Steemit Open Mic Week 63 - Mapa Tesoro ( Nicolás Ibarburu ) Cover Song

in #openmic7 years ago

Hello Steemit !

I'm back from my gig at the Argentinian Coast with Pablo Tevez.. which got rescheduled because of rain :/ ... we did play half our set , but we will be back this thursday :) .

So , here is my submission for week 63 . I'm doing covers as I am submitting originals for the Songwriter Contest , and i want to keep them separate .

This song is from Nicolas Ibarburu , an uruguayan guitar player , producer and composer , I've been following this artist for a while , mainly as a guitar player , because he is a very demanded session player and has played with some really important artists both in Uruguay and Argentina . When I saw he released an album as a songwriter , singing and showing his original compositions I found a lot of inspiration since I'm also mainly a guitar player and producer.
After hearing his music and watching him perform live I got some encouragement to explore and share my own music.

So this is my little tribute to one of his songs . " Mapa Tesoro'' . I hope you like it :)

Thanks to @pfunk and @luzcypher for making this happen :) . I'm glad to be a part of this community .

Mapa Tesoro

Aprendí a escuchar la canción del viento
por necesidad , como respirar
Y lo que escuché se volvió velero
para navegar entre tormentas de la oscuridad.

Hay que perdonar y es por uno mismo
no hay por que guardar penas de alguien mas
y lo que solte se volvió mas mío
no podemos enjaular lo que esta destinado a volar

Por eso te quiero aquí
fluyendo cerca de mí
Por eso te fuí a buscar
del otro lado del mar
fue para reconstruir
todo lo que no se ve
pero se siente al latir
por toda la inmensidad

Te reconocí entre tanta gente
y te vi reír , ebria de ilusión
y lo que soñé se volvió camino
que se unió en el trino cristalino de un mismo cantar

supe naufragar construyendo un barco
aprendi a rezar perdido en el mar
y el mapa que encontré , se volvió tesoro
se fundió en el oro de los ojos que te vieron crecer

Here's a translation:

Treasure Map
I learned how to listen to the wind's song
for necessity , like breathing
And what I heard turned into a sailboat
to sail between storms in darkness

We have to forgive
and do it for ourselves
We don't need to keep
sorrows of somebody else
And what I let go
became more part of me
we can't keep it a cage what was destined to fly

That is why I want you here
flowing near me
That is why i looked for you
at the other side of the sea
It was to rebuild
all that can't be seen
But it can be felt in your heartbeat
along the immensity .

I recognized you
between so many people
And i saw you smile
drunk from illusion
And what I dreamed
turned into a road
That joined the trill of the crystals
of a same song.

I learned to sink , while building a boat
I learned to pray , lost in the sea
And the map I found , became the treasure
that melted in the gold of the eyes that saw you grow.

That is why I want you here
flowing near me
That is why i looked for you
at the other side of the sea
It was to rebuild
all that can't be seen
But it can be felt in your heartbeat
along the immensity .

Thanks for listening :)

Signing off

Pechiche Mena

export (2).png


Very very nice my friend. I wonder if you have played that one a lot because you really perform it well.

Thank you very much my friend , actually I did play it live once on an acoustic gig , so I did rehearse it a little bit , I wasn't singing the main voice that time , just some backing , so I did have to practice it again :p.

Another beautiful performance, nice cover man

You made my top list for judging of Open Mic Week 63,
Please read my full review of here.

Thank you very much @verbal-d ! I'm very glad you liked it , and thank you very mucho for including me in your mentions for this week . I really appreciate it ! Cheers!

You are most welcome, you deserved it! Steem on.

you sound great on this . perfect. one of my favorite performances from you really really good

Thank you very much @soundlegion . So kind of you. I'm really glad you liked it . I certainly love this song. I might do another one from Nico Ibarburu. I really like his music.

go pucheche

jajajajajaja pucheche on fire , espero ver tu video esta semana

algo inventare no te preocupes jaja

Very nice tribute to Nicolas Ibarburu, Pechicihe! I can see why you like him so much, his melodic style sounds rather similar to your own...

Thank you very much @passion-ground ! Nicolas is indeed a big influence on my music :) . Thank you for your kind words brother !

Como siempre, me encanta!!! .. no había escuchado a este cantante antes.. pero esta genial!♥

Muchas gracias kat ! No es muy conocido ya que en realidad no es tanto un 'cantante' . Pero va sacando 2 discos muy interesantes. Anfibio y Casa Rodante. Los recomiendo! Abrazo!

lo buscare! ;)

Really enjoyed this

thank you very much @lk666 , im glad you liked it :)

Qué lindo tema. Y qué cool el dibujo al final, supongo que lo hiciste tú!!

Muchisimas gracias :) . Si , el dibujo es mio jajaja , es mi hobby y me puse a molestar un rato con un editor online . Soy fan de tu ensamble mogati experiment , lo que hacen es increible! siempre estoy pendiente de uds . gran abrazo!

Perfecto brother! I liked the way you played the riff and your vocal is great
just found you :)))

Thank you very much brother! Glad you liked it ! Peace! :)


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