Ritual Music #3 (originalmusic by @schamangerbert)


Today's ritual music takes us to the far north of eternal winter, due to the current cold snap in our European latitudes. You can encounter a mammoth with your eyes closed and its friendly nature will show you how to connect with your primal forces.

I wish you a pleasant journey!

Das heutige Ritual-Musikstück entführt uns in den hohen Norden des ewigen Winters, passend zum gegenwärtigen Kälteeinbruch in unseren europäischen Breiten. Du kannst mit geschlossenen Augen einem Mammut begegnen und dessen freundliche Art wird dir zeigen wie du dich mit deinen Urkräften verbinden kanst.

Ich wünsche ein gute Reise!

Video 10 minutes live recorded today 27th Feb 2018


Bis nächstes Mal! / See you next time!

Danke für Deine Aufmerksamkeit! / Thank you for your attention!

Original content by @schamangerbert

Schaman GerbertIMG_6013kkk-th112.JPG


This one is amazing! It started very low key then in three minutes I found myself dancing like a red Indian around a camp fire in my room! I have no idea where the movements came from! I moved just like Indian warrior in film! But I was not carrying an axe!!
The chanting made a lot of impact. You are a real White Shaman!

Thank you!

It is celtic energy music, it will connect you with very old spirits and powers your inner wisdom up. I am happy to hear that impact on you. More to come!

Thank you for your reply! This explains why I am feeling strange this evening! As if I became a new person with new energy and feeling! I intend to make a copy of this music to listen at other times!
Your are a real healer!

Danke für die schöne Musik, ist wirklich super zum entspannen.

that's fantastic way of playing best time i had watching this :)

really got a musician in you captain, hope one day me, my sister @avhyaceulip and @sunnylife can sing with your original music and jive to the beat!!! wooohooo!!! Go go go captain! push your passion in music, so proud of you @schamangerbert ❤️❤️❤️

I have a special event in my back hands, it will come up soon :)

Wow! Das ist einzigartig - vielen Dank, dass Du diese Schätze mit uns teilst!

@ schamangerbert...........really you post a very cute ritual music......i think,,ritual music always refresh your mind and help you to encourage your daily work.......obviously its a best part of your life...........best of luck......

Beautifully done this was so soothing to ears perfect and melodious

it was incredible to view ten minutes full of awesomeness

That's played so nicely and wonderfully done.
Thanks a lot for sharing !

incredible skills you have covered bro now you do this with ease :)

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