New : Firmo

in #originalworks6 years ago (edited)

29433295_954028798091545_1363375511996203008_n.pngGreetings again to my pursuers on Steemit. Today I have prepared some information about the next topic: Firmo. What Is Firmo? What they wants to do and what's new? Who formed this team? Watch out for continuation of the article.
We are in a period of first knowledge of the blockchain technology. I think that we are only in the first 5% as a percentage related to the development of this technology. We have bitcoin, we have Etherum, more recently we have strong and EOS coming out from the rear.

So what is Firmo?
Firmo wishes to build their future, or at least to be part of the future of financial infrastructure. Working with Etherum Firmo platform but it bears discussion with other staff blockchains Qtum like Cardano, and NEO.

The person who sits at the back of the project or in front of the Firmo(if we can say, and so is Dr. Omri Ross. Who is he? It seems that it has sufficient experience in the field of mathematics, CEO and founder of Firmo. His passion is to be transposed by this project of long duration, due to his knowledge about the financial sector and by the fact that he worked for Barclays Capital.

In accordance with the Firmo Techinal Paper…Bitcoin has been or is the main opener blockchain technology for the world to accept a system monetary decentralizat. Etherum came as a virtual machine that supports smart if necessary. But Firmo what he wants? They want to have a decentralized economy by introducing secure and automated financial contracts without the involvement of trusted third parties.

Smart contracts written in advanced programming languages frequently suffer from bugs, even when the code has been fully audited. People have found that 45 percent of the smart contracts examined from a set of over 19,000 contracts deployed on the Ethereum mainnet contained a subset of known exploits or vulnerabilities. What makes Firmo? Exactly, comes with its own language to resolve these known issues: FirmoLang.



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