Patron: Innovation in social network technology service (SNS)

in #originalworks6 years ago (edited)


     Technology, with its advances, has gradually changed the world and citizens. In parallel, the network of networks: Internet represents one of the best inventions of humanity. Therefore, technology and the Internet are resources that must be exploited to the maximum, in function of the creation of integral well-being for all people. In fact, the Internet is a Human Right enshrined by the United Nations (UN). Consequently, all people on this terrestrial plane should have access to this service, without any limitations other than those derived from laws and good social customs.

Source: Patron

The Internet is, without a doubt, one of the unconventional media with the greatest reach and worldwide projection. In different societal subsectores, it is used for positive purposes, in areas such as: politics, economy, education, health, religion, culture, sports, recreation, and even in the same technological field, with satisfactory results. That is why it is considered necessary to make good use of technology and Internet, to achieve maximum comfort in the different activities developed daily, at personal and professional levels.

With the passage of time, people realized that the Internet was an excellent tool for the execution of actions tending to generate added value of an economic nature, through various commercial activities.

Thus, what is now known as e-commerce emerged, a subsector or area rooted in the daily tasks of active citizenship, which immediately positioned itself among the viable alternatives of the global economy, representing a golden opportunity to generate tangible and intangible wealth. To achieve this, digital marketing was used as a work strategy.

Later, the emergence of social networks caused a stir on the Internet, revolutionizing the way people communicate through electronic devices devised and built in the age of communication and computing.

Interconnectivity, shortening of geographical distances, speed and security, gave rise to new forms of social and commercial interaction at the same time, and social networks were very useful in that specific purpose. The electronic commerce became massified, and with it the sales of services and products of thousands and millions of companies of diverse countries. In this way, technology, Internet and social networks became an unprecedented phenomenon. The Boom of the Modern Era!

Today, social networks are seen as part of the global economic dynamic, with a progressive and stable trend. It is a source of jobs, and a large number of services and products are marketed through them to the general public. Therefore, the influencers are people with certain characteristics and abilities, who through social networks, with their image, voice and other manipulable elements, help to market services and products with total success. Blockchain and digital coins are also included as constituent factors of the enunciated reality.

Source: Pixabay

Curiously, few people or social organizations have shown interest in creating a digital platform, with an electronic interface, conceived and designed to meet the requirements and needs of influencers, and small, medium and large enterprises in the online context. But, everything has changed since the emergence of Patron on the Internet.

What is Patron?

Patron is a digital platform with an intuitive and friendly electronic interface, which allows the interaction between influencers, small, medium and large enterprises and users or general public in the network of networks: Internet. Speed and security are essential features of this revolutionary website.

With Patron there is the possibility of dividing the influential and classify them by sectors or specific areas, providing the conditions to promote and consolidate digital marketing, benefiting entrepreneurs, in any region of the world.

Source: Pixabay

Patron is the final product, the result of an idea conceived by a group of talented Asian citizens, who understand and assume that electronic commerce and social networks represent the economy of the present and future; and there they focused their actions to achieve an electronic-digital concept with solidity, projection and transcendence.

Patron's mission, vision and objectives:


Patron mission is to encompass spaces in the Internet where e-commerce actions are developed, integrating platforms with interfaces, social networks, influencers, small, medium and large companies with online presence, to consolidate a digital economy that satisfies the purchase and sale of services and various products for human, animal and plant use and consumption.


Patron vision is to be an online reference worldwide, as a platform and interface for digital integration and interaction, thereby consolidating the actions of influential people, and thus improving e-commerce carried out by entrepreneurs evolving in the e-commerce scenario.

It is intended to innovate from the potential of the Internet, and human ingenuity, as in the case of human-Asian talent that presents and projects Patron in the digital universe.


With regard to the objectives of Patron, the most relevant ones are highlighted below (in no specific order):

1.- Presence in the network of networks: Internet.

2.- Creation and operation of a digital platform and interface, oriented towards the consolidation of electronic commerce, exploitation of social networks, integration of influencers and commercialization of business organizations, via online.

3.- Contribution with digital marketing, allowing to overcome obstacles and limitations, until advancing towards success, in the context of the global economy.

4.- Adoption of marketing strategies suitable for social networks, under the conception of the digital economy.

5.- Massive generation of fiduciary resources and digital currencies, as a way of creating added value for human survival.

6.- Use of blockchain as a worldwide crypto-economic resource.

Once Patron has been defined, the mission, vision and objectives of the platform with its digital interface have been clarified, and before fully addressing the subject itself, it is essential to deal with certain points or binding aspects, such as for example: (a) conventional and digital or online marketing; (b) the limitations of marketing; (c) the principles of digital marketing applicable in Patron; (d) Internet, e-commerce and social networks (SNS Technology), as they are considered fundamental to the understanding of conceptual and contextual dynamics.

Digital marketing, as a starting point in Patron:

"Conventional Marketing" is considered as an administrative support tool in business or commercial organizations. For connoisseurs of tacit subject matter, it is essentially a "discipline dedicated to the analysis of market and consumer behaviour". (Source:

Now, when reference is made to "Digital Marketing" conceptually speaking, it is the same traditional marketing, but taken to the network of networks: the Internet. Therefore, it is also called: "Online Marketing". However, certain similarities and contextual differences, are evident.

Undoubtedly, there are many benefits of conventional and digital marketing in the online economic-commercial dynamics. The creators of Patron aware of this, use the positive aspects to offer an electronic platform with a productive interface.

Marketing and its limitations:

For years, both conventional and digital marketing have operational limitations that are difficult to resolve in a short time. In general, the problem in this area is communicational, that is, communication problems between entrepreneurs, people specializing in marketing and potential customers or users.

In addition to the problem mentioned above, there are also other limitations, such as: (a) changes in consumption patterns (including basic and special services); (b) geographic location; (c) raw material costs; (d) production; (e) marketing, (f) distribution, and (g) real needs of business organizations; among others.

In that sense, Patron represents an alternative of action pro solution of the problems that are presented daily with marketing, specifically online, and therefore, it is necessary to take advantage of its operational advantages.

Principles of online marketing applicable in Patron:

Among the principles of marketing online applicable from the platform and interface of Patron, stand out:

1.- Creation of contents: focuses on the organization and distribution of content related to services and marketable products, according to sectors, areas and type of users or consumers.

2.- Generation of potential clients: It is about offering information about services and products to persuade potential consumers or users.

3.- Internet usage and social networks: Currently, the best way to market services and products on the Internet is through social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Instagram, Linkedin, among others of equal importance.

4.- Incorporation to the system (digital): It is a requirement the incorporation of marketing as a tool of organizational work, in the system of the network of networks: Internet, to assume in this way, the registration and control of operations.

5.- Projection and return on investment: it is vital the good management of the economic-currency capital, in fiat and digital currencies, where the investment, reinvestment and the circulating return, is in favor of the enterprise organization or person that invests.

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The human talent you've devised Patron is aware of the importance of creating content from the interests and needs of users or consumers in the network of networks: Internet. This first step is decisive in the conformation of a list of potential clients; and it is through the social networks of greater use in the present days, that services and products of high demand will be commercialized.

Social networks serve as appropriate means or channels of communication for the projection of information related to small, medium and large enterprises, influential people, services and varied products. Internet, in this case, is the mass communication tool that contributes to the viralization of content of specific interest, while qualified personnel remain attentive to aspects such as investment, reinvestment and return on investment.

Patron will be in charge of establishing guidelines when it comes to categorizing influential people, according to the number of followers they have, as can be interpreted in the continuity of the content of this post.

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Source: Pixabay

Note: It is worth noting that neither conventional nor digital marketing are spearheads of Patron although indirectly they are points or aspects directly and indirectly related to the implicit theme.

The Internet, electronic commerce and social networks: The genesis of Patron:

Internet: The network of networks: Internet, in the "Modern Era", is a tool of fast work and within reach of all or at least, of a great majority of citizens in different countries that conform the terrestrial sphere.

Immediately, to define the term: "Internet", you turn to, where you can read the following:

..."is a decentralized set of interconnected communication networks using the TCP/IP protocol family, which ensures that the heterogeneous physical networks that make it up form a single logical network with worldwide reach". (Support material: Source: Wikipedia).

According to experts on the subject, the beginning of the Internet goes back to the years 60´s, in times of the remembered "Cold War", when skilful American citizens create a military network, using a set of interconnected computers. This event occurred concretely in 1969, and the network was called: "ARPANET"; although the connoisseurs of the subject point out that since the end of the years 50´s, already it was being rehearsed whit relation to the creation of Internet. (Support material: Source: Wikipedia).

.- Internet Timeline

By 1971, there were 23 computers connected to the ARPANET network, and the first e-mail was sent by its creator: Ray Tomlinson.

In 1972, "InterNetworking Working Group" was created, officially in charge of Internet administration.

Then, in 1979, the "NewsGroups" (Discussion Forums) were created by ingenious U.S. students.

Two years later, in 1981, the TCP/IP protocol was defined and at the same time the word "Internet" was used.

In 1983, the first web site name server came to light; and between 1983 and 1989, between 1,000 and 100,000 computers connected to the Internet were registered.

In 1990, ARPANET disappeared, and the "World Web Wide" appeared in 1991. From this year onwards, the major changes in the network of networks began: the Internet. A year later, in 1992, there were 1,000,000 interconnected computers.

In 1993, the browser known as the "NCSA Mosaic web browser" appeared on the Internet.

In 1996, there were 10 million computers connected to the network of networks: the Internet.

In 2000, it definitively exploits what is known as the "". This means the accelerated growth of the organizations that, from that moment to the present, make life on the Internet. (Support material: Source: Wikipedia).

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E-commerce: E-commerce is related to the development of commercial activities through the network of networks: the Internet. At the same time, it is known as: "Electronic commerce" or "e-commerce", taking advantage of technological tools to achieve the respective transactions between two or more people, via online. (Support material: Source:

Interestingly, although there are divergences between sectors that are part of human knowledge, can be established in 1960, as the beginning of electronic commerce, with the launch of a notorious data exchange company in the U.S., called: EDI. (Support material: Source:

It is estimated that e-commerce arises as a human need to offer services and products based on survival. In short, it is a process that has evolved differently in different regions of the world.

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Social networks: As far as social networks are concerned, it can be said that these are web tools that allow the integration and interaction of people or social groups. (Support material: Source:

Online companies, such as Uber, Amazon, E-Bay, MercadoLibre, among others of similar projection, are ideal platforms for the commercialization of standardized services and products, requested by a great number of users or consumers. Of all the above, Uber is positioned as a leader in the current economic digital market.

.- Social networks timeline

1971: The first e-mail is officially sent, which, as previously stated, was devised by Ray Tomlinson. It should be noted that the sending and receiving computers were side by side.

1978: The exchange of BBS (Bulletin Board Systems) takes place, using telephone lines.

1994: "GeoCities" is founded, considered as one of the first social networks in the digital society.

1995: "" establishes mechanisms to allow users to personalize their own online experiences. Also, "Classsmate" was created.

In 1997, AOL Instant Messenger's online platform was launched, thus advancing the social networking scene. is also created.

The year 2000 - as already expressed - is known as the year of the bursting of the bubble on the Internet.

In 2002, the "Friendster" platform was created, becoming a pioneer in the connection between real friends.

In 2003, "Myspace" appears, which was considered a "Friendster" clone platform. It is the first social network created from online marketing.

2004 is the year of "Facebook", the social network that currently has more projection and users in the network of networks: Internet.

Two years later, in 2006, microblogging was created: Twitter. (Support material: Source:

Source: Pixabay

In view of the characteristics of social networks, it is established that:

1.- They are formed according to types of relations: family, study, work, etc.

2.- Each one of the users represents a node.

3.- They are made up of an unlimited number of users.

4.- Facilitate communication between people, in short and long distances, and quickly.

5.- Allow the commercialization of services and products, massively.

SNS Technology

Within the broad spectrum of information technology, as far as social networks are concerned, it is convenient to talk about SNS (Social Network Service) technology, contextualized by the use of advanced technological equipment, tools and instruments.

Source: Pixabay

In this technological scenario, many changes take place every day, thanks to human ingenuity and the availability of resources and computer tools. An obvious example is Facebook, which permanently introduces positive transformations to improve. This is the case with other social networks.

Usefulness of the platform and interface of Patron:

Source: Pixabay
(Image modified with Photoshop)

It has already been commented that Patron is a platform with a friendly, intuitive interface, which allows the integration of entrepreneurs of small, medium and large enterprises, with influential people in social networks and users or consumers of products and services.

Patron is extremely useful for achieving the following, effectively and positively: (a) division of the influencers in categories, and at the same time to classify them; (b) group the influencers by sectors (and sub-sectors), areas, services and products; (c) speed up the search for influencers in today's social networks; (d) improve communication between small, medium and large enterprise entrepreneurs, influential social network assets and users/consumers; and (e) organize influencers by category.

Another aspect to emphasize is that the more the interface of the Patron platform is used, the greater will be the usability of this one, through time. It is considered that this will be the case, due to the rise of social networks and the notable presence of a large number of influencers on the Internet.

Conformants of the structure of Patron:

It is convenient and opportune to emphasize that, the structure of Patron is conformed of the following form:

1.- The Host; or Influencer.

2.- The Guest or Sponsor. (Entrepreneur).

3.- The Ventilator or follower. (User/Consumer).

Electronic devices used with Patron:

Source: Pixabay

When using Patron it is possible to use the usual electronic devices, such as for example: (a) desktop computers; (b) laptops; (c) tablets; and (d) smart phones.

All that is needed is connectivity to the network of networks: Internet, Wi-Fi connection system (or others) and the appropriate operating system.

Influencers and social networks:


Social networks have triggered the "Boom of the influencers", i.e. the people who, as users, are part of the digital communication technologies, allowing interaction between them, the entrepreneurs of small, medium and large companies, and other users or consumers.

The influencers can be ordinary people. Similarly, they can be artists (singers, actors, dancers, others), politicians, athletes, doctors, scientists, in short, any person who with previous knowledge, remains willing to transmit information and content of interest to all kinds of people or public (users or consumers).

The role of the influencers is to maintain the communicational dynamic between the entrepreneurs and their organizations and the users or consumers, with the purpose of publicizing, positioning and selling services and products for human, animal and vegetable use and consumption.

Therefore, it means that the influencers are in charge of motivating the online interaction with the intention of generating economic benefits for the business organizations that sell their services and products in the network of networks: Internet.

It is obvious that Patron becomes par excellence in the platform with leading interface in the categorization of influential people in social networks, setting a unique precedent in the network of networks: the Internet.

Patron Financial System:

Source: Pixabay

Like other platforms with interfaces that are part of the blockchain, Patron has its own financial system, headed with a token called: "PAT", which can be used in the following cases:

Source: Patron

1.- For each of the sponsoring entities, allowing them to get involved with influential people, and thus use their respective social networks.

2.- For each one of the users or consumers (fanatics), who will be able to interact through the "I like" option, and in this way promote content of general or specific interest.

3.- For each one of the nfluencers, with the purpose of rewarding the different users, consumers or fans, either through contests, promotions and events.

It is possible to indicate that Patron counts on its platform and interface with a purse or portfolio, to carry out the necessary transactions within the order of the economic system it possesses.

Availability and usability of the PAT token:

The PAT token confers crypto-economic autonomy to the platform and interface under consideration, thus establishing its own financial system, with personality and digital presence.

This token can be obtained by means of fiat money and other digital currencies, with the simple execution of easy actions for all users of the interface of the Patron platform, which means that it is easily accessible.

Use Cases:


First Case:

Charlotte is a recognized influencer in his home country, and has many successes online. However, he has told a group of friends that he would like to have a digital platform and interface within reach, which allows him to better control the activities he develops on social networks. He also stated that he would like to enjoy an electronic system, capable of classifying influencers, small, medium and large companies, and even, if possible, users or consumers.

A friend told him about Patron and decided to use the platform. He found that it is intuitive, friendly, and fits his needs as an influencer in social networks. From now on, Charlotte uses Patron with pleasure and satisfaction, because it allows him to classify the activities he performs by sectors, areas, services and products.


Second Case:

Howard is a famous youtuber in his country, and his success is due to the perseverance and dedication he offers to the social network where he participates most frequently (youtube). However, he has come to think that he needs to receive more income for his sustainability as a human being, person and citizen.

One day, reviewing the network of networks: Internet, he learned about the existence and functioning of Patron and decided to use the platform and interface, to try to manipulate the PAT token. It did so, and the results were highly satisfactory. He now recommends the website to all the influencers he knows.

The experience of Asian and USA citizens as a model:

Source: Pixabay

In the network of networks: Internet, for no person is a secret the success of Asian citizens in each of the online activities they plan and execute. It is something that is commented with insistence and supported by real and verifiable facts.

In fact, the Asian continent is considered a territory with a large number of entrepreneurs and startups that bring to society material and immaterial wealth (including the economic), with global reach and projection.

Asian citizens are characterized by their high theoretical and practical training in various areas of social work, including technology, and therefore social networks, becoming expert specialists. Besides, they are orderly, disciplined, with a sense of local belonging, who value the work and labor of the natives of the countries that make up that continent. They are passionate and dedicated in the search for success, and they achieve it with forcefulness.

On an equal footing, the extraordinary participation of citizens of the United States of America should be highlighted, who, like Asian citizens, are people with a high level of theoretical and practical training, responsible, disciplined, dedicated to their duties and human rights, with the capacity to respond and visionaries.

It is for all the above, that the adoption of the Asian and U.S.A model is considered viable, in the social networks and in the whole network of networks: Internet; while finally it stands out that Patron is a product of the Asian ingenuity. Congratulations!

Team Patron:

Patron like other online communities, is formed by a group of citizens, fully trained with methods, techniques, tools and computational strategies, which led to the idea and creation of the interface and platform, which has as an immediate end, the classification of influencers according to their followers online.

The following shows the human talent of this platform with friendly and intuitive interface:

Source: Patron

Source: Patron

Source: Patron


Connect directly to influencers with small, medium and large business organizations in the network of networks: Internet, reduces communication problems that arise, both in marketing strategies, as in the final process of buying and selling services and products.

The influencers benefit from using Patron because the interface of this platform allows the classification of these, according to the users or followers it has.
Companies benefit from Patron because it allows them an enterprise organization system with a digitized system, easy to manipulate, fast and secure.

Patron allows the demographics of the influencers, allowing their location in the shortest time possible. This reduces operating costs by reducing search time.

In short, Patron is an intelligent online solution that allows the integration of influencers, with the ability to categorize them in a practical way, to streamline the actions leading to Internet marketing.

Links to other platforms:

Patron Website

Patron White Papper

Patron Telegram

Patron Facebook

Patron Linkedin

Patron Bitcointalk

Patron User-Demo


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