
Thank you! And am I safe to assume that you're not a rap fan because of the typical subject matter within the genre? And hoping the reasom you like this is because its different? Lol cuz if so then I'm doing exactly what I hope to do! Thanks for listening!

Well, on some level yes, Rap does tend to be very materialistic subjectively, but I have heard rap that was not and still sounded like a nursery rhyme for the brain damaged put to music. I lived in Atlanta for 10 years and still remember when Soldier Boy came out with that garbage, but with this particular one it was just an all around good acoustic song with a bit of tasteful rapping in it. Rap done well is good to me, but most of the time it just isn't done very well :/
So you did a great job of it :)

I agree 100%! Too many rappers write Dr Suess style rhymes all about the same subjects. Back in the early 2000's there must have been 10,000 or more songs referencing "spinner" rims 😂

I don't think this would actually be catagorized as rap, per se, it's too melodic to be rap.

Thank upu for that! I hate labeling myself as a rapper because it automatically brings negative thoughts to mind before anyone even hears the music. I guess I am a musician who writes songs in yhe style of rap lol.

I personally wouldn't categorize it that way either.

Not necessarily so much im this example but very much in mh other songs.

Yeah, something that sells to simpletons doesn't make it art. Spinner rims are pretty much the height of materialistic nonsense.

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