Steemit Open Mic Week 57 - I'm Yours (Jason Mraz Cover)

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)


Hello fellow Steemians!

I am Over the moon exited to make my #OpenMic debut, here on Steemit!!

As i have mentioned before.. i LOVE music, and it is one, if not the biggest part of my life.

I am simply an amateur songs writer. And I also play the guitar... a little bit of piano and i just picked up the ukulele too.

I started taking music seriously when i was 13 years old. Ever since, all i can think about is writing songs.

I'm not really a good singer.. but i do my best, lol! So, don't really expect an Adele here, lol!

Eventually, i will write a post with more in depth details about my music and how it all started for me. The genres i like and other music that inspires me.

Mean while, here's my Steemit Open Mic Week 57 entry. It is a cover for Jason Mraz's "I'm Yours" . i hope you enjoy it!

And before i go, I would like to also thank all the people making this contest possible. @pfunk @kevinwong and @luzcypher. (I'm sorry if i am forgetting someone ) I really appreciate the opportunity to showcase my music.

And last but not least.. my new Steemit friend @passion-ground , who actually inspired me to do a post on my own. He is very talented and passionate about music. And it really shows on all the videos he's done. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world. This first video is dedicated to you. I hope you like it too.

See soon all next time!

PD: You can also find me on Instagram and YouTube

Hola mis amigos Steemians!

Estoy super emocionada de poder compartir con ustedes mi entrada debut al #OpenMic de Steemit!

Como he mencionado anteriormente, AMO la música y es de hecho una de las cosas mas importantes de mi vida.

Soy simplemente una letrista amateur . También toco la guitarra.. un poco el piano.. y recién empecé con el ukulele.

Empecé a tomar la música en serio cuando tenia 13 años. Desde entonces, escribir canciones es lo único en lo que pienso.

No soy realmente buena cantando, para ser honesta, no soy una "Adele" ni nada parecido. Pero hago mi mejor esfuerzo LOL!.

Eventualmente, escribiré un post contándoles mas a profundidad mi historia con la música. Como empezó todo y que géneros me gustan y que clase de música me inspira.

Mientras tanto, aqui les dejo mi entrada al Steemit Open Mic Semana 57. Es un cover de la canción "I'm Yours" de Jason Mraz. Espero que les guste!.

Antes de irme, deseo agradecer a las personas que han creado este concurso y que hacen esta actividad posible.@pfunk @luzcypher @kevinwong y @luzcypher . Pido disculpas si me hace falta mencionar a alguien mas. Muchas gracias a todos por permitirme la oportunidad de mostrar mi música.

Y ultimo, pero no menos importante, quiero agradecerle a mi nuevo amigo de aqui de Steemit @passion-ground , quien me inspiró a crear mi primer entrada al concurso. Lo hizo con toda la dedicación, el talento y la pasión que demuestra en todos los video que hace. Muchas gracias por compartir tu talento con el mundo. Este primer video va dedicado a ti. Espero que te guste!.

También puedes encontrarme en Instagram y en YouTube

¡Nos vemos en un próximo post!

Si te gustó este post no olvides regalarme un “upvote” y seguirme. Te lo agradecería muchísimo.


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Thank you so very much! I appreciate all the support! And all the info. Greetings!

I knew you'd come up with something... Great choice... and you rocked it! Great job!

Thanks! i appreciate it!! i am so happy that you liked it.. Off course i chose an easy song to play!! haha.. since.. i 'm still just learning the uke.
But i love it! specially because it is super easy to carry around! lol.

Did you compliment you nice for me?

Cool... and yes, I did indeed, thank you!

Lovely song. Yeah the ukulele baffled me for a while - I kinda think of it as the same as the top 4 strings on a guitar (D G B E) with a capo at the 5th fret. (Same shapes different tuning) Dunno if that helps?! Rock on, nice hat too! :)

Haha thanks! I appreciate it! .
You know whay confuses me? The 4th string (G) being randomly higher than the 3th (C) unlike the guitar which has them all like in order) also... because the neck and frets are so small , when I switch back to my guitar... i forget how far I should move my fingers and end up missing. Lol. I have to try for a while to get used to the size again!

Heh. Yeah it's a tight squeeze! I've seen some people with a lower G on. I may have to try it. Though I do like it for some stuff - you can kinda do banjo bluegrass licks with it!

Yeah!! Haha , really? ..well i just started playing.. lets see how it goes.

Thanks a lot!! I really appreciate your time reading my post and whatching my video. I am super glad that you like it!

Thank you!! i really appreciate it! <3


This is a great post, thanks for sharing. @thunderland

Thank you!! I am so glad you liked it!

Super lindo! me parece que es una cancion super linda, me recuerda a una telefonia que hay en mi pais ahahaha, un abrazo!

Hola! Muchas gracias... me alegra mucho que te haya gustado... por qué te recuerda eata cancion a una compañía telefónica?

nice work friend ... keep in touch

thank you! i really appreciate it.

Thank you so Much friend.. Keep in touch

Que bonito ;)

Una pregunta @sarita he visto que en tus posta etiquetas a “cervantes” y “cervantes-arte” creo... y he visto a muchas personas que publican en español hacerlo. A que se debe?

Muchas gra! Me alegra muchísimo que te haya gustado!!. :)

Ve al chat discord y pregunta en general, existen unos tags. Ellos te los podrian enseñar

Y como encuetro ese chat? En donde es?

Busca en @donquijote, alli aparece el link, abrelo!

lo hare, aunque creo que te refieres a @don.quijote. o no? pues si me meto al usuario que dices.. no sale nada . Muchas gracias!

no se por que

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