Steemit Open Mic Week 100 - El Balcón - Original Song.

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit!

It's been a while since I entered Open Mic , I wasn't able to record and also went over to record my album so I was focusing on that and not really writing new material.. this song just came in as a surprise as I put it together in about 4 hours , from nothing to this little performance I am sharing here.

I have this belief that music already exists and we just somehow connect to a particular moment , like taking a photograph of the sound. Sometimes you capture these moments quickly , sometimes they take a lot of time.

After fighting with Dtube for a couple uploads I gave up.. so.. here it is on plain old Youtube :P

Hope you like it!

El Balcón

Calló su voz
Cayó su sol
Perdió color
en el silencio

Su corazón
se marchitó
En el calor
de su miedo

Su balcón
se cerró
la escondió
en su pena

Y Aun
Se duerme sola
La luz
cuenta sus horas
despierta sola
La lluvia en enero
se pasa mas lento
''ya pasará''

Here is a translation:

The Balcony

Her voice stopped
Her sun fell
She lost her color
in the silence

Her heart
withered down
In the heat
of her fears

Her balcony
has closed
it hid her
in her grief

And Still
She sleeps alone
The light
counts her hours
And still
She wakes up alone
Rain in January
goes away slower
''this too shall pass''

Thanks for Listening!

Pechiche Mena


Me encanta, me encantan las armonías weeeeee

toda la suerte del mundo
Pechi winner this week, por favor


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Oh boy.. this looks yummy

<3 Gracias Pris ! Sino.. me contento con los pancakes y tu comment :D !

Hermosa melodía, hermosa letra excelente interpretación!
Es un espectáculo de canción, pues!! ja ja!

jaja <3 muchas gracias @esthersanchez! por las palabras ! me alegro mucho que te haya gustado :) ! Creo q voy a considerar grabarla :D ! Un gran abrazo!

Es un exitazo ! Adelante!!

Wow, brother - you took a great musical snapshot here, man...
I love this song and arrangement...
NICE, Pechiche!

Thank you very much brother :) ! It happened and POOF! .. I might consider including it in the album now :D.. It might make it's way in through the backdoor :) !

Eres lo máximo. Amo tus canciones, la letra, tu voz, el conjunto de todo. No sabía ni que comentario poner mas que agradecerte por compartir esto tan hermoso.

ooooohhhh <3<3<3 Muchas gracias @gabyoraa por tus lindas palabras :) . Me hace muy feliz que te haya gustado esta canción , me vino a visitar hoy :) y decidí compartirla. Muchas gracias por escuchar y dejar tan lindo mensaje. Significa mucho para mi :) .... Un gran abrazo !

¡¡¡Por dios!!! ¡Qué clase de genialidad! Me encantó demasiado la armonía y todo lo que nos traes en este performance querido Pechi, de verdad que clase de músico eres. Gracias por darle más valor a esta hermosa plataforma con este contenido magnífico, te admiro muchísimo, mucho amor y respeto para ti.

Gracias querido hermano @ilazramusic por el comentario :) . Lo mismo digo de ti , mi mas sincero respeto y admiración :) . También me pone contento ver que estes compartiendo tu arte en esta plataforma y trayendo buena vibra a quien te rodea. Se que se van a ver con @wilins y @josecabrerav , mándales un gran abrazo de mi parte y me gustaría estar ahi compartiendo un café y una charla con uds :).

Y solo para no perder la costumbre:

Flags @ilazramusic


Jajaja claro que si hermano, dalo por hecho.

LOVED IT PECH. Beautiful chorus especially.

Thank you ! :D I'm glad you like the works of Popchiche Mena ... LOL ! Cheers!

Beautiful as always Pechi <3 <3 <3

Thank you so much Lilly Lillers :) <3<3

Very nice, sometimes the fresh is the best! I missed it on the feed, just saw it now. Too late to upvote, but it's upvoted in my heart.

Heart upvotes are 100 times more valuable my friend :) ! thank you so much !

Beautiful music @pechichemena! Congrats and keep jamming my friend.


You won some Steem which you'll find in your wallet and also a 5-card packet of SteemMonster cards with your name on it you can find on

Click here to see who won Open Mic week 100

Thank you so much Luz ! It's always a pleasure to share some music here :D ! I'm so happy this song got the support it did ! PUMPED now :D ! yay!!

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