A Word About Steemit Open Mic Entries

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Steemit Open Mic is growing exponentially with an entry every few minutes from all around the world. This is amazing to watch and fun to be part of, but it also brings with it some problems.

Many people who are new to the contest and some who have been here a long time are getting impatient when they don't get upvoted as soon as they post. My chat box on Steemit chat and Discord is filled with direct messages from people asking me if I have seen their post yet and wondering why I have not upvoted it.


The answer is, no, I have not seen your post yet but will soon enough.

You don't need to keep messaging me and delaying me even further or make blog posts about your frustrations, or as my friend @mithrillweed says while he watches me do this every day, Steemit Open Mic People Need To Relax --- by @mithrilweed

Yesterday I spent 15 hours listening to Open Mic posts before I finally got through them all and today it took 8 hours to get caught up. I do not have the time to respond to your DM's.

Some have double posted their post fearing the delay meant I did not see it. When you double post it takes even longer because I have to send you a comment explaining not to double post. Double posting is not the answer, patience is.

To make it worse, the Steemit platform is doing some strange things lately. For example, when I go back a day or two in the OpenMic feed, many posts that were not there before suddenly are there, like 10-15 of them. Most of those delayed posts seem to be coming from South America, Africa, and India. Perhaps there are internet nodes there not working as fast as other parts of the world.

I don't know but it adds to the delay of me seeing your post.

In addition, the @openmic account has a bot connected to it to follow my upvotes and it was not working a couple days ago so I stopped voting until it worked again so I can give you the maximum reward. Once it was working I began again which is another delay but one that works in your favor.

I understand people do not realize how many people are entering Open Mic and how long it takes to go through them all so let me just reassure you.

If you followed all the rules and did not cheat, I will get to your post eventually. Please be patient.

We are doing everything we can to get to everyone's post as soon as possible but we are doing it manually, one by one. Just play us some music, follow the rules, post, and wait.

There are so many entries you guys that I will not be able to post them all in the See Who Played posts that I have been doing so I'm only going to post the very best ones. There just is not enough time in a day to post them all. It's kind of sad but it will make that post full of the best Open Mic has to offer so it's a double-edged sword.

The end result is it will be better for you and the judges to hear only the better entries.

Hope you understand.

Thank you.




Hmm... I only speak for myself here, but I will say that when I discovered #openmic, I never expected nor felt entitled to an upvote. To me it was, and still is, a community to share and interact with other musicians. You created a really good thing @luzcypher and I know I’m not alone when I say that we appreciate everything that you do for the music community on Steemit!

that is the best attitude to have melody... here, have an upvote on me..

I don’t chime in often, but I see all of the cool stuff that you contribute to #openmic and you, sir, are very appreciated too!

Totally agree but this is what is happening. To their credit though, the post that complained about it was deleted by the author and most of the people who double posted did the same.

There are still scammers double posting though, but there are also groups of musicians gathering in places like Africa, South America, India, and the Philippines, each starting their own Steemit account and playing music for each other while each person takes a turn singing a song and they are all awesome!

It's like a local musician meetup centered around Steemit and very good musicians. Some of them are earning better money than a gig would pay. Pretty cool.

It’s a very cool thing indeed. Keep on keepin’ on, #openmic peeps! :)

Yeah I am one of such persons, @yourmercury introduced me to it, he directed my video, and I In turn brought in @etemi.its awesome you know to carry people along.

Sounds like its becoming more than a full time job, I have time on my hands and I would say a very good ear for music if you would like a volunteer. Let me know and I will gladly send you my credentials for such a role. Yours truly. Will.

I appreciate that and love your music. I chatted with the judges about adding more judges and a few people have inquired. Most of the judges feel they got this under control for now and I respect that.

The judges for Open Mic are the best team I could hope for and communicate really well together. If they feel differently in the future I will keep you in mind.

Can't wait to hear your next entry.

Well so far I think the judges got this under control, yeah adding more judges to the panel will make it harder to pick winners, because the appreciation of music is subjective, and somewhat objective..... I have worked as a judge several times though so I have experience with what I am talking about.

my discord has blown up so much im afraid to even get on there. I just cant respond to people like when i first started on here, its insane. love to you luzcypher we are always talking about this end how you must be losing your mind from where your sitting. I dont know how your keeping up on this like you are. I am serious when I say i see 1000 comin our way by years end.

That's no joke, you were right. At this rate, we'll hit 1000/week soon. I am kinda losing my mind so bear with me you all while I get some local help here and put some coders to work to automate the post creation part.

Started a GitHub and going to start a bounty for some coding work soon. Will keep you posted. In the meantime, thanks for all you do for Open Mic and Steemit and thanks for the music everyone.

This community rocks and is getting better all the time.

I so love musical responses - this one is truly awesome - perfect!

I feel you Bonnie... I was telling Luz just yesterday I've been having 5 or so DM's per day from People from the countries he mentioned asking me for votes. Yes I'm part of the #openmic family but I suspect it's also random.. You might consider changing the settings to accept DM's only from friends, that way your Discord won't explode.

Please DM me on Discord how to do that. Thanks

done Senpai, check your discord

Patience is a virtue, its not everybody that has it

Many people who are new to the contest and some who have been here a long time are getting impatient when they don't get upvoted as soon as they post. My chat box on Steemit chat and Discord is filled with direct messages asking me if I have seen their post yet and wondering why I have not upvoted it.

That actually what happens when people are after upvotes not challenge but in all encouragement helps too

That actually what happens when people are after upvotes not challenge

Good point.

I think it's totally natural for a growing event to have to cut out some content. It's not a bad thing, it just means you're curating and screening content appropriately so we don't have to. Imagine them airing every American Idol audition every season? Just not going to happen. lol

And I mean, the community has to understand, and not take it personally. If you submit a track to a record label, you have maybe 5-10 seconds of their attention (if you contact them with a clean, brief presentation and catch their interest) before they have to move on. This isn't out of disrespect, elitism, laziness, or anything like that. It's because they're receiving hundreds (if not thousands) of submissions per day, and giving full human attention to every second of every tune would be literally impossible given the size of most of their scout teams. It sounds like you are getting to that point, submission-wise.

But that's great! It means that Open Mic is growing, and with its growth we get another strong source of curation other than whales and bots that is fun and full of talent and culture. I think that's something Steemit can always benefit from.

Damn!!! I can only imagine how stressful it is for you to not only feel like you are ALWAYS behind, but then having people griping at you for not recognizing them seconds after they post... That's not cool. And I'm with @melodyrussell on her comment... I didn't really do open mic just for the upvote or money. I did it to get my music out there and also to meet others who play so that I had musical friends on steemit... It sucks that there are people out there who only do things like this for the wrong reasons. Sorry dude... And thanks for everything you do! You have helped to revolutionize the music scene on Steemit! Rock on!

Awe, thanks for the kind words. I just want the music community on Steemit to thrive.

And you have helped do that in so many ways, and the hardworking people behind #openmic! So don't worry about the haters, dude! ;)

@luzcypher you guys are doing great! thanks for all the hard works

lo que dices de que muchos ganan por aquí mas de lo que ganan en un concierto es totalmente cierto @lucypher esa es la razón por lo que muchos participan por este medio soy venezolano y aquí no valoran al músico para nada. si uno vamos aquí a un evento a parte de que el pago es una miseria no te dan agua ni viáticos es un fraude realmente me duele ver como desprecian al músico en este país y como son mal pagados.
e tratado de subir una pista con mi voz pero veo que la pagina esta como muy satura esta full full full, por eso no lo e hecho.
destaco que soy fanático de la música de hecho un post mio habla de mi vida como músico.
y soy cantante venezolano por eso no salgo de tus publicaciones, en realidad te admiro y felicito @lucypher @carloshernandez

I would say that I am quite surprised when people complain about not receiving any upvotes as though you owe them something.
Take my case for instance, I am in a country where I have to use money to buy data which is quite expensive to upload these videos that aren't small to youtube.
Yet I feel that any exposure is good exposure.
You guys have given me a platform, big thanks to @luzcypher .
I actually wish I had started from the first contest, I would have had a lot of songs to my name by now.

my youtube channel has become active and lively, all thanks to openmic.

Thanks guys...

I'll leave you be for now... lol

Your work is amazing man...

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