ONAM - An cryptocurrency exchange with an incredible speed!

in #originalworks6 years ago




The boom generated by cryptocurrencies all over the world has been something that can be easily verified by accessing platforms where they mention the general capitalization of the entire crypto currency market today. It can be observed that this incredible growth began to have a much greater impulse after 2016, showing the world the capacity that this market has in the real world and implying that the number of people who are interested in this new market are many, many more.

Like any natural market, this market contains currencies called cryptocurrencies, all with a value, a volume of daily transactions and also with a capitalization of the total market of that cryptocurrency, implying that this market meets all the aspects that any market like Forex.

What is forex? Forex, also known as foreign exchange, FX or currency trading, is a decentralized global market where all the world's currencies trade. The forex market is the largest, most liquid market in the world with an average daily trading volume exceeding $5 trillion. Source

In conjunction with the cryptocurrencies must exist the exchanges, these houses of change are platforms where we will be able to exchange between a wide variety of cryptocurrency while we use a cryptocurrency , also exist houses of so genial changes that allow you to exchange currencies FIAT for cryptocurrencies, something that allows many people to enter the market of cryptocurrencies without much problem.


But what are the problems?

1.Nowadays there are many exchanges of cryptocurrencies, that is a fact. But the problem comes at the time of using them, interacting with them and depositing our trust in them, until today there have been many hacks to different exchanges worldwide, demonstrating that the security they offer their users is compromised and this ends up causing millionaire losses for the exchange and also end up occurring losses for users, making their funds are totally compromised to then occur the loss of these due to the security of the exchange was circumvented.

I repeat, this is something that has happened many times in the cryptocurrency market, making the distrust in this market increase even more since the recognition of cryptocurrency as a method of payment worldwide is very negligible compared to how money moves today, trust is a very important point at this time of global adoption of cryptocurrencies

2.Not only the security of the exchange is the only problem we can observe in a cryptocurrency exchange, a fundamental factor that can harm the user in a gigantic way and equally in a way that the damage is as minor as possible, the fees.

The fees that are charged in each transaction made by the user are something that can harm you depending on the amount of money you move and how often you move it, these fees in almost all cases are charged in the form of % for each transaction you make, ie, for example: For each transaction you make you will be discounted 0.1% of the amount you move in that operation, ie for every 100 USD you move in a transaction you will be charged 0.1%, in other words, 0.1 $ for each movement you make using that exact amount.

3.Scalability, as more users enter the network of an exchange, more transactions will take place every second, meaning that the servers must be good enough to be able to process as many user transactions as possible, this problem can go very unnoticed in this market at the moment since there is not a quantity of users as exuberant as it would have an already established market as Forex, therefore, the exchanges do not usually dedicate great quantity of resources to the scalability since at the moment it is not a problem so worrying due to the quantity of users that are in the cryptocurrency market: This is a total error since, as I mentioned before, this market is still in the phase of global adoption, which means that when many more people discover the cryptocurrencies will want to exchange them for others through exchanges, here is where you can see the great flaw that is not having servers good enough to cover a giant number of people.

4. Finally we find the manipulation of the markets, in this new born market there are many probabilities of manipulation as long as there is a giant capital that increases (or decreases) to a great extent the market capitalization of the cryptocurrency with only a few movements, this can affect the price of the cryptocurrency greatly in a very short period of time compared to the natural movements of the price of a currency, this is known as market manipulation and the most frequent activity in cryptocurrency market is the pump & dump.

What is pump and dump? "Pump and dump" (P&D) is a form of securities fraud that involves artificially inflating the price of an owned stock through false and misleading positive statements, in order to sell the cheaply purchased stock at a higher price. Source

In this article I will tell you about ONAM, a cryptocurrency exchange that offers the possibility of solving the problems described here and many more thanks to all its possibilities and features, let's begin!


What is ONAM?

ONAM is a totally legal cryptocurrency exchange, much faster, scalable and equally innovative if we compare it with the exchanges that exist today, ONAM offers an incredible experience to the user who wants to use this exchange, in this exchange you can enjoy features such as lower commissions when performing our operations, total customer service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, a platform where security is a very important point for its users, demonstrating that the funds you have in this platform will be backed by the maximum possible security.

The safety of ONAM, a very important factor

Security on platforms where money is moved is something very important, it is even more important when we talk about exchanges where millions of dollars are moved daily from different locations, ONAM takes into account this point and offers its users an incredible technology that they themselves called Advanced Threat Prevention, Intrusion Detection, and Trade Surveillance systems, a system that uses Machine Learning technology in conjunction with fully encrypted databases. All this with the security measures that any exchange currently brings, such as 2FA verification or security against potential DDoS attacks that the platform may suffer.




As I mentioned earlier, at present the existing exchanges have not devoted as much attention to the scalability of the exchange, the number of transactions that a current exchange can process will not cover enough transactions per second that it would be ideal to have, let's remember that the cryptocurrency market is in an adoption phase and the number of people who currently know about cryptocurrencies is minuscule compared to the potential amount that the market will have when global adoption is reached in a larger way.

ONAM took into account this factor and offers the public an incredible exchange with enough capacity to process 10 million transactions per second, this figure is a very large amount that even triples the processing power of exchanges that exist today. We can have a better idea of what I say in the following illustration:


As we can also see from the illustration, not only do we have a greater amount of transaction processing, we also have the incredible opportunity to have a cryptocurrency exchange where fees are incredibly low, perhaps the lowest in the market as a whole.


The impact of fees on our trading

When we trade in a cryptocurrency exchange in most cases we are charged a fee for each transaction we make within the exchange, this is completely normal because all funds that are charged through fees are directed towards the maintenance of the exchange (or theoretically should be so), but even said this does not mean that we stop losing money due to them.

That is, from the user's point of view, the fee we are charged for each transaction we make within the exchange represents a monetary loss of our money only by making a simple move, from a first view these fees represent a very small amount in the form of % (0.1%, for example), and this is where the trick is; let's suppose we make a $100 transaction and the exchange discounts 0.1% of the total amount of that transaction, the exchange would take 0.1$ because of the fee we were charged in that transaction, it's not a big amount at all, right? But now let's suppose that we make that transaction more than 10 times with the same amount (or similar), mostly this is usually done in short-term trading, so, if we make 10 times a transaction with an amount of $100, we would be charged a total fee of $1 for all the transactions we made using $100. Do you realize how much money you can lose? Added to this we can find that unfortunately the asset we invested in dropped in price, which causes us to lose even more money due to commissions.

ONAM is an incredible exchange that offers us to trade cryptocurrencies with an incredibly low fees, having a much lower fee than exchanges of cryptocurrencies such as KuCoin, Huobi and even Binance. With an incredible fee of 0.05% for each transaction you make within the ONAM platform is positioned as an exchange where in terms of fees is the total dominant and offers the user the opportunity to generate as much profit as possible than the rest of exchanges.


Why is market manipulation bad?


As I mentioned a few words ago, the market manipulation of some cryptocurrency is something that happens frequently and that can cause a lot of displeasure to people who are trading on a platform, yes, the market manipulation can make exuberant prices rise to a cryptocurrency, prices with more than 30% profit in just a matter of minutes, many people profit from this, but unfortunately other people are trapped because they acquire the asset at a fully inflated price, preventing them the opportunity to sell because the asset will have fallen to its natural price (which was maintained before being manipulated its price), this is how users can be trapped in this type of activities that are often seen in the cryptocurrency market.

ONAM does not let this be so, their incredible team has taken this activity very seriously, before entering fully into how ONAM makes this type of activities not at all accepted are something we do not have to worry about in most cases, it should be noted that ONAM is a company that is equally dedicated to having the legal permits and comply with all the series that are necessary to make its platform a totally reliable place in terms of legality, compared to other current exchanges that do not have sufficient permits to be considered totally legal (yes.), ONAM has one of the best firms in the United States, ensuring that it has sufficient legal permits to offer its potential institutional investors the opportunity to use an exchange where they can deposit their total confidence since this exchange will have sufficient legal permits to guarantee transparency and sufficient confidence to its potential investors.

Therefore, thanks to the fact that ONAM will be supported under US legal laws, its platform will be considered as a totally legal exchange and will have the security backing that any platform of this type deserves in a given country, offering potential large investors a platform where fraudulent activities such as Pump and dump will not be allowed and will be pursued by legal authorities, also to ensure the impossibility that the market can be manipulated ONAM has an effective system that closely observes any type of suspicious activity in its exchange and also in exchanges nearby, all these data will be fully monitored and will make the manipulation of the market completely impossible.


Institutional investors in the cryptocurrency market


One term that I have been using a lot in this article is "Institutional Investors", perhaps you are not so informed about this term and equally do not know the great importance that these people have in the markets, even more in the market of cryptocurrencies that is just in its adoption phase.

An institutional investor is a person or some entity that has gigantic amounts of institutional money, that is, they have enough funds so that the price of a currency is affected in one way or another in just a matter of minutes with a couple of movements, in short, they are people who have large amounts of millions of dollars, able to increase the market capitalization of any currency in a very meaningful way (and also have the ability to do the opposite).

In this market that is just in its adoption phase, the entry of institutional investors would represent a very favorable point in the whole market in general since this will increase the market capitalization of the whole cryptocurrency market, allowing them to have a better stability and project their price towards an upward trend, in short, the more market capitalization the cryptocurrencies have, the better.

How does ONAM attract institutional investors?

This is where ONAM comes in, this incredible exchange has an incredible appearance for potential investors and even potential institutional investors who want to integrate into the world of cryptocurrencies through a simple platform, with incredible transparency and all the requirements to be a fully legal platform, allowing the investor to fully trust ONAM.


And all this with incredible customer support.

Now imagine enjoying all these incredible features while you have the opportunity to get 24/7 customer support, most exchanges today have a very obsolete customer support method, that is, the customer support that exists in most exchanges today offers a bad user experience because they have to wait hours, days and even weeks to be able to receive a response from experienced exchange people, which in the end could completely destroy the user experience within the platform.

In ONAM this is not so, thanks to ONAM you can enjoy a live chat that you can use at any time regardless of the language in which you speak, through this chat you can communicate directly with a customer service operator in ONAM from any language you want, this allows you to receive help at any time by the operators of ONAM. This is a great advantage that offers this incredible exchange with respect to other exchanges that exist today.


Use Case

Bob and his interest in cryptocurrencies

Bob is a person who has participated in the stock exchanges for a long time, he has been operating in them for more than 14 years and has a vast experience that allows him to stand out and have a lot of influence within the economic field, with this has managed to highlight and make agreements and partnerships that have allowed him to generate a huge capital with which to participate in the stock exchange and perform buying and selling activities through the use of that capital.

Bob has always been researching more ways to grow his capital and with his experience on the exchange, trading foreign exchange in the short term is no problem for him, the only drawback he has seen within the exchange while he is trading is the delay in the flow of the price of the asset, that is, changes in the price of an asset take a considerable amount of time for the asset to make important movements, that happens because these assets have more price stability.

And this is when Bob meets the cryptocurrencies, a technology that promises to revolutionize the economic / financial system we know today, these cryptocurrencies have the advantage (and at the same time, the disadvantage) that their price can fluctuate much faster, in just a matter of minutes can rise more than 3% and this Bob was very much attracted to Bob, so he set out to investigate them. At the point where Bob became fully informed about the cryptocurrencies, he decided to look for an exchange that would offer him the greatest security and transparency that his capital would be fully safeguarded on a legal platform, this is where Bob meets ONAM.

ONAM offers Bob the possibility to invest in cryptocurrencies through the use of a totally legal platform and that offers total security to Bob that the market will not be manipulated in any way while he is trading within the platform, Bob after having made a good review of the exchange and realize that it meets all the requirements to establish itself as a reliable platform and allows new investors to enter the cryptocurrency market. After having registered within the platform, Bob can participate in the cryptocurrency market freely, and thanks to his great capital he made the capitalization of the cryptocurrency market increase significantly, further strengthening the market and all thanks to ONAM, which allowed him to enter the cryptocurrency market without any problem thanks to its totally legal and reliable platform for any type of investor.











Token Distribution



ICO Distribution



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ONAM is a totally innovative exchange that offers the perfect opportunity to those investors who have not yet been totally sure of integrating into the cryptocurrency market, through its totally legal platform and all the options described here this is a very feasible option to grow the cryptocurrency market and also the global adoption of this market.



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