank and deposit the money into his account and he will receive it. (This is very stressful as I may meet many people there also)
• ‎if I want to send Value (Money) to my friend's account, I can use any ATM and send it to his account, but I still had to go to an ATM (that's stressful)
• ‎If I want to send Value to my friend in another state, I can easily send using the special code from the bank to him accoit and he will receive it. (This is less stressful compare to the above)
• ‎If I want to send value (money) to my friend, I can now do that through my bank App and send to him and he will receive it. (This is less stressful compare to the above)

Now The Internet Of Value (IOV)

The invention of the first cryptocurrency, bitcoin years ago lead to a new era of Value (money), this time value (money) left the from traditional way of being transfer (send) to a more quicker, faster, and easy one, the delays and barriers of conversion is eliminated.

Now values will be

All kinds of values will be All kinds of values will be moved or operated on blockchains and will be without difficulty transferred from one person to another. This will transform the way corporations and people around the world connect and do business.

Accenture s report (2016) predicts that after an early exploration, blockchains will continue to grow between 2018 and 2024, when banks begin to witness the benefits of early blockchain adopters, regulatory rules will also be gradually established, various new services and business models will begin to appear and the original business models will gradually be abandoned. After 2025, the application of blockchain will gradually mature, and the use of blockchain will become the mainstream, and at the same time it will be well integrated into the capital market system. The World Economic Forum s Whitepaper Realizing the Potential of Blockchain (2017) boldly predicts that 10% of world GDP will be stored on the blockchain network by It can be predicted, just as the early Internet of Information, that with the development of blockchain applications, the Internet of Values will gradually take shape.

Problems Of Internet Of Value

Just as I earlier pointed out, "with the Internet of information" there are also problems with the Internet of value, this problem are very many, but I will just mention few using an example to explain.

Just as I said with the Internet of information (IOI) If I was to send cryptocurrency (bitcoin) to my friend, he will have to register and open a bitcoin account if not I won't be able to send it to him, even if he had an Ethereum (ETH), I won't be able to, because he's not registered with the same value transmission medium.
‎If I decide to convert it to the cryptocurrency he's using, I will be change high rate to convert it. And not just that, I will not be able to Borrow (take a loan) from any cryptocurrency organization.

Now For The Internet Of Value To Work And Grow It Needs To Make Progress In Three Main Areas

Below are the three areas:
• Interoperability
• ‎Scalability
• ‎Usability

• Interoperability: The capability of a product or system, to interact and function with others reciprocally. The capability for cryptocurrencies to be transfered or interchangeable in different blockchains, without difficulty.

• Scalability:

The Internet of Values needs to be able to be used in different scenarios, including finance, manufacturing and government management.

• Usability: The degree to which an object, device, software application, etc. is easy to use with no specific training. Internet of Values needs to have a resourceful ecology and to make a variety of applications running smoothly, so that developers can efficiently develop applications and users can easily use them, without having to go through any special training.

The Fusion Solution To The Above Problems

The Interoperability problem is solved by fusion, because fusion offers a platform in which two or more system or different cryptocurrencies can interact and transfered or interchange within few secords or minutes, without difficulty.

And the Scalability problem is also solve because the cryptocurrency are able to be change in scale and used in different scenarios, including finance, manufacturing and government management without stress and without losing value.

And then the Usability problem is solve, in that Fusion offers opportunity to different cryptocurrencies to run smoothly on their Blockchain, by organization and people around the world who may not have any special training.
Because fusion has through their resourceful ecology made it possible for developers to develop applications which is very easy to use.

Hope this was helpful.


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 66646.40
ETH 3314.59
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69