OHA Update: Remember Kaitlin?

in #ophumanangels6 years ago

If you remember a while back I posted about a mission to send birthday cards to a teenager with Williams Syndrome, who felt like she had no friends. Thousands of people from all around the world sent her cards, and showed her love and kindness. Kaitlin turned 18 this summer, and she and her family threw an "unbirthday party" for kids who don't generally get invited to parties and have difficulties making friends.

Well, after seeing how much people were moved by this and sharing their stories of also having difficulty making friends, they decided a party once a year wasn't enough. So they created Kindness Clubs:


image from article

The Friends 4 Kindness will meet twice a month, the first time to decide on what mission they want to do, such as to make care packages for homeless people or becoming pen pals with seniors, and then the second meeting is where they will do the op! It's a group not just for special needs kids, but for all kids from grade 1 to grade 12. This is important too, because too often special needs kids are segregated into JUST for special needs groups, and don't get opportunities to make friends and mingle with other kids their own age who don't fall into that category.

This made my heart happy. It just shows what a ripple effect acts of kindness can have on the world. A call for one lonely girl turned into a growing movement to not only help lonely kids, but also all the beings they are going to help with their acts of kindness!

Op on, human angels. Op on. <3


That is awesome. I'm glad people are doing things like that. I've made cards for people. I've enjoyed the ministries I've been part of. Here is an upvote. I love Butterfly Snowball Domino Pay It Forward Effects. I'm Oatmeal. This post makes me smile. Thank you.

Yes! I've been following their journey on fb and just love the work they're doing. So uplifting. 💕😍