Steemit OpenMic Week 82 @paintingangels "Rain Song" (Original Song)

in #openmic6 years ago

This is my entry for Steemit Open Mic Week 82, sponsored by @luzcypher (thank you!) and @pfunk (thank you!)

I'm trying to look at the camera more when I record so try not to be creeped out. You will be happy to know that I deleted my first attempt at this entry because my cat was licking his butt in the background. You're welcome. He does make an appearance in this one, but just doing other normal cat things not involving any butts.

C Am
The rain, it talks to me
when no one else
can tolerate
Am G
my words that don't make sense
to anyone
except for me
and my old friend
the rain (Am, F, G)

C Am
And some days, it hurts so bad
when everything
is floating down
Am G
around me like some dream
and you are like
a paper cloud
that melts aaway
like rain

And when I'm lost
like keys in stones
I stand beneath an old tin roof
and listen to the sound
of the rain
It sounds like cracker jacks

Oh, how I love
the rain.

© 2018 serena matthews

A heartfelt hank you to @luzcypher, @pfunk and ALL the judges, love and cookies to all. ♥ Thank you for the sweet comments last week, I am still in the process of saying thank you.. it is coming if I haven't yet.

Many thanks: ♥@krystle @meno @verbal-d @passion-ground @soundlegion



those high notes :) so achingly sweet... I'll be lighting my candle again for you :) my sweet nightingale. Hmm you added the tabs... making the "harmonize a steemian" easier for me? hmmm ;-)
pd. an your cat! :) aw

Thank you, Priscilla! to be honest, I left the chords in because I just copied and pasted from my reverbnation page, and I apparently had copied and pasted from my notebook on my computer when I put the song there long ago! But the fact that it might put the thought in your head to harmonize with it makes my laziness about going through and deleted them all very much worth the non-effort! HA! ♥

Please keep the notes in the description even in future posts,
If you look at my blog you'll see why I like it that way... :D

ohh... brain stopped working for a minute.. ha

Wow! You have beautiful voice ;)

Thank you very much, @misiek19980809! ♥

I've got a rain song coming this week, too! Themed :). Thanks for sharing, friend. xx, Kay

Rain songs make me happy! I will hop over and listen! : )

My daughters were in the room with me when I was listening and they said “Who IS THAT? It’s so pretty!” 😊 Beautiful song and lyrics!

Awww, it amazes me when people say that kids like my songs.. to me they seem a little blue for young ears, but it does happen, thank you for sharing that with me, and for listening! ♥

That was beautiful as always. Its raining here in Montreal today and I can hear it through my open windows, so this song is perfect. Thanks for sharing. :)

It is raining here right now.. a gentle little mist, but rain nonetheless. We've actually had rain for days and days and the roads are flooded in places, impossible to pass at times. Thank you for taking time to comment! ♥

Beautiful song! I loved every song I’ve heard of yours so far.. 😊

Looking forward to hear more from u. (:

I could almost hear the gentle pitter patter of the rain falling and it made me happy.

awww... much love to you. ♥

strumming at the heart strings like always!

Meno, you know I appreciate that coming from you!! Thank you! ♥

I love your songs and your voice.


Thank you so much, @luzcypher. That means a lot to me that you would say that. Funny how reading one sentence in the morning can make someone feel so happy. ♥

Yes, the mind is a curious thing like that. We should all get in the habit of telling ourselves good things about ourselves more often. Listening to you perform makes me feel happy too.

Hurray for us all!

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