Litter Walk #3

in #ophumanangels6 years ago (edited)

I've been seeing these signs online and I wonder if I can get one for that parking lot outside my balcony...

Greetings, Steemians! I finally had the umpf to get off my duff and go for another litter walk! Hooray!

Something pretty before I show you something nasty


Load #1: North side of the block (I went around my entire block today in a circle). It's dark because I took the photo in the garage of my building next to the dumpsters and then headed back out for more. Absurd amounts of cigarette butts, some car parts, a roof shingle, a water bottle, other miscellaneous stuff.


Load #2, south side: Another roof shingle (they must have been from all the windy days we had), Styrofoam, a couple of beer cans, a bag of trash somebody dumped out of their car whole (no shit), and that little green bag is MOSTLY cigarette butts. I did more bending over and squatting today than a P90X workout, picking up all those. What is it about smoking commercial tobacco that seems to make people think the world is their trash can? Cigarette butts were definitely the #1 thing I picked up today in numbers, and aside from the random big shit, probably half the volume!

absconded with from a Facebook group, I don't know the origin, sorry

To end on a brighter note, here is the biggest painted rock I have found so far. This one has initials on the back, and they are NOT those of either of the gardening neighbors who I suspected of painting the smaller ones! Which means I don't know if this person painted all the ones that were not me, or if more than one neighbor has joined in! I love it!!


Only a minor allergy flare this time, no 40 sneeze attacks, thank goodness. Do you think next time I can get farther than my own block before my hands are full? Stay tuned!

That Red Fish your momma always warned you about

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Great job! This meets the requirements for the current #homesteadingchallenge - wanna submit it as an entry? Or would you like to submit your call for donations for Earth/Arbor day as an entry? Let me know :)

I love your #homesteadingchallenge ... stopped by there and dropped some upvotes ❤👍👍

Oh right! I totally forgot, thanks for the reminder! I'm such a space case. Yes, I will make this my entry! Let me go see the post again to see what I need to add if anything.

Okay, added the tag. Thanks again!

Awesome lol thanks!

good work @phoenixwren
start keeping the environment around us to look clean.

That's awsome @phoenixwren
And I love your painted rock🤗

Awesome fucking job... the cigarette butts are the worst... at least the beer cans can be recycled..

Btw... it wasn't me that painted that rock..

DAMMIT I THOUGHT I HAD IT ALL FIGURED OUT! Back to my list of suspects.

Thank you for participating in the #homesteadingchallenge! This comment is to inform you that the winner has just been revealed in the announcement article! Have a great day!

Thank you, I will go look now! :)

Way to go Phe Phe!!! I don't know if you'll ever be able to get past your block though... defo need to make that first sign haha! It would certainly make people think twice, and at least have a chuckle, maybe even feel a bit of shame?

When I was younger I didn't think twice about tossing my butt anywhere, but I did learn, and I always put em in my pocket now when I'm out, and toss in the garbage when I get home.

I should chalk the sign! 😄 When it stops raining.
When I was in college, I worked either in the dorm cafeteria or one summer I did janitorial, which was awful, and I ran back to food service ASAP. Anyway, during that janitorial summer, someone discovered a PILE of cigarette butts outside a dorm window on the grass. Such a big pile, we theorized they had been hanging out their window to smoke (you weren't supposed to smoke in the dorm rooms) and left the butts there ALL YEAR. Like, they couldn't have put a can out there?
Yeah, I wish everyone would put them in their pocket, or back in the box with the fresh ones (something I saw a friend do), or maybe even keep an old mint tin in your pocket if you're worried about it getting gross in your pocket. It would be like me tossing my tissues on the ground instead of back in my pocket when there isn't a trash can. Dollars to donuts the smoker tossing his butt on the ground would call that nasty!

Dollars to donuts lolololol!! First time I've ever heard that one. Great way to end an epic rant. I concur with all that you say <3 <3 <3

Oh really? LOL I'm not sure where the expression comes from. Maybe it's a Colorado thing. 😁

What is it about smoking commercial tobacco that seems to make people think the world is their trash can?

I'm not sure about this either. I feel it's a learned behaviour and people are too polite to give people shit for throwing butts on the ground. When I was younger I worked at a gas station and the #1 thing I had to clean out of the parking lot was cigarette butts!

Yeah, you're probably right, it's one of those cultural norms that need to be actively changed, like getting people to bring shopping bags or a reusable coffee cup.

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