Open Mic week #68: Canto Por La Paz (Original Song)

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

This is my entrance to this week 68 I am new, I hope you like my song for peace.


Autor Luis Rigual

Un vocero dijo a el alba
Pronto habrá revolución
Si no ves en ti la calma
Lucha por esa razón
Tantos niños que en mi tierra
Ambulan a diariamente
Y toda maldad se encierra
En sus mentes inocentes
Lucha lucha lucha hermano
Hoy para sobrevivir
La mejora de tu pueblo
Y el mañana sea paz
Bastan solo las palabras
Dinamismo y ser audaz
Pero vamos todos juntos
Por la lucha de la paz
Uniremos las naciones
Que no haya enemistad
Y derribar las barreras
Todos juntos por la paz
Que no hayan niños tristes
Vivamos en igualdad
Y que en todas las fronteras
Se oiga un canto por la paz.


Author Luis Rigual

A spokesman said at dawn
Soon there will be revolution
If you do not see calmness in you
Fight for that reason
So many children that in my land
ambulan daily
And all evil is enclosed
In their innocent minds
Fight fight fight brother
Today to survive
The improvement of your town
And tomorrow be peace
Only the words are enough
Dynamism and being bold
But let's go together
For the struggle of peace
We will unite the nations
Let there be no enmity
And break down the barriers
All together for peace
Let there be no sad children
Let's live in equality
And that in all borders
Hear a song for peace.


Dude, @elisonr13, to my "old" ears, your guitar sounds perfectly out of tune in exquisite sync with this elder gentleman's fine vocal performance! My blessings to you both for this entry! Much love... .x

PS... yeah, "elderly" - I know, I know, I know - after all, I'm probably older than he is! hehe... :-)

thanks passion-ground @elisonr13 is a great guitar artist greetings from venezuela.
it's good that you liked my interpretation

Greetings from the USA, my friend! Indeed he is - and yes, - I did indeed like your entry very much! Keep on rockin' the family and friends @elisonr13!

thanks again friend

Please get your entries in by the deadline of Friday 12 UTC time or they won't get included in the contest. I don't want to miss your posts but late posts won't get included anymore. We just have too many entries to do that now.

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