PATRON - Innovative Marketing Platform for Influencers

in #originalworks6 years ago (edited)




In this day and age, thanks to the services of social networks (SNS), experts in a specific area (fashion, beauty, business, cooking, among others) share their content through the Internet, achieving success and gaining a large amount of followers who follow their advice and want to imitate to some extent their lifestyle, these people are called "influencers".

Influencers can have thousands or millions of followers in the different social networks, most have a blog or a Youtube account, publish books or hold conferences all over the world. The power of conviction that influencers have over their followers is a very important marketing tool so that more and more companies decide to hire them to advertise their products, users resort to blogs and YouTube videos to learn about a product before they buy it.

Thinking about optimizing marketing for companies and offering a new form of value exchange PATRON offers a platform that combines the social network market with the shared economy introduced by AirBnB and Uber. PATRON will bring together influencers in its platform, so that companies can contract their services to publicize their products, achieving a more efficient marketing aimed at specialized followers and of interest to the company.



The blockchain technology created for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies allows the exchange of value (assets, rights, goods and services) in a globalized market 24 hours a day, without the need for the participation of a centralized authority and without any intermediaries. The blockchain provides the infrastructure for this exchange of value and offers a more secure platform than any other existing in terms of security in transactions, in addition it is collaborating with emerging technologies to develop different applications. In order to take advantage of the advantages offered by blockchain technology, PATRON developed an innovative platform that combines the blockchain and social networks to offer its users a secure, scalable, but above all reliable exchange of value through the use of smart contracts.

Security and trust of its users is paramount, the use of blockchain technology through its smart contracts (peer to peer) will allow building a platform that will create trust among its participants, since it does not require third parties involved in it. Transactions are 100% secure.



It is a platform to support the influential market. The companies, influencers and followers will interact in PATRON, creating a shared economy based on the AirBnB and Uber model, where influencers and users of social networks (SNS) will be able to publish and discover social networks. PATRON will have its own PAT tokens for exchange on its platform and uses blockchain technology for its development.

Social networks are an excellent mechanism to advertise and sell products, influencers have a lot of credibility and a connection with their followers, when they promote a product people relate this product with their image and buy it. This is a great advantage for the influencers and PATRON thought about giving it value in money, and thus creating a platform to bring together all the influencers, sponsors and followers in a shared economy.

PATRON divides the influencers into categories and classifies them according to their followers; companies can contract the services of the influential ones based on the followers they have to sponsor their products and ensure the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns.

PATRON connects followers with influential people, and influential people with sponsoring companies using the blockchain, no type of contracts involving third parties are required, peer to peer contracts are made. All transactions made are registered in PATRON unchanging and in view of all participants.



There are three types of users, they are the following:

Type of UserFunction
Host or InfluencerInfluencers can establish contracts with sponsoring companies for a period of time stipulated by the parties, the influencer promotes the products of the sponsor and acts as an ambassador of the brand according to what is stipulated in the contract.
Guest or SponsorIt covers the sponsoring companies that want the services of influencers for the marketing of their products
Fan or FollowerIt refers to the people who follow the influencers in social networks and are their loyal fans.




  • They can earn a stable income by making contracts with sponsors for a period of time established by the parties.
  • They can look for sponsors with a high price contract.
  • Security, when a sponsor is interested in hiring the services of an influencer they must comply with the criteria of selection of employer in terms of credibility and capital strength.
  • They can build a brand around them and be public relations ambassadors.
  • Access to specialized followers and a wider audience.


  • The marketing strategies point to a group of people concentrated around an influencer, so they are more likely to succeed. It is a directed marketing where the information flows quickly (hours) and with the minimum investment.
  • In PATRON companies can expand their sales by appearing in SND media where influencers have thousands or millions of followers.
  • It allows to look for influencers around the world according to each genre (fashion, beauty, music, business) and field for each SND (social network services) quickly.
  • They can reserve influencer social networks.
  • They are able to consult the calendar of influencers through the calendar function.
  • PATRON offers a message function where you can send questions and consult the influencer to know their interests, and have the bases to decide if you want to hire a particular influencers.
  • They know information about sponsorship and affiliation, among others.


  • Followers also receive benefits by receiving better content generated on the network and where they are rewarded for their attention.




Nowadays, any person with talent and much effort can through social networks become an influential person, it is not necessary to be a singer or artist to be a celebrity and have many followers, PATRON offers all influencers an innovative platform where they can offer their services to sponsoring companies and generate stable profits. PATRON is ideal for both influencers, sponsors and followers, since they all get economic benefits on their platform.

By downloading PATRON on a smartphone it is possible to distribute the information sent by influencers to multiple social networks (SNS) live at the same time, videos can be sent to more than 10 active applications such as Facebook Live, You Tube, Twitter, among others. This facilitates the process and saves time for the users of PATRON, since it is not necessary to access each social network to verify the information sent by the influencers.

An example of the usage of PATRON : Mary, is a makeup fan and since she admires youtube's beauty gurus she decides to make her own channel that specializes on eye shadow makeup. She has 60000 faithful followers and is dedicated to making eye makeup tutorials. Through PATRON, a company that manufactures eye shadows hired her to advertise their shadows so that they can reach new clients. The company has registered an increase in sales and Mary an excellent contract that generates profits.


PATRON will issue an open source cryptocurrency called PATRON COIN (PAT), it is based on the chain of public Ethereum blocks as an ERC20 token.

PAT tokens will be used by sponsors to get involved with influential people and use their networks; by the fans to promote the content of the influencers that follow and by the influencers to reward their followers through contests, promotions and events.

PATRON will launch 240 million PAT of a total offer of 400 million in the ICO. The funds will be used for the development of applications, services, legal systems, among others. The remaining 160 million will be used strategically in the long term.



PATRON is a platform in the blockchain that will revolutionize the marketing carried out by companies. It is a marketing platform for influencers, where companies can select which they want to hire to publicize their products or services.

In PATRON everyone benefits, influencers can initiate contracts and obtain fixed income according to the duration and terms of it. The sponsoring companies guarantee a more efficient marketing aimed at an objective demographic group and the followers obtain quality content.

Your PAT tokens will be the exchange currency in PATRON and it has a development team committed and capable of achieving the objectives set.


More Information & Resources:

Patron Website
Patron WhitePaper
Patron Telegram
Patron Facebook
Patron LinkedIn
Patron Bitcointalk
Patron DEMO

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