OPEN MIC WEEK 10 - Jose Canseco - Original Song by @papa-pepper

in #openmic8 years ago

On October 28th, 2014 baseball legend Jose Canseco accidentally shot his finger off while cleaning his handgun. It was the middle finger on his left hand. Within 24 hours, @papa-pepper had already written this original song about the incident... but he had no real way of releasing it to the general public at that time.

Had I posted it on YouTube or something, I could had gone viral... but, alas, such was not meant to be. At least I can still release it now and try to win some STEEM.


Jose Canseco you could have been a friend of mine

But you shot yourself in the finger and that's where I draw the line

'Cuz if you'd do that to yourself, then what would you do to me

If you and me should ever disagree?

Oh Jose - Jose Canseco

Well you shot your finger off (finger off)

You shot it with a gun

And the blood started to run

Jose Canseco you're the best!

Most people can cross their fingers

But what should a man do

When one of your fingers

Double-crosses you?

You can do what Jose did

And tell that finger to run

Then before it's out of range

Shoot it with a gun!

Oh Jose - Jose Canseco

Well you shot your finger off (finger off)

You shot it with a gun

And the blood started to run

Jose Canseco you're the best!

Jose Canseco you're the best!


photo source

Infamous MLB slugger Jose Canseco rushed to hospital after accidentally shooting off his own finger 'while cleaning gun.'

The former Oakland A's star was taken to the hospital Tuesday afternoon for non-life-threatening injuries.
He went into surgery to reattach the finger Tuesday night, but was told he would never regain full use no matter how successful the procedure.
Legendary slugger Jose Canseco was injured in an accidental shooting at his Las Vegas, Nevada home Tuesday afternoon.
The 50-year-old's fiancée Leila Knight told TMZ that he was at their home, cleaning his gun when it unexpectedly fired and blew off his left-hand middle finger. She says Canseco was not aware it was loaded.
Metro Police confirm that a person was injured at the address and taken to the hospital for non-life-threatening injuries around 3pm.


Awesome Handcrafted @papa-pepper logo kindly donated by @vlad - Thank you!!

OPERATION TRANSLATION logo provided by @oecp85.

(click link above for more info on Operation Translation)


Upvoted..."Legend"??? The guy couldn't catch a pop-up! His claim to fame was bagging Madonna!!! Cool song though!

I never really followed baseball, I just knew he was famous.... and that I would be cautious being his friend after what happened...

He could hit a baseball a country mile, but he couldn't catch one. I saw an easy fly ball bounce off his head...gotta be embarrassing for a guy making a million bucks a year!

Wish I could have seen that... might make a great song!

Ask and ye shall receive!

Looks rigged to me, he probably did that on purpose.

My favorite part is that it didn't even affect him!

Should have played football!

OK, I take back the "legend" part...

well, that's quite a song you sung there, papa-pepper ;-)
Aaaand, in case you missed it

I DID miss that, so thanks very much, and thanks... very much!

Thanks for the song input too!

Steem_Land Steem_Land tweeted @ 10 Dec 2016 - 22:14 UTC

OPEN MIC WEEK 10 - Jose Canseco - Original Song by @papa-pepper… /

@SteemUps @SteemitPosts @steemit @steemiobot

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Cool, I hope they like it!


Yes they liked it! :)

Since is the 10th week and weekend of this contest, a fairly marked event, why don't we see what we can do about promoting it? I resteemed the official contest post and there's a few people I can ask to do the same. I'm also going to put up a few jazzy upbeat songs by my awesome brother through the weekend, make sure to shout out the contest. What do you think?

I've got an idea that could help.

I'll see what I can do!

Okay! Community spirit! You have that down already ;)

Awesome!! I didn't know about them, but I do now :) Thanks!

You're welcome!

I'm glad you think so.

Wish I could have been on steemit when it happened, since I wrote this within a day of the event happening.

Thanks @rebelmeow!

He should play russian roulette with all his fingers lol nice open mic entry

C'mon, he's already lost one!

Thanks though, glad you liked the entry!

you're most welcome, and you're right, he's missing out, something he just can't put his finger on, maybe somebody should have gave him a tip? now he needs more than a fingertip lol

Hit me up on chat quick!

For the record for everyone else reading this, I did hit @papa-pepper up blazingly fast on chat.

Of course you did! - Wanna do it again?

So well done! 5 star post... mine doesn't look as cool as your.

I'll have to check it out anyway....

Oh... I thought you meant your Open Mic post, not your "5 Star Post" comment!

You can just copy the address from mine and use it!

That was hilarious and very entertaining. Awesome!

I like the part about his finger double-crossing him, him telling the finger to run, and then shooting it before it "gets out of range!"

I thought that was hilarious indeed!

I hook on that part too but the whole song was pretty incredible.

Thanks.... for one thing, I have been told that I am a gifted lyricist!

I remember when he played for us in Toronto. I had forgotten all about this.

Jose, can you see by the dawn's early light.... where your finger is?

You may have forgotten, but Jose remembers...

Jose always remembers.

LOL, but like others have said, he may not after getting bonked on the melon in R. field that time - THAT I will never forget.

#Infamy lol

Just saw that for the first time that I can remember!

In Ontario where I live - we almost made it to the Provincial baseball Ch'ships in HS one year and the #Jays stadium is where it is held every year.

#BlueJays factum for ya.

Very interesting!

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