in #ophunangels6 years ago (edited)

Hi steemians! Its been awhile since I’ve done a random act of kindness post. I know i was trying to do one positive post a week but life has been really busy in my own little world with my family. I really don’t get out much. But hey life gets busy. Anyways my coworker is such a great person and she has a lot on her plate. She also uses cannabis for medicine. It’s hard for her at times since we all know cannabis can be very expensive. So i thought why don’t i help her out and give her some plants so she can grow her own.


These are SAnta Rita og. I gave her 5 nice ones. One of my favorite things about growing is sharing it with others, especially for people who need it more then me. Needless to say she was very stoked!


She has grown in the past and wanted to grow again. If she went to a local dispensary she would of paid 20$ a pop! Prices for the regular consumer have gone way up here in California. Legalization isn’t as great as everyone thought it would be. Oh well at least people like me are choosing another path.

So everyone don’t take this post as me trying to get upvotes. I’m really just trying to spread some positivity on steem. Upvotes would be nice only to spread the word of #ophumanangels. Such a great part of steemit. Even though I’ve been focused on the cannabis community lately, also really got bummed out when i used to think everyone was nice on steem but discovered there some really petty people here. You all know who I’m talking about. I don’t want to name names due to retaliation. I worked really hard to achieve where I’m at here . But i decided to tune the bad actors of steem out and focus on what’s important to me.

So everyone steem and do what you love. Cause if you do that you are a winner!


And for those that are against cannabis just know it’s more then a plant that gets you high. It truly heals!! ✌️🌱🌳🌈


Those are beautiful babies. That was really thoughtful of you.

Yeah, great op! You definitely saved her a ton of money. Here in Colorado it's also hella expensive. I used to get dispensary ads on Facebook and would be floored. I was like, I'm an amateur herbalist and if I walked into the shop and saw that price on any other herb I would bust a gut laughing at how absurd it is! Good on you for helping her out!

Yeah legal cannabis is such a condomdrum it’s more expensive for the regular consumer and the small time growers can’t get a good price for his product.

we actually change the entire universe we arein, just on what we do or dont do . pretty funny those goofasses trying 2 tell others there small an incifincat and our whole planet what a load o shit! im quite certain we even affect many other universes /parallel reality penises 2!

A parrell penis, that must be a sight!

What an awesome acts of kindness!!! You made my day @jonyoudyer!!

Thanks for stopping by. It’s my way of trying to make steemit a better place. I can’t go after people that’s doing harm but at least maybe i can lead by example. I’ve seen how people are attacking you . Honestly they must be little kids. Such bull crap. Thanks for stopping by, glad you liked it.

Thank you so much for saying that sweetie! You Matter, and your efforts are needed. This action brightened the days of many people and is immortalized on the blockchain to inspire people for a loooooong time <3 <3 <3

Thank you! I don’t know how you fell about cannabis but it seems the cannabis community is growing on here. I really put effort into my post and try to improve each post. I know there is a lot of shit post but maybe I’ll also inspire for them to improve as well. I love steemit and want it to succeed. It means a lot for you to say what you did. Cause for that hajin guy to come after you, that just means your a big player for the future of steem. I know what i did was unfollow him. I fell if his followers goes lower in numbers maybe he won’t be able to rape the system. But that’s all above my paygrade and i still don’t understand how all this works on here! Lol

You're doing great, and I'm loving the canna community here too! xox

And don't you worry bout me, I dished it out and I can take it :) <3 <3

Those are some nice healthy girls you are giving her, so sweet. You have good heart keep it up!! I receive great joy out of gifting cannabis to others. I have such a plethora usually and give it whenever I get the opportunity! Bless you brother!!!

Yeah i have a bad habit of taking to many cuttings and would rather just give them away since i usually only have 10 or so to give away each round. And honestly it always seems it comes back around since the people i give them to are always eager to share their harvest with me. But the gift of growing is such a great one to give!

Totally what goes around comes around!! I have the same habit I always take to many. In my case it can get out of control with the amount I clone!! I ended up this round with 250 extra lol!

I would do the same if i had room! Lol but it’s better Th be safe then sorry.

Its a shame the prices are that high.
I always buy pretty expensive seeds, and when I make clones I always make some extra for the people around me!

nice! One thing though about California there is a lot of people willing to gift you but you got to know them. The people unfortunate to not know anybody and are forced to go to a store front and get ripped off is a shame.

Thanks there going to a good home. Somthing about those SAnta Cruz mountains. My co workers outdoor is always amazing.

I love the original tag OP Hunan Gels :-D!!!

Lol! Yeah i learned you cannot edit the first tag after a post. 😂😂😂

It’s a tag for my aech buddys😉

Yes! Love this! ❤❤❤

Thank you! I’m thinking of a cannabis tag for stuff like this. Any thoughts?

Omg you just hit gold on that last one!!!!

This is the best!!! So kind, such an incredible gift ❤❤❤

Thanks for stopping in! I try to do something nice everyday and when a good opportunity arises to make a post out of it hey why not? It’s cool how is steemians are taking this platform to places like this. Yes same thing going on on other platforms but i fell with steem we can change the pace of the game and make positivity a standard 👍

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