
Is this a friend of yours? This was such a great song and performance.

There is a little amazing story here... Dino Romanelli, Serena @paintingangels and me were usuals in a platform that shared music online (mp3 dot com back in the time). It was a time before myspace, facebook, or networks. It was an interesting experiment the page would place independent music on supermarkets and planes and such and we would be paid per play, quite innovative. It was bought by a big company and all that vanish into think air, giving birth to myspace afterwards. So almost 2 decades later we have found all each other on steemit :) and it's just nice we are still into music with our dreams standing. ! :) I just saw his song was curied ! wee congrats!

I love stories like this. I've lost two close music buddies I'd known for 20+ years, we'd lost contact, then once back in touch both unfortuntely died shortly after in the past year. Both knocked me sideways. So to see a heart warming story like this great. 🙂

aww sorry for your loss... and cheers to re-encounters

Thanks I count myself very fortunate to have had re-encounters before it was too late. 🙂

I saw he was curied as well, so deserved! Our genres of music are so often underappreciated so I was a bit worried he'd be overlooked but I'm SO HAPPY he is cheered just as he should be!! And @yidneth I miss mp3 dot com SO MUCH. Steemit/Discord is a pretty good comfort lately, though. ♥

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