Open Mic Week " 9 " Another Psychedelic Jam from GomeraVibZ)

in #openmic8 years ago (edited)

Well done everybody for the great "rap " week 8 entries ) So here is my shot at week 9 ! Still tripping here in Norway on my guitar and putting out the sounds of Psychedelic Gomera to the trees outside my window ! Peace to All )

Your votes and comments on this original piece of music are much appreciated thanks )

The Force be with You !


Don't forget to add the link from this post to the comments of the Open Mic contest post

ok @luzycypher was actually just rerecording my entry again as i found the sound was too harsh, this is a bit cooler to listen to now ) so thanks for stopping by and letting me know though, I appreciate your attention )

@gomeravibs you do electric guitar?
anything guns and roses like? :D
good luck!

Oh i wish I could play that level guitarthey are awesome, of course the great Slash ) No I am sorry , its just my own stuff really,

But love Gun,s N ,Roses ) Happy to see you hear on my music posts and I am glad you like it @englishchrivy ) and thanks for wishing me Luck, Nice of you ) Steem On !

@gomeravibz at least you could play
I can't hahaha - steem on indeed!

yeah its like anything i guess, you really need to want it bad before there is the click and it begins to work. I have been at this now for about two years only !! i am getting there, its such a great feeling of reward , I cant tell you ) So if you want it like me , then buy a guitar and get practicing @englishchrivy !!

Really psychedelic indeed. And what a beautifully conceptual world to get lost in. I feel like your genre of music can definitely be used in some very mind-triggering films that bring out some very deep thoughts and complex feelings. You have your own unique talent that can move crowds into a realm of realization and contemplation. Keep improving and I look forward to your entry next week! Upvoted

Well that must be without a shadow of a doubt the nicest comment I have ever been left on a post since i have been here on Steemit ! Thank you really so much for that, means so much to me MrD )

Twas' a great honor, no problem. I do enjoy your jam sessions indeed. Take your time, let it flow and experiment with different rhythms. It's wonderful to watch and witness the progress through the process

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