Buddy "The Decentralized Development Automation Platform"


Introduction: The Complex world of application development

The development of applications is a complex task that involves time and resources, in this procedure the developers must work to build a secure software, without errors and that integrates each component without problems, this thanks to engineering tests and difficult-to-manage programming languages for people outside the programming world. Developing mobile or Web applications requires specific knowledge, behind each application are carried out multiple activities prior to its operation that then allow you as a user to handle them without inconvenience.

To us as users it makes us super easy to manage each of the applications that we use daily but inside of each one of them are processed millions of data that must be configured so that the final product that the company wants to work In a timely manner, the developers simultaneously build a software development and software operations system that is well known as DEVOPS that works to monitor the infrastructure but which has the disadvantage of being an expensive system. And it needs constant monitoring as well as maintenance. Both for you and a developer sounds like a bit tedious task all related to the development of applications, however, as I commented in my previous post for all problems originate new tools that make it much easier our Activities and in this particular post I present a tool that will certainly serve to make the world of application development stop being so complex.


Blockchain Application Development Perspective

As you have noticed the technology blockchain every time progresses even more and is gradually integrating into the daily life of each of you, both this technology and the cryptocurrencies have been a significant and positive innovation in the economy and the Bolsel Those of each, however as mentioned above, the development of applications is complex and that of applications blockchain is not the exception. Even though we know that the chain of blocks is the idea of the future, being the complex of the process of development of applications many times the developers fear to include in this process to this technology, because it takes a little time and above all knowledge about it So that the App they offer is safe, innovative and feasible.

For a developer embarking on the adventure of blockchain technology apart from his knowledge in software engineering he must also manage very well how the block chain works, he must know what he wants to offer with his apps and how he should implement each Tool for the application to fulfill the function that it wants, besides knowing the operation of the decentralized applications (DAPPS) and the entire ecosystem that envelops the blockchain technology. Perhaps it is for this reason that the implementation of this type of application development often sounds like a challenge for programmers, although it is not possible to deny that every minute new proposals are based on blockchain that even though we find it complicated and A tedious task is carried out to make this technology prosper.

That's right!, creating block chain applications is a rigorous process and a little difficult, more not impossible, with the right tools and specific knowledge blockchain technology will continue to expand, which is very good for people That we are involved in all this technological and economic revolution.

If the problem lies in the tediousness of development then there is the solution, a platform that simplifies the process, maintain the security of the Apps and thus facilitate the work of the developers, the most interesting of all is that since 2015 this solution It is on the market, it is a very timely platform that optimizes the development of blockchain applications and that certainly represents the boom! In all this decentralized development automation, I'm talking about BUDDY!



The slower, more rigorous parts of application development are no longer a problem for developers, how they work and build their applications equally will be influenced by Buddy's proposal, a tool platform that It aims to automate the development of applications and to give scalability to the construction of blockchain applications.

Buddy offers to the market a system that allows to develop and to implement blockchain applications without having to go through all the thorny path that entails the programming of applications, giving to its users an excellent proposal of alliance in which only They must worry about the final product they want to offer with their application, that is, the design that it will have and the purpose they want to provide, which is very attractive for the developers and a form of collaboration that will be used Successfully through all blockchain technology, it will increase its growth and expand its implementation in different fields.

As there are a larger number of developers who dare to create block chain applications, thanks to this super proposal from Buddy, they will create applications everywhere and the range of implementation of this technology will be booming.

Characteristics and Reliability

Buddy addresses the common problems of software equipment and establishes optimal and automatic solutions to security testing, infrastructure maintenance as well as the integration of multiple developers. With the vision of attracting a larger number of developers it has an easy and efficient user interface that allows programmers to perform automation operations while keeping connected to users, developers and experts from the Platform.
  • It has an open ecosystem
  • Allows previews and tests of applications
  • Privatizes the information of each user in a network and places it in total control.
  • Collaborate in the maintenance of Dapps

For all users and even more for a developer is of great importance the reliability of the platforms used for their work, is for this reason that Buddy has been commissioned since its establishment in 2015 to provide its users and developers affiliates a Completely transparent and reliable tool, noting by its recognized alliances with large industries of the technological market like Microsoft, Google, Github, Azure, DockerStore and many other recognized and important marks that place its Confidence in this efficient and necessary platform. The goal is to keep growing I have innovated, Buddy puts at your disposal effective solutions that allow the development of applications and applications blockchain be much simpler.



Automation Marketplace

What every platform is looking for certainly always lasts in time, innovating with new tools and improving existing ones, through the implementation of its own application shop for developers Buddy looking to expand its infrastructure So that more developers can add to their database. With more than 80 automation actions this application development tool offers the automatic implementation of all the software development and deployment procedures that expedite the work of the developers and unify the world of Programming.


The Automation Marketplace is a well-used strategy that will enable the growth of the platform by allowing external developers to use their automation pipelines and perform their own actions within the Buddy ecosystem, that is, they are not subject to using only the actions of automation that in itself offers the page but that allows the developers to create their own and offer them in the market through the developer store that she owns

A great way to maintain the continuous improvement of the platform itself, however, this is not all that Buddy offers because it also puts at your fingertips a private automation network that provides execution in private environments such as hardware and the Contrary also provides a shared automation network that unlike the previous allows execution to anyone within the network Bubby, the first (private) could be implemented for the implementation of software and the second (shared) To carry out the required tests.


Buddy's main proposals

  • BlockchainOps

In order to improve the automation of blockchain-based application development, Buddy implements the BlockchainOps as a construction tool that selects the actions to be performed, whether compilation, deployment Tests or Dapps monitoring, giving the developer the opportunity to ease their activities and invest their time in other tasks. This technology of BlockchainOps merges with the DevOps and offers to all the members of the Platform security, optimization of the resources, analysis of the data and revision of codes so that the margin of error almost null.


  • dAppOS

As a solution to projects based on Blockchain, Buddy launches a proposal to the market that combines a tool known as sandboxes that consists of running a program in parallel and that in this case next to the Linux containers are joined to create DAppOS. This allows you to instantly display test environments or automatic previews of your applications.

Every dAppOS can work in different ways: as a standalone environment for development, for testing & previews or can be assigned to a branch and updated on every push for collaboration & feedback. In this case each branch gets its own instance of dAppOS along with the attached services making it very easy to have an automated fully-isolated stack for every branch.

As a training and training tool in the field of blockchain, this proposal is an indirect way of education about blockchain technology that allows non-developers to enter and improve their knowledge about it.


Economy based on Tokens

Currently, the strategy used by the various platforms based on blockchain or aiming to increase the growth of this technology, insert within its infrastructure the use of criptomonedas or called tokens to encourage to the users. In the case of Buddy you use a token known as BUD that allows developers to make purchases and profit in BUB by sending their own script, interesting commercial exchange model that will allow all members of the platform to buy and Sell tools daily without any inconvenience.



This is a fully compatible blockchain platform with Buddy that allows developers to create decentralized applications, much faster and scalable, as well as have smart EOSIO contracts.

My Opinion

When a worker has the necessary tools to do their job effectively, they do not think about how difficult it can be, because they know that having their tools will make it much easier, this is what Buddy promises to its users, developers and experts, a tool that will undoubtedly make the development of applications and develop applications based on blockchain technology a breeze. A platform that offers first-class technology, innovations in the field of programming and an incentive in usable tokens.

By offering automated systems the problems when developing applications become smaller because much of the task is done thanks to Buddy, an excellent proposal with a great advantage. Barriers to software development do not exist when you use Buddy!





More Information & Resources:

Buddy Website
Buddy WhitePaper
Buddy OnePager
Buddy Token Sale
Buddy YouTube
Buddy BitcoinTalk
Buddy Facebook
Buddy Telegram
Buddy Linkedin
Buddy Twitter
Buddy Medium
Buddy Github



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