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RE: Steemit Open Mic Week 55: Totally Off The Reservation – A Compilation of “Kitchen Sink” (covers)

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

God this is awesome! Thank you for sharing you talent!! I am so glad I joined Steemit!! Here’s nothing but AMAZING people! You are definitely one of the most brilliant ones!! Definitely following you! Where are you from by the way?


Thank you, Katherine... that's quite nice of you... I'm from NYC originally... raised in CT if that matters... and living elsewhere at present... My talent is rather limited compared to most - at least on Open Mic anyway - but I do love music, people, talent, and great performers... So - who knows? ... We'll see... God Bless!

very nice! .
I don't think your talent is "limited" AT ALL. Plus, you've got all the passion in the world! even you name says it. Lol! . That energy of yours is very contagious. I wonder what is like to actually see you live haha.. it most be an out of this world experience.

I do see there's lots of talent here on Steemit.
That's probably why i like it so much! way better than other social networks. I Mean, i do like facebook , etc. But it has nothing to nurture me with. You know what i mean? Everybody over there (and most social networks) is way to busy trying to look pretty and perfect. And showing a perfect life... (that everybody wishes to have but don't) Sure there's talented people everywhere, but it mostly shows the bad side of humanity... On steemit.. there's pure talent (with some exceptions off course) but.. everybody is trying to share what they know... and help one another.. and grow together.... and ... there's no hate being spread (not that i know of) and it's like the oposite to facebook .. because it shows the beautiful side of humanity.. it kind of shows their souls... and i LOVE that.

Thanks for replying back to me! i really appreciate it!

Have a wonderful sunday!

What kind and insightful words @Soykatonline - thank you, so much! Actually, I'd probably bore you to tears if you actually were able to see how I live... (ha-ha) Except perhaps after around 8 or so each evening when the music and animal in me comes alive.... Lol..... ;-)

Haha! I am niot your if yu are joking.. but in case you aren’t.. when i say “live” i mean playing live, lol !
I can see then that you are night owl, just like me... but i think it is just the way most creative people are.

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