
"Corrected" aka got caught in a lie and edited the comment

Yes, as I admitted above, I am guilty, guilty I say, of the heinous crime of upvoting my friend who's account got obliterated for expressing an opinion.

You lied again!!!
You upvote his spam comments ON MY BLOG before I started downvoting and I told you to remove your up vote but you didn't. That's all how this started from your side.'re not the victim!

I upvoted allllllllllllllll his comments. That's how you get someone's rep back up, by giving them a lot of upvotes.

You know, sort of like the opposite of what you do.

Fulltimegeek and his posse retract the downvotes.
@kabir88 makes a public apology for fabricating false evidence against my colleague, Peter Brandt, me and BitcoinLive.

Then the truce is back on.

You all know that this started with @kabir88

PS: I am not a liar. That is for certain, don't accuse of that.

Actually, you kind of are. For example, you have often said that you only selfvote because of downvotes when you were self-voting way before you ever received the first downvote. That's just one example I could see off of the top of my head.

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