Indonesia, Diversity and History of Restorative Justice (Part I)

in #original-content5 years ago

"Indonesia is a nation with wonderful resources of intracultural restorative justice. Traditions of deliberation - decision by friendly cooperation and deliberation - traverse the archipelago. Adat law at the same time allows diversity to be the point of criminal local law being written to complement universal national law ". By. John Braithwaite



This is the words of John Braithwaite Restorative justice & Responsive Regulation, Oxford University Press, New York, h. 186 in the book "Implementation of Restorative Justice in Tax Law Enforcement" by Sarwirini, published in Yuridika: Volume 29 No 3, September-December 2014 p. 385.

This statement is very reasonable, why? Indonesia is a big country, Indonesia has 714 tribes, more than 1,100 different regional languages, and residents are scattered and live on 17,000 islands. This data is very possible to increase because it is a 2018 study. Imagine with such diversity, what is on your mind? All the complexity of numbers and management difficulties are certain to occur. But that is Indonesia.


From Diversity to Unity

Related to this, what was stated above about Indonesia became a library of social science, becoming a very good source of research in the application of law including in criminal and civil matters. Since ancient times, Indonesia has had an original law in the form of deliberation in various ways, as well as cooperation is interwoven in every line of people's lives. This concept does not only arise because of diversity but is supported by customary law that glorifies the concept of consensus (same as deliberation).

This is what unites the life of the Indonesian nation during colonialism and until now. In the structure of Indonesian law, this value entered and became the philosophy of the Indonesian Nation. But along with the advancement of the times, there is also a fading value in people's lives. This is unavoidable because this is a negative effect of technological development. The best people in dealing with technology is not to reject it but to make it a tool to maintain cultural and national characteristics.


Musyawarah is the original Restorative Justice

Do you know? With the above values, Indonesia is able to maintain itself as the most tolerant country in religion and society. Indeed, there are several problems in the community and that, of course, will always be there, but ultimately what is desired is how the community resolves these problems. And the characteristics of problem-solving between individuals and groups all end with speaking well in an adat forum, interfaith forum and other forums. Although not all problems end at the negotiating table, deliberation remains the preferred method and solution.

Then what about criminal? Can it be resolved through deliberation? Well, this is the meaning of the statement at the beginning of this paper where one of the studies appreciated how the Indonesian people made peace, deliberation, consensus as an effort to eliminate revenge and retaliate to a wise way by forgiving and diverting resolutions from punishment, court, formal to family direction and original state like before the problem arises.


I Will write it about restorative justice in criminal law tomorrow, so please be patient and feel free to comment, if you think my writing is useful, please resteem so many people know about Indonesia.

All picture original by me @khaimi, taken using Canon EOS 800D.

For honourable mention who likes writing and photography : sir @altooq @cityofstars @slowwalker @wolfhart @khanza.aulia @oldtimer @cyberrn @acidyo @r2cornell @moghul @wisdomandjustice @chorock @introvert-dime @oldstone @tomhall

My regard



Thank you for sharing the background of your country. Such diversity.

Also thank you for sharing the flower photos.

@khaimi where are you my brother more than 3 days we don't see you.? i hope you ok.

Hi dear friend I like your writing to so you may tag me always 😉 and I would love to come to Indonesia to go and photograph those nice flowers 💐

ya agree, my team told me that they would like to use his photos in our videos but of course after we take this agreement from him :)

WoW what a compliment


Very pretty flowers with history on the region @khaimi

Justice and especially restorative justice is the life blood of any country my friend. Sadly over here the captains of justice have been replaced by pliant officials that turns a blind eye towards the corrupt dealings of a cabal.

Ok, @puncakbukit reblogged your post to thousand followers.. :-}

Bahasa Indonesia

Indonesia, Keanekaragaman dan Sejarah Restorative Justice

“Indonesia is a nation with wonderful resources of intracultural restorative justice. Traditions of musyawarah – decision by friendly cooperation and deliberation – traverse the archipelago. Adat law at the same time allows for diversity to the point of local criminal law being written to complement universal national law”. Ini adalah perkataan dari John Braithwaite Restorative justice & Responsive Regulation, Oxford University Press, New York, h. 186 dalam Buku “Implementasi Restorative Justice Dalam Penegakan Hukum Pajak” oleh Sarwirini, yang diterbitkan dalam Yuridika: Volume 29 No 3, September-Desember 2014 hlm. 385.

"Indonesia adalah negara dengan sumber daya yang luar biasa dari keadilan restoratif intrakultural. Tradisi musyawarah - keputusan dengan kerja sama dan musyawarah yang ramah - melintasi nusantara. Hukum adat pada saat yang sama memungkinkan keragaman menjadi titik hukum lokal pidana yang ditulis untuk melengkapi nasional universal hukum ". Ini adalah kata-kata dari John Braithwaite Justice restorative & Responsive Regulation, Oxford University Press, New York, h. 186 dalam buku "Implementasi Keadilan Pemulihan dalam Penegakan Hukum Pajak" oleh Sarwirini, diterbitkan dalam Yuridika: Volume 29 No 3, September-Desember 2014 p. 385.

Pernyataan ini sangat beralasan, mengapa ? Indonesia adalah negara besar, Indonesia memiliki 714 suku, lebih dari 1.100 bahasa daerah yang berbeda-beda, dan penduduk yang tersebar dan tinggal di 17.000 pulau. Data ini sangat memungkinkan bertambah karena itu adalah penelitian tahun 2018. Bayangkan dengan keanekaragaman seperti itu, apa yang ada di pikiranmu ? Segala kerumitan angka dan kesulitan manajemen sudah pasti terjadi. Namun itulah Indonesia.

Terkait dengan hal ini, apa yang dinyatakan di atas tentang Indonesia menjadi pustaka ilmu pengetahuan sosial, menjadi sumber penelitian yang sangat bagus dalam penerapan hukum termasuk dalam hal pidana dan perdata. Sejak zaman dulu, Indonesia telah memiliki hukum original berupa musyawarah dalam berbagai hal, demikian pula kerjasama terjalin dalam setiap lini kehidupan masyarakat. Konsep ini tidak hanya muncul karena keanekaragaman, tapi didukung oleh hukum adat yang mengagungkan konsep mufakat (sama seperti musyawarah).

Inilah yang mempersatukan kehidupan Bangsa Indonesia saat penjajahan dan hingga kini. Dalam struktur hukum Indonesia, nilai ini masuk dan menjadi falsafah Bangsa Indonesia. Namun seiring majunya zaman, ada pula nilai yang luntur dalam kehidupan masyarakat. Ini tak dapat dihindari karena ini adalah efek negatif perkembangan teknologi. Sebaik-baik orang dalam menghadapi teknologi bukan dengan menolaknya tapi menjadikannya sebagai alat untuk mempertahankan karakteristik budaya dan bangsa.

Tahukah kamu ? Dengan nilai-nilai di atas, Indonesia mampu mempertahankan diri sebagai negara yang paling toleran dalam beragama dan bermasyarakat. Memang terdapat beberapa masalah di dalam masyarakat dan itu tentu akan selalu ada, akan tetapi akhirnya yang diinginkan adalah bagaimana masyarakat menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut. Dan karakteristik penyelesaian permasalahan antara individu dan kelompok, semua berakhir dengan berbicara secara baik-baik dalam sebuah forum adat, forus antar agama dan forum-forum lainnya. Meski tidak semua masalah berakhir di meja runding, namun musyawarah tetap menjadi cara dan solusi yang paling diutamakan.

Lalu bagaimana dengan pidana ? apakah dapat diselesaikan melalui musyawarah ? Nah, inilah maksud pernyataan di awal tulisan ini dimana penelitian tersebut salah satunya mengapresiasi bagaimana Bangsa Indonesia menjadikan perdamaian, musyawarah, mufakat sebagai upaya untuk menghilangkan dendam dan pembalasan kepada sebuah cara yang bijak dengan memaafkan dan mengalihkan penyelesaian masalah dari jalur penghukuman, pengadilan, formal ke arah kekeluargaan dan keadaan semula seperti sebelum munculnya permasalahan.

Even though I have visited there I was not aware of how diverse a country it is thanks for sharing this informative post

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