#ophumanangels Revenge Of The Blonde

in #ophumanangels6 years ago (edited)

If you have followed my blog lately, you will find I was the "victim" of an "ophumanangels" last week. A neighbor showed up with his snowplow and dug out our 1/2 mile long driveway. I had to do some investigating to even find out which neighbor it was, he just showed up after dark, plowed it out and left. So when we went to Ontario the other day, I made up a few sticky notes to post around. I was trying to pay it forward and falling behind! ;)

Here are the notes I made up to sprinkle around town!


A couple were left at a local hot spring. That was fun because it is hard to find places to drop these notes locally. There is not a "shopping district" with a lot of foot traffic or anything like that. There are TREMENDOUS winds, so just sticking them on signs hoping that sometime in the next few weeks someone will walk past is essentially littering. So I hit the cleaning cupboard in the changing room, knowing one of the lovely people working the hot spring will find this one:


I apologize for the blurry pics, I don't want to get caught because I want this to be anonymous, but that desire sort of makes me feel like I am being bad... lol!

OK, and then one in the after-soak changing room where other soakers will find it:


Here is the one I left at the restaurant, carefully positioned so a mother having to change a diaper in a public restroom would find it... THERE is a woman who could use a little pick-me-up! lol!


And here is the one I left at the grocery store!


The side effects of engaging in this activity have been very interesting. As I said, I feel almost criminal doing it; it appeals to my inner trouble maker without making any trouble - how cool is that? LOL! And I realize many people will look at the note, roll their eyes and move on. Some will pull it down and toss it in the garbage. But the one who needed the message the most will take it to heart, and who knows how they will blossom with just that little extra light in their life?

OOPS! Almost forgot my "blonde" story! When I thought I was done, I found another note in my pocket! S I slapped it on a cart, snapped a pic and drove home never worrying about where it came from. Leftover from last month? Whatever...
As I loaded pics to make this post, I realized what that last one was. Some kind shopper got this sweet note:


The host of this lovely tag is @lindsaybowes and the tag is #ophumanangels. I encourage you to jump in, be an angel in your world!


Just beautiful FishyCulture!!! :) These actions have put the hugest smile on my face, I love your messages, and I love how you paid your neighbour's kindness forward!!

Thanks, honey! I love how you made doing simple, kind deeds a "thing" on steemit!

thats such a sweet idea and a great way to show your appreciation


Thanks so much! You and c0f33... We have had a CRAZY week and hardly been able to autovote lol! Here you guys are curating all of stemmit. You're clones, aren't you? There is really a small botarmy of tattoodjays and c0f33s... That explains it...

Lol 😂 maybe we are

Wonderful! You need to go bowling and have a beer to celebrate! You could leave a note on a bowling ball. :-))

I like that idea!
The beer part, anyway!

Love the blonde story! I have found myself doing these kinds of things too. LOL

It was ridiculous, so worried about getting caught leaving a nice note I left my grocery list... How uninspiring lol!

Great idea leaving random love notes! You should make a contest for the best placed sticky note #playitforward! Thank you for the cool idea! I will start doing this during my travels this week! its like the opposite of graffiti

Well take the pics, but @lindsaybowes already has the tag / challenge going! This was her brainstorm, so tag it #ophumanangels and make a post!

Great idea! So kind and sweet of you!

Thank you, but @lyndsaybowes deserves the credit for the idea!

It's alright! We share great ideas!

Who plowed the driveway? We live in a pretty good neighborhood. LOL on the shopping list.

Rick. I thought it was Bob, but Rick had borrowed one from the family. I called Karla and asked her if she had spotted the theif who came and stole all the snow out of my driveway last night... lol! She offered to put it back even! We got them a hot spring certificate and some freezer goodies.

LOL at the shopping list. 😂 But people leave those behind all the time.
Great op! Love note from the Universe, I'll have to use that one! 😃

Lol! Please do! I don't think the Universe copyrighted the message ;)

Love Note From The Universe ©

I’ve done a similar project for home school before and called it “guerilla art” lots of fun. I’m

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