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RE: Steemit Openmic Week 59-Original Song-The Client

in #openmic7 years ago

God you are good! i have been meaning to watch your video but i had really bad internet connection so it would not upload.. but i finally am! You are a really good songs writer! congrats!
also, your voice is so calming... it so suits the genre ! .... there's something else i'd like to add.. kind of unrelated to the song itself.. its about your guitar,... i love it's sound! .

Thanks for sharing your song with us... i am definitely upvoting and following you sir!

have an awesome evening!<3


Thanks so much you are very kind. It is a special feeling to move another human being with music. I know you know this because I have seen your videos as well ! peace

yeah.. it indeed is a nice feeling, i would say the best one! isn't it?? and you have nothing to thank me for.. you are the one sharing your talent with us!

question... have you been writing for long? also.. where are you from?

Where am I from? The eternal question...I'll let you know if I ever figure that one out...but I was born and live in the US
As for writing, I first picked up the guitar when I was about 20 years old. I know that for some writing is a craft and I respect that approach. For me it is more of "God's will" in so far as I don't really "try" to write a song; somehow feelings come over me and there is usually just one line or music in my head. Then it either comes through line by line or is mysterious. Be Well my friend

oh i see where in the US?

in regards of the writing thing you just described... i completely undestand... i feel the exact same way!! but this is the first time EVER i hear anybody else describe it that way! to me.. it happens when it happens... when i try to push myself to write... nothing good comes out lol! when i don't try.. but i still know i got a lot of feelings bottled up.. then it happens and just start writing but i don't feel like it comes from me.. it comes from some one (something) else and i am just like the connection betweeit "it" and the paper.

I live in the Northeast US...I call my place the Hermit Shack so I am a bit of a recluse...the one time I heard someone describe their process that sounded like mine was the Native American poet John Trudell. He called it "following the lines" can find some Youtube videos about him.peace

oh thanks! i will :)

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