
OMG! Thank you so much! I truly appreciate it!
It’s funny you know? Because i usually find it extremely hard to write something out of the blue if i don’t have an emotional reason to do so.
But this time around i didn’t struggle. I don’t know how it will go for the other themes they choose.. this writing thing for me is very unpredictable... let’s see if i will make it lol

Yeah, same here! But you make your song sound very personal, it will be interesting to see how we all go during the 8 weeks.

yeah.. i have to dig deep inside of me.. i have to be able to relate, you know? that's the only way i can do i. But yeah, like you said.. let's see how it goes for the rest of the contest. This is very good for us i guess.. in order to grow as writers... and to get to know ourselves and what we can do.

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