~6~Ophumanangels~Berbagi Coklat kepada murid Sesoen 2#Sharing Chocolate to Students Season 2 #

in #ophumanangels7 years ago (edited)

Happy loving friends steemians !! May your days be filled with happiness and do not forget to share goodness.

In my #Ophumanangels post this time I want to share chocolate and spirit to the students in my village, hopefully useful,Ophumanangels is very useful, because people can share the goodness here, hopefully still many people who want to channel the good to the needy, and encourage or motivate

Previously I am grateful to the curator tag #Ophumanangels @lyndsaybowes and friends @phoenixwren @khackett @ paradise-found @davedickeyyall @pennsif @eturnerx @derekrichardson @ khaled-dz @overkillcoin I thank you for your guidance, regards from @apakapluk

Selam cinta sahabat steemians!! Semoga hari-hari kalian penuh dengan kebahagian dan jangan lupa untuk saling berbagi kebaikan.

Dalam postingan #Ophumanangels saya kali ini saya ingin berbagi coklat dan semangat kepada murid-murid yang ada di kampung saya,semoga bermanfaat,ophumanangels memang sangat bermanfaat, karna orang-orang bisa berbagi kebaikan disini, semoga masih banyak orang yang mau menyalurkan kebaikan kepada yang membutuhkan, dan memberi semangat dan motivasi.

Sebelumnya saya berterima kasih kepada curator tag #Ophumanangels @lyndsaybowes dan kawan-kawan @phoenixwren @khackett @paradise-found @davedickeyyall @pennsif @eturnerx @derekrichardson @khaled-dz @overkillcoin saya ucapkan terima kasih atas bimbingan dari kalian,salam dari @apakapluk

I happened to come home from pesantren yesterday, you can travel on my walkwithme post here: https://steemit.com/walkwithme/@apakapluk/15-walkwithme-back-to-hometown-pulang-kampung-a80325bc931bb, and I took the time to buy chocolate for the students who are near my house, as a gift from me and also as an encouragement for them to be more active in learning,

Kebetulan kemaren saya pulang kampung dari yayasan pesantren,kalian bisa perjalanan saya di postingan walkwithme saya di sini : https://steemit.com/walkwithme/@apakapluk/15-walkwithme-back-to-hometown-pulang-kampung-a80325bc931bb , dan saya menyempatkan diri untuk membeli coklat buat para murid yang ada di dekat rumah saya,sebagai oleh-oleh dari saya dan juga sebagai penyemangat buat mereka agar lebih giat dalam belajar,

chocolate for students # coklat buat murid


This is my return journey

Ini perjalanan pulang saya



This chocolate then I distributed to the students, they look very happy

Coklat ini kemudian saya bagikan kepada para murid,mereka terlihat sangat senang




They also give me words of encouragement to be active in learning

Mereka juga saya beri kata-kata penyemangat supaya giat dalam belajar





What really struck me was that when one of the kids in my village was working for his grandmother, he swept the yard of a coffee shop for his living expenses, I can not help him because my SBD is not enough, maybe friends can help him.

Yang sangat membuat saya terharu adalah ketika salah seorang anak di kampung saya lagi bekerja untuk nenek nya,dia menyapu halaman sebuah kedai kopi untuk bekal biaya hidupnya,saya belum bisa membantunya karna SBD saya juga belum cukup,mungkin teman-teman bisa bantu dia.



I also gave this chocolate to my sister

Saya juga memberi coklat ini kepada adik saya



Finally all my chocolates run out for them. I am very happy to be able to share with them, even though three more

Akhirnya semua coklat saya habis buat mereka.saya sangat senang bisa berbagi dengan mereka,walapun tiggal satu lagi


Words of encouragement for students /

Kata-kata penyemangat buat murid

I also gave them the words of encouragement, which I put in their book, so that they will see it later

Saya juga memberi mereka kata-kata penyemangat,yang saya tempelkan di kitab mereka,supaya nanti mereka melihatnya





There is also what I put on the road that they often pass

Ada juga yang saya tempelkan di jalan yang sering mereka lalui





And the last is from me for my brother who always share the good with me, thank you

Dan yang terakhir adalah dari saya buat kakakku yang selalu berbagi kebaikan dengan saya,terima kasih


Well, that's some of my stories today, may be useful for myself and for my friends all. Hope you guys like it, thanks

Nah,itulah beberapa cerita saya hari ini,semoga bisa bermanfaat bagi saya sendiri dan bagi kawan-kawan semuanya.semoga kalian menyukainya,terima kasih

Salam Ophumanangels

Follow @apakapluk


Great work @apakapluk :) I know you brought many many smiles to your students. I am sure smiling :) We can help you help the child who sweeps the coffee shop. I will send a bit of SBD next week. <3 Take care!

Thank you @lyndsaybowes ..
My life is always in a student environment so I often meet them, and know their lives.

About the boy who sweeps the coffee shop I'll make a post home photo of his house and grandmother, they just stay together in the house of gifted people, his grandmother is very old, and sickly, the child's parents have died, now he is the one who must make a living for everyday meals, later I will make a photo post them for my brother @lyndsaybowes thank you.

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