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RE: Open Mic Week 59 - Cover of Tiamat's "The Return Of The Son Of Nothing"

in #openmic7 years ago (edited)

great job brother!!! \m/ it was a great metal song :)

after singing a song like this, I think that believers will attack you, or maybe there are not much in here.

I know that you are not in any religion, because satanic people also are like religion people, no different.
I know that you are free from anything ...

I started to stop talking about religion and other stuffs, because they never like to search and read and learn, they just like to read a book which called book of God, and if you tell them they all say, no I am not like those stupid ones, I am a different believer!!

anyway, I just want to be friend with all the people, while they have their only book in their hands, I will keep be friend with them, but I never ever can get back to cave!!

if there was a god then there was equality, not fights and wars between Abrahamic religions, which all came from one and they still think each one is better than another one , and they may say this in their brain : fuck your prophet my prophet is more prophet than your prophet, my prophet was beautiful!!( this was a joke to those who love a prophet because of seeing him in paintings or sketches)

and I talked with many religion people, some of them saying things which explode your mind!!
one told me that one of the great religious men has a army of Jinns( Elves)

after having a long conversation with a Christian who didn't believe in anything but just Jesus and God, I went back to my dad and I said : Dad you are no different from that Christian who talk the same thing like you and he say : Only Jesus and you say Only Mohammad and Ali, he say Only God, You say Only God is Allah, He loved to go to heaven, You love to go to heaven, but if you or he born in another place on earth, then both of you had different ideas and believes, well then my dad stopped me and said you say bullshit, and well then I stopped and didn't continue because Believers never accept the truth!!!

I just give up, it's like hitting your fist to a hard wall and that wall never break down, the bad part is that that wall closing the brain of humans!!

I just wanna let them go heaven and live that everyday is exactly the same life and enjoy, cause I never want to live in such a place called Heaven, Earth has more changes than Heaven, so Earth and this whole universe is more unique than Heaven ...

if instead of scientists we still had religious men, then we had no computer and internet, because religion people don't need to do anything, they only have to do rules of god and prophets. and we were not here typing these words, because there was no researcher, no scientist, no unbeliever who love to look beyond our small earth!!! then there was nobody to tell us that the earth didn't created in 3 days!! and stars in one day!!!


Thanks you very much!

I understand all of that. I personally choose to respect everyone's choices in belief and that they respect mine as well and perhaps know how to take a joke and respect even insulting art or other expression. I myself have what some may consider pretty out there beliefs. It's all too absurd to argue about to me.

I would like to share with you two songs you could possibly appreciate that I posted a while back last year
One was one of my first Open Mic Entries
Which is about the Grim Reaper

And the other is me composing dark ominous music for a horror film which I would suggest using quality speakers or headphones for the full experience

Please let me know what you think

Thanks in advance

Awesome man. I'm traveling but just got in my room and will crack open the laptop to listen.

Sorry I didn't see this message until now.

Really did dig the tunes. The first one about death, a struggle we all seek to come to grips with and the last line in the song really sums it all up. Death is final and it doesn't listen or care LOL. The second track of music is pretty cool and would fit in perfectly to a horror or suspense movie soundtrack.

Really glad you liked the tunes. Thanks for taking time out to listen to them. Yeah Death takes no flack from anyone, and we all have an appointment in his office/dungeon one day. Appreciate your feedback, they were indeed fun to make and share

This song was indeed gloomy, doomy, and dark
And every line, fictional factual or surreal
Painted such provocative, edgy and rhetorical imagery
I can completely see how entertaining and enticing this song can be
And you played and presented it well

Being a horror film connoisseur, bwahahaha, I'm used to a lot of depressing or morbidly suspenseful music, so I receive your entries just fine.

I agree with your response to @davidfar completely, I too, have some pretty out there beliefs as well.
I don't expect anyone to argue about it with me lol but I, like a cornerstone, am set in my ways
I don't mind the world believing me to be crazy, let it be, and let us sing and play

yes brother, you are right

Everyone has their own idea of what truth is brother. That is the beautiful thing about free will and free thought :)
You have found your truth just like we all have. It is a beautiful thing to respect one another and I love this about the Steemit Community.

That was worth a serious vote!

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