Crowd Machine: Everybody, everywhere, anytime

in #originalworks7 years ago

The purpose of The Crowd Machine is to make accessible the most sophisticated blockchain, for all people, anywhere in the world, at any time, this is achieved thanks to its three main components:

  • The Crowd computer: the network, where magic is done.
  • The Crowd App Studio: the platform, the tool for the experts (and the not so experts).
  • Crowd Share: a GitHub-like repository, the always willing helpers of the magician, responsible for the "small actions" that make the magic act come true.

These three parts, together, allow us to materialize the acts of magic that we are all looking forward to ...

Change cloud computing: Done.

In this technological era, where we are all working at the same time in multiple activities, where it is normal to have downloaded and opened multiple applications that we use daily for different purposes, to present a lack of space in the devices isn’t strange. In fact, it’s more common than we think, this problem, among others, can be solved using Crowd Machine.

How can a company help me to solve the space problems of my application? Simple, using the space of others. If, as you have space problems, there are other people (more than you think) who only use a small portion of the power available on their devices, this power can be rented by users like you, it is a win-win situation , since, the person who rents space on your device would earn money when it is used and you would solve your problem of lack of space to work.

Compared to the public clouds, Crowd Machine is infinitely scalable (limited only by the number of connected computing devices on the internet), and is not cost prohibitive.

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However, in the case of the person who rents the capacity of the processor, maybe worry about "losing" power of his device, that is why, Crowd Machine allows you to determine how much you want to give, you can even choose between a series of roles, which is better suited to your device and configure a particular role, each role leads to different levels of payment.

All of this, will make a total change in our cloud computing, just imagine, you don’t have to concern about your processor capacity now, you have a decentralized world cloud, just imagine, create and make things happen! All of this would allow you to create any app 45 times fast, this is the developer’s dream come true.

Blockchain, how it will affect it?

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At this point, everyone talks about blockchain, if certain actions affect it or not, will Crowd Machine affect it? How?

But, Do we know what is a blockchain? To be sure that we are talking about, I put here a simple blockchain concept:

A blockchain,originally block chain,is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography.Each block typically contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp and transaction data.By design, a blockchain is inherently resistant to modification of the data. It is "an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way".For use as a distributed ledger, a blockchain is typically managed by a peer-to-peer network collectively adhering to a protocol for validating new blocks. Once recorded, the data in any given block cannot be altered retroactively without the alteration of all subsequent blocks, which requires collusion of the network majority.
Blockchains are secure by design and exemplify a distributed computing system with high Byzantine fault tolerance. Decentralized consensus has therefore been achieved with a blockchain.

Using this tool, developers can move their applications at any time from one blockchain to another, they are blockchain agnostic. So, problem solved.

Now, imagine this : have you ever thought if it is possible to create an app without being a code expert?

Now it's possible, thanks to The Crowd App Studio, thanks to this tool you can perform an app in no time. Thanks to the behavior patterns, using and combining these behaviors you can create the app. This innovative way of seeing the logic of human activity, by standardizing patterns of behavior creates conditions, responses and new conditions derived from the first behavior, and so on. In this way, the developers configure activities and DO NOT write code!

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This directly influences the time invested in this development, decreasing it drastically, for which the activities properties panel would be used.

Likewise, Crowd Machine offers a list of natural expressions, greatly helping in this process, since it has the style of a system expert, thanks to which the probability of creating problematic conditions such as infinite loops is eliminated.

As if all the above was not enough, I will finally comment briefly on the Git Hub-like repository.

Here, developers can easily market their knowledge, offer their codes, complete or not for use in different applications worldwide. You can share either the patterns or the apps, generating annual profits for each user that uses your material in their app.

The following image shows it easily:

Image 4

The applications in the Market, are countless, and every day the list of possible applications is extended, Crowd Machine, provides a paved and illuminated road, easy to travel for anyone, developer or not, to create an app, providing a cloud intelligent and decentralized with levels of sophistication to satisfy any need and including the drastic reduction in all the costs that imply its development and start-up.

If you want to learn more about Crowd Machine, you can visit their website

This is my entry for the contest created by @originalworks, you can find it here



I've read few posts about Crowd Machine and yours surely is one of the better ones out there.

Im not sure if I understood it right. Correct me please if Im wrong.
Crowd Machine will provide developers with some sort of "templates" that can help create decentralized apps on blockchain?

Potential to use this tool in the future looks very promissing.

I know that you're taking part of @originalworks contest. Good luck to you :)

Obviously UPVOTED ! :)

Cheers, Piotr

Yes, that's correct. That's one of the options they are offering. They called it something like " code with no code"

In fact, in their whitepaper they show how the "command list" will show. It's very interesting. And, as I said, everyday the list of applications becomes longer.

Thanks for your comment! ( and your upvote ;) )

Thank you for your kind reply. I really appreciate.

I really found your post about Crowd Machine very informative and this project is still blowing my mind. I've read number of posts related to that crypto and Im just wondering how possibly would it affect job market. Wont be there thousands developers and programmers losing their jobs ?

Or is demand huge enough to provide jobs for all those people. What do you think?

Are you personally a programmer/developer ? And did you try by any chance their beta version? I tried to register myself here: s://

But this program is temporaty closed and in order to receive news about future beta programs I need to subscribe. The problem I faced is that each time whenever I try to do that their website is crashing with some errors being displayed.

You mind checking if you have similar problem?

Thanks for your comment! ( and your upvote ;) )
Absolutely. Keep up with good content. Will be following you closely. Hope to read more interesting posts about blockchain technology projects :) or crypto in general.


Well, I saw different. I thought that it will be good for programmers, because it offers the opportunity to sell your work too, and every time somebody uses your code you will receive a payment.

So, I see in this way: only one code can make you earn money more than once. Of course, there will be a lot of programmers offering their work. But, Is not that happened already?? and still, everyone have something to work on.

No, I'm not a programmer nor developer.

Let me try to register in crowdmachine and I'll tell you if I get the same problem. But tomorrow, right now I can't even think in anything else but sleep.

I'll put it in my agenda for tomorrow ;)

Have a blessed night.

Hi there. Good morning and thank you for your kind reply

My excitement about Crowd Machine is growing steadily for past few days. More I learn more I like this project. This is one of very few ICO's that seem to really serve some purpose.

Would you perhaps know when another beta testing version will be available? And could you please see if you're capable of adding your email to Crowd Machine subscribtion list? I tried few times and I'm always receiving some errors.

Are you planning to write for @oryginalworks this weekend? If you do then I wish you good luck. You can always send me a link either to my email: [email protected] or write it in your comment/reply. I would love to read it and support you.

Have a great sunday :) And dont forget about your AGENDA FOR TODAY! :D

Cheers, Piotr

Also since it's not the first time we're engaging ... what would you say about following each other and trying to support each other too?
Perhaps you could drop me a short message at my email (previous post)
I would love to be able to keep in touch with you

Notification system here sucks. And lack of PM is disturbing

Hi again

I just wrote a post related to Crowd Machine and I would be absolutely happy if you could comment it and perhaps upvote it too.

I will not be self-upvoting plus Im planning to get several bots to upvote my post on sunday. This way all curators (including you) will be rewarded well.

This is post Im talking about:

Would you be so kind to spent few minutes and drop a comment? About Crowd Machine, future of developers job market or DADI (CM competitor)
That would help me and my followers a lot.

Thank you

Hi! sorry for my late reply, just about to check your post.

And following...

I just checked @originalworks contest results. Congratz! I know you're not even in top5 but still ....

I hope you dont mind my comment again, but I have some more questions related to Crowd Machine. I tried very hard to find answers and I read quite a number of posts related to this issue but I failed.

Most of all: what advantage Crowd Machine has over their direct competition ( DADI is already listed on for quite some time (and available on KuCoin).
I dont know much about DADI. I just found out about this project few hours ago and I would like to hear your view.

You mind telling me how in your opinion CM can affect current market and existing platform?

Will ETH, Cardano, Neo, EOS, Lisk, iota, waves or qtum benefit or is Crowd Machine a threat to them? Hope you can share your view on this issue. I would appreciate a lot.

ps. Im super passionate about crypto and blockchain technology and it seem that we're both sharing this passion. I will be following you closely.
Please continue with great content. Steemit need people like you more than anything else (I mean solid content creators).

Cheers, Piotr

Wow! thanks! well, give me a chance to read about DADI and I'll keep you posted.

About, crowd machine, did you read the whitepaper??, I think they offer there almost everything you need..

Thanks again, for your comments!

yes please, share your opinion about DADI.

I know they has some serious issues during their ICO and Im wondering what do you think about this project

I havent fully read CM whitepaper. Not yet. Im interested with this project mostly as a former programmer/developer. Not so much as investor. So I gotta wait till next beta version will be realised so I could test it.

Cheers, Piotr

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