Steemit Openmic Week 93 - Original Cover "El Saltarin" @esteliopadilla - Sponsored by @luzcypher and @pfunk

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

Hello to all the Steemit people

It is a pleasure for me to present myself once again in this field OpenMic 93. This time I do it by playing the melodic line of an instrumental merengue composed by maestro Luís Laguna who was born on May 1, 1926 and died on the 1st of August 1984. This merengue was specially composed for his group Venezuela 4. The merengue was recorded in the 70's of the last century.

In simple words, the audition allows us to determine that this merengue has a very interesting musical structure due to the constant elaboration of arpeggios that define, at the same time, the harmonic structure. The merengue is composed in the key of C minor and consists of 2 well differentiated parts. A First Part A that is structured in the following way: a part (a) or first track of 4 measures in key of C minor that is repeated exactly the same immediately, then a part (b) or second track of 4 is presented bars in F minor that is repeated with a slight resolutive variation to the dominant Sun Major. A Second Part B formed by a part (a) of 4 measures that develops towards the Major Tonic (C Major), then it is homologated (a') with a thematic development towards the Major Third (E flat major), immediately occurs a part (b) of 10 measures with an open resolution towards the dominant and with a pause to maintain a certain tension. The same scheme of the Second Part B is repeated with closed resolution to the Tonic this 2nd time. Then a small bridge of 4 measures takes place as a very short interlude to repeat the whole scheme and finish with a Codeta of 4 measures as a conclusion.

This simple formal analysis can be summarized in this way:
El Saltarín: Venezuelan Merengue Author: Luis Laguna Tonality: C minor A (a a') B (a a'b) small bridge to repeat A (a a') B (a a'b) Final Code

In general lines, the merengue has an unequaled melodic-harmonic beauty with an ascending movement that gives us that sensation and state of tension that can only be achieved with the resolutions relaxation-opportune adjustments to which Master Luis Laguna has accustomed us and which they show in the final sequence in a masterful way.
Now you will have the opportunity to listen to an approach, made by me and, based on the original - melodic - version of Master Laguna's original.

Thanking all those who make this interesting and very special contest possible to those who give all the support to our Venezuelan music.
Hoping it will please you all.

Estelio Padilla


Definitivamente @esteliopadilla la mandolina en tus manos se deja acariciar sin temor alguno por ti, eres el encantador de mandolinas, es un verdadero y gratificante placer poder disfrutar de tu trabajo en esta comunidad tan importante, tu aporte musical hace que despierte en nosotros esa inquietud de seguir esperando más y más tus publicaciones, te envío muchas bendiciones.

Muchas gracias alexmarcanop por esas palabras. Definitivamente, la mandolina es un bello instrumento...Y, claro, el propósito es compartir en esta interesante Plataforma Social Steemit en la oportunidad de socializar el trabajo de cada uno de nosotros y nada mejor que hacerlo a través de la música. Bendiciones a ti también.

Awesome man :))

I'm really grateful for those words

To enter Open Mic please follow the rules.

  • You can use DTube but include an embedded YouTube or Vimeo video too.

Why Do I Have To Add A Youtube Video To My Open Mic Entry --- by @luzcypher

You don't need to make a new post, just add a YouTube video to this post, please. Thank you.

It's probably too late to do so this week as the cutoff time has passed already, but next week starts again on Sunday.

I already added the YouTube video to be able to enter this week, sorry for the inconvenience.

The cutoff date to enter week 93 was 12.00 PM UTC Time (Friday, 13th July 2018). Find your UTC time here. Entries posted late will not be upvoted. Please read the post and get your entries in on time. Week 94 begins July 15th and ends the July 20th 12PM UTC Time.

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