Effect.AI: a powerful decentralized network of artificial intelligence.

in #originalworks6 years ago

The field that covers the blockchain also reaches artificial intelligence, and it is something that is spreading all over the world. The AI ​​is not only a product that can benefit or be used by Google, Amazon, Facebook or other large corporations, but will soon be at the service of the whole world and decentralized in the blockchain.

Conferences have already been held talking about the subject and its potential, demonstrating that it is a growing trend, that goes for more, and seems to be one of the most important milestones of this decade, and this is largely possible thanks to the emergence of bitcoin and its revolutionary software.

The AI ​​are increasingly influential in our daily lives, someday, very likely save our lives or those of our relatives, and the fact that it is decentralized will make it easily reach each of us.

The value of the IA is quite obvious, but it was not until recently that with new cryptographic technologies and cryptocurrencies that it was possible to think about the decentralization of the IA, and overcome the great technical challenges that this task represented. This union of new technologies is the solid basis so that today it is possible to start with such incredible human ambition.

But of course this is not entirely real today, even if it is not long. These days the AI ​​is rather centralized, and not always beneficial to the final consumer or at least not as much as it could be. The technology must be for everyone. Stephen Hawking once said: "If the wealth produced by the machines were shared, everyone could live a life of leisure and luxury." In short, only technology and even more artificial intelligence can change the harmful course of the planet, and that is what Effect.AI intends with its super decentralized artificial intelligence project.

But how does Effect.AI intend to carry out your project?

The process will be carried out in 3 stages:

-First stage.

Effect Force (Decentralized Mechanical Turk): M-Turk effect is the first step to bring Effect Network to life, where anyone in the world can request or perform tasks that teach and develop artificial intelligence algorithms, earning in EFX tokens, the ICO of the platform. This work force as a whole is known as human intelligence and is one of the main strengths of Effect.AI, because it is the way in which applications improve, increasing the database and increasing the number of users and achieving objectives.

This stage will benefit people, mainly from third world countries, who need a stable and constant source of income.

The work that people will do will be to train artificial intelligence in tasks that it can not do on its own, like the recognition of all kinds of images (such as symptoms of diseases), sounds (of animals or nature,  transcribe Audio), and also looking for and pointing out errors to be repaired and thus improving algorithms. The possibilities are endless.

Stage that will be launched soon.

-Second stage.

Effect Smart Market: The smart effects market is a decentralized exchange where people can offer and buy AI services and algorithms. This will be the point where AI and human intelligence will be commercialized. Each service will have its own wallet so that the payment is simple and easy. A stage that will soon be running.

-Third stage.

Effect Power: In this phase the computational power will be distributed to the latest generation AI models, built using deep learning frameworks such as Caffe, MXNet and TensorFlow.

This last step will focus on the power of the IA to reach as many users as possible, ensuring that it can be used to perform extremely complicated tasks that will facilitate the lives of users. This last stage will be running soon.

Undoubtedly the applications in the future of Effect.AI will surpass everything that can be told in this article, because due to its decentralization and its ability to cover areas of everyday life where artificial intelligence is not applied today, that will be very useful spaces such as medicine, forensic science, computer science, finance, heavy industry, customer service, transportation, maintenance of telecommunications, games and toys, music, aviation and virtually all life's festeta human (and it does not hurt to say, to protect other endangered species).

All this is what Effect.AI offers and I assure you that it will be a revolution, so do not hesitate to get on this train that has just started but still has a great and incredible journey to travel!

For more information, watch these videos and access the links below:



I just had a chance to read your post fully. little bit to late to be able to upvote. sorry

Really good piece of work. Im following all originalworks contenst and I know that this is second time they want people to write about effect.ai.
competition seem to be fierce and I must admit that your post is one of my fav so far.

You mind if i would ask you few questions?

  1. it's not easy to purchase effect.ai. which exchange would you recommend as reliable and safe?
  2. do you think that effect.ai will be more successful as a marketplace comparing to dbc? any thoughts?


obviously followed :)

I'm not sure why I never bought, but in coinmarketcap they seem to sell

I just noticed that you followed me back, thx :)

Im quite active on steemit and I will do my best to support you.


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