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RE: OpenMic Songwriters Challenge Week 1 - "SCARS" |Original Composition by g10a|

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Great job, @g10a! Loved this - it has so much potential! Great vocals, man!

I know it's really hard, brother - but I'd like to see you give yourself the best shot at winning this guitar, friend. So if I might, I like to suggest that you try and better develop your transitory dynamics between versus, bridges, and choruses to add more flow, catchy-ness, and melodic interest.

This song you dropped here was so almost there, dude... Given what you did here, it is not just your song but rather YOU that has so much potential - so keep kickin' it, my man!


Thank you so much sir @passion-ground, I thought I could not make it because of my tonsillitis plus runny nose, but I did it 'coz I love it. I don't want to miss even a single week joining this challenge. Even though that guitar of my friend is killing my fingers due to its old age and the strings extended the distance from the fretboard LOL. Standard tune of its strings might reached 5-times higher/tighter than the normal one hahaha I remember Bryan Adams' Summer of 69 "played until my fingers bleed".I hope you still like it sir, damn I made this song by rush..huhu
I was not able to add the bridge even the ad-lib part sir 'coz Im afraid the deadline is pretty near..

the song has a great catchy melody... go go go! hope u win

You did good, man... You had two more days until Monday for the deadline... Take your time in getting things as best you can right up to the wire... sleep on it a night or two if need be, wait until it's as good as you can get it - and then drop it by the deadline... You can do this, man... Much love, brother... :-)

Thank you for that advise again sir, you are not just a judge but a musical mentor to me sir. Hoping for my next entry be filled with improvements and all your advises be kept..

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